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Cry of Fear Walkthrough


Cry of Fear Walkthrough

We bring to your attention a detailed guide to the passage of the shooter Cry of Fear. We will also talk about possible endings.

Chapter 1. Lost in a city

Move along the alley, go into the tunnel and run after the mysterious silhouette while holding Shift. Examine the door on the right (come close and press the E key) - you need a code. Go to the end of the tunnel and go through the door by pressing E. Go forward, go down the stairs and go through the door in the dark. You can use your mobile phone as a flashlight. Go to inventory (Tab), click on the Equipe command and select the phone. Click on LMB when the phone is in your right hand - there is light! Run forward along the alley, do not turn anywhere. Turn left when there is a dead end in front of you. Here, go up the stepped stairs, move between the houses until you find yourself in the square with the obelisk. In the far left corner, there are steps next to a building with a fence. Go there and pick up a piece of paper from the ground. It has a username written on it (it is randomly generated for each playthrough), remember it. Go down the stairs and turn right. Approach the white van and look into the alley on the left side, there is another piece of paper here. Examine it and remember the password (it is also randomly generated). Return to the square, go to the house on the opposite side, where the pumpkin lies. Find a computer in the back room, sit at it by pressing E, and enter your username and password. Click on the Ok button and remember the door code, again, randomly generated. Return to the door and enter this code using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. The lock is open - go through the door. Approach the white van and look into the alley on the left side, there is another piece of paper here. Examine it and remember the password (it is also randomly generated). Return to the square, go to the house on the opposite side, where the pumpkin lies. Find a computer in the back room, sit at it by pressing E, and enter your username and password. Click on the Ok button and remember the door code, again, randomly generated. Return to the door and enter this code using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. The lock is open - go through the door. Approach the white van and look into the alley on the left side, there is another piece of paper here. Examine it and remember the password (it is also randomly generated). Return to the square, go to the house on the opposite side, where the pumpkin lies. Find a computer in the back room, sit at it by pressing E, and enter your username and password. Click on the Ok button and remember the door code, again, randomly generated. Return to the door and enter this code using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. The lock is open - go through the door. and enter your username and password. Click on the Ok button and remember the door code, again, randomly generated. Return to the door and enter this code using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. The lock is open - go through the door. and enter your username and password. Click on the Ok button and remember the door code, again, randomly generated. Return to the door and enter this code using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. The lock is open - go through the door.

Go through the basement, go outside and go through the door on the right, which was slammed by a mysterious stranger. Watch the video. Hmm, someone sent an SMS with the text “Look to the right”. Open the door in front of you, since the character has already managed to independently turn 90 degrees to the right side. A dictaphone is lying on the floor in front - with the help of such dictaphone you can save progress in the game. Approach it, sit down and press the E key. Double click on any black slot. Move further along the corridor, watch the video. Kill an enemy with a knife. Go forward, pick up a syringe with morphine from the ground, which can restore health. Go down through the hatch in front, go along the sewers, killing enemies, go up the other stairs by pressing the E key. Save the game using the recorder.

Kill the enemy who ran out from the left wing, in the same place you can find a syringe with morphine. Go right and kill another zombie. Let's call them that. Now you have a choice - to follow the left path, or - along the right path. First go along the right path that leads to the water, kill the enemy and lower the lever on the panel on the right. Go back and move along the left corridor, at the end of which go through the opened door (you pulled the lever and it opened).

Someone again sent SMS asking for help. Move along the alley on the right, jump onto the scaffolding near the wall on the right, run to their end, jump onto the board, and then climb onto the balcony. From the balcony, climb onto another board and follow it upstairs, straight to the fire escape. Climb up the stairs, walk along the boards to the balcony and jump onto it. Open the balcony door and go inside the building.

The unknown person sent SMS again - asks to appear on the fourth floor.

Go to the room to the left of the note (the door is closed), pick up the syringe with morphine. Moments later, the lights in the room will go out, someone will break the window. Pick up the key that appears on the floor, go back and kill the enemy. Exit into the corridor, a hint appears at the top of the screen on how to use the key. So, open the inventory (Tab), being opposite the door to another room, opposite the one where we were now. Click on the Use command, then click on the key in the Bag. Voila! The door is unlocked, go to the room opposite.

Kill the child in the bathroom on the right side, climb through the hole in the wall and kill the other enemy. Follow to the kitchen, through the open doorways, kill the child and take the syringe with morphine from the table. Hear the crash? A hole in the wall appeared in the hall. Approach the breach, bend down, holding CTRL, and crawl into the next apartment. Approach the wall in front and pick up the clip from the ground. Open the door, next to the gap - an inscription will appear stating that you have unlocked the door. Apparently, it was locked on this side and it would not work to open it on the other side. Do not rush to leave, we found the clip, but where is the pistol? And look at the ceiling - see the dangling hand holding the pistol? Take the gun and automatically get the key to the door at the end of the second floor corridor. Leave the room through the open door, go forward and to the left. The door you need is ahead! Come close to her, open your inventory, select the Use command and click on the key in the bag.

Go through the door and shoot two monsters. Climb to the third floor, unlock the door with the green sign and go up to the fourth floor. It's a bit dark here, but don't rush to pick up the phone - you need to kill the child. Pick up the clip from the floor, then examine the panel to the left of the elevator. So, we need some code.

Go down to the very bottom, pick up the clip from the floor and go back to the first floor. A baby should appear - finish him off. Go through the door with a sign, enter the nearest room on the right side (go through the locked door). An enemy is waiting for you in the room on the left - kill him and pick up the clip. After the murder, the tape recorder will start working. In another part of the room there are clothes - lift them up - this is a secret suit (HLC hoodie). Go to the kitchen and save the game. Also take from the kitchen table, to the right of the stove, a syringe with morphine. There is nothing more to do here - return to the corridor. Immediately shoot the child on the right, move to the end of the corridor and enter the elevator. You will find yourself on the fourth floor!

Take a few steps forward, receive a new SMS confirming that you are there. Go through the door with blood on the floor, take a couple of steps and watch the video. You will find the key in the bathroom with a corpse. Go to the balcony, watch the cut-scene and kill the girl in the room. Save the game, the recorder is in the same room. In the room to the left, from where the girl originally ran out, there are clips and a rope on the floor. Collect the clips, pick up the rope and return to the balcony. Standing close to the balcony fence, open your inventory, select the Use command and click on the rope. Now the rope is tied to the balcony, and you can go down. Press the E key once.

Once at the bottom, pick up the clip, in the kitchen on the left side, kill the monster and take another clip. Go out into the corridor, kill the girl on the right (it is better to use a pistol against them). Please note that now the entrance is blocked by an iron grating, which was not there before. Run forward, on the floor is the same first note with a secret message. Go through the door on the left, to the note, you can save the game in the kitchen. A girl will break out of the room on the left, another is waiting on the balcony - kill both. Climb over the board to the adjacent balcony, go down one flight and go through the second floor door. Kill the girl at once, shoot another around the corner. Go through the door with blood stains, without fear of anything, move through the gaps in the wall to the last room. Go to the front door of the apartment, a girl will burst in - kill her. Go through the bloody door opposite, Kill the girl who appears from the room on the left. Return to the corridor, exit to the landing through the door on the right side. Go down to the very bottom, kill the enemy - the lower tier is flooded with water. Go through the door with a sign to the right of it (a man on a green background), this is a basement. Go forward, on the right side the door should break and the girl run out. For some reason she appeared behind me. Kill the monster, go forward to the end of the corridor and use the door to the right of the elevator. Go forward, on the right side the door should break and the girl run out. For some reason she appeared behind me. Kill the monster, go forward to the end of the corridor and use the door to the right of the elevator. Go forward, on the right side the door should break and the girl run out. For some reason she appeared behind me. Kill the monster, go forward to the end of the corridor and use the door to the right of the elevator.

Go downstairs, save, use the key to open the right door (you already know how exactly this is done). Go to the basement, pick up the clip and move forward. Go through another door, run further and a monster will appear. He will drive you crazy, so click LMB as often as possible in order to still pick up a pistol and finish off the vile creature. Move on through the passage with the signboard. In the room with containers, first approach the wall opposite and look to the left. In the distance, there is the same ghost - finish it off with a pistol. There is another one between the two containers - kill. In the far corner, to the right of the wall with a stain of blood, there is a door - go through it. Cross the corridor and go through another door at the very end. You will find yourself in a room with a gallows. Approach the gallows and take a syringe with morphine and a video tape from the table. Now you need to find a video player. Go through the other door, kill the enemy who will come running to the left. Move to the door in front and pick up the clip. Go back to the opposite side, turn left and go through the door. You will unlock the adjacent door for the one through which you entered the basement.

So, go upstairs, go to the first floor corridor. Run forward and leave the first floor. Go upstairs to the second floor, go to the second floor corridor and enter the apartment on the left. If you remember, I wrote to you to go here and kill the girl who will break out of the room on the left, a little further than the kitchen. Also in that room you found the very first key. This apartment has a TV, under which is a VCR. Come close to the TV, place the video cassette from the inventory in the video player (just as you opened the door with the key), then turn on the TV. Watch the creepy video, pay attention to the sequence of numbers on the victim's body (the code is generated randomly on each playthrough). Exit into the corridor, go to the landing through the door on the right. Climb to the very top look again at the panel (key E), to the left of the elevator, and enter the code. Click on the red cross, go to the elevator.

Once at the bottom, pick up the clip on the right, run to the very bottom, collecting clips along the way. Run down the corridor, save and go through the door ahead.

Here you will find a battle with the first boss of the game named Sawer. It's a chainsaw monster. Well, dodge his attacks, shoot him until he drops to his knees. Walk around him and shoot him in the eye on his back! Repeat the procedure until you have killed the villain. It will be economical to do it differently: shoot with a pistol so that he falls to his knees, then cut his eye on his back with a knife. Watch the video.

Chapter 2. Who is that Doctor?

Save the game with the voice recorder, go through the door nearby. Kill the enemy, go through the door on the right and kill the second enemy. Pick up the syringe with morphine, return to the corridor and move to the right. Go to the room on the left and take the clip that is lying on the floor. Return to the corridor and continue to follow inland, kill the enemy, go through the door in front, as the door on the right leads to a storage room that nobody needs. In the next room, go through the door to the left, climb the stairs up, kill three enemies and move forward. On the right there will be a descent to the basement, and on the left - the alley where the newspaper is lying. Check out this newspaper, it talks about the modern man, it also offers help in the fight against depression. Pay attention to the bottom line - there is a phone number. Get out of the close pick up the phone and press the Z key to start dialing the phone number. Dial 543-214 and click on the Ok button. Remember the sequence of numbers - 5247. Go down to the door to the basement, enter the code 5247 on the panel on the right. Exit the approach and go through the unlocked door.

Go forward to other rooms, don't go up the stairs to the right - there is nothing to do there. Go down the stairs, do not be alarmed by the sound of the chainsaw, there will be no such monster. Turn right, turn left into the second opening and move forward. Descent down to the right - go down. There is a hatch here - go down even lower through it and go through the door.

Save yourself - the voice recorder is on the floor in front, go to the right and kill the monsters emerging from the water. Move forward, bend down to crawl under the pipe. Jump down, kill two monsters and move on. Kill another enemy to climb the ledge, duck, and then jump. Approach the opening in the wall, sit down and jump into it. Knock out the boards with the usual blows of the knife and jump down. To move forward and jump down, click on the space bar - it doesn't work in another way. Run forward, turn right, at the fork in the same way, take the path to the right. Kill the enemy, run forward and kill the other enemy that appeared on the right. At this fork, move in any direction, all the same, one enemy and the same door are waiting for you - go through it. Go through the door opposite.

Use the stairs to get up, in the far right corner of the construction site, find the same hatch and go down. Go ahead and save, because the recorder lies next to the yellow post, to which the flashlight is attached. Move through the passage, kill one enemy who attacked upon your arrival in the room, go to the left side and kill another enemy who jumped out of the corridor on the right hand. Opposite this corridor there is a door, to the left of the door - a panel with buttons. Thus, one more code needs to be found to move forward. Go into the corridor where the second enemy ran out, go through the door on the left and pick up the clip. Return to the corridor and follow to the left, where you go through another door. Take the syringe from the table, read the staff note:

“Jeff, welcome to the team! I'm sure your boss has already got you up to speed, but here are some things you should know: 1) this cave is wet, cold and filled with puddles, so watch where you step; 2) smoke breaks every two hours (most important!); 3) Dick is the leader; 4) remember the code from Sector D. You will be going back and forth throughout the day, so you must remember the code. Code - 279 (the last digit is erased) ".

Look through the glass into the adjacent room; there is a key on the table. A rope is tied to the door handle, and a puddle of machine oil stretches from the end of the rope along the ground. Perhaps if you set it on fire, you can unlock the door? Unfortunately, a pistol shot won't help here. We will not strongly reproach the developers for this, I think they thought the same about this issue, but did not come to anything else. Go back to the door with the combination lock, enter the code, picking up the last digit. And the code goes like this - 2797. Go through the door, kill the enemy, duck and crawl through the cave. Kill the enemy in front, turn right and kill the other enemy. Once inside, kill two enemies and take the lighter from the table. Also take away the shotgun that the decapitated man is holding on the chair. It looks like this is the same Jeff. Crawl back, but there, where you need to turn left, turn right. In a back street you will find a box of rifle cartridges. Take it and move back to the room where the staff note is. Shoot four monsters from the gun along the way. Go to the puddle of oil, you don't have to squat, select the Use command in your inventory and click on the lighter. The rope burns out. Return to the corridor and go through the adjacent door. Take the drain pipe key from the table, leave the room and turn left. There is another locked door in the back of the room. Open it with the key from your inventory, then go through two doors. squatting is not necessary, in the inventory, select the Use command and click on the lighter. The rope burns out. Return to the corridor and go through the adjacent door. Take the drain pipe key from the table, leave the room and turn left. There is another locked door in the back of the room. Open it with the key from your inventory, then go through two doors. squatting is not necessary, in the inventory, select the Use command and click on the lighter. The rope burns out. Return to the corridor and go through the adjacent door. Take the drain pipe key from the table, leave the room and turn left. There is another locked door in the back of the room. Open it with the key from your inventory, then go through two doors.

Save the game - the voice recorder is in front, go through the door at the end of the corridor. Watch the video, after which the battle will begin with a new monster - Mace, holding a mace in his hands. So here's what to do here. There are four booths with valves along the perimeter of the room. By turning the valve, you start the electricity generator. When the electricity generator is fully started, you will hear a characteristic sound. Immediately stand on the stone ledge where the crucified person is. The monster will shock through the water, and you will remain alive. Repeat the procedure with other generators until you destroy the monster. Yes, I completely forgot, it's better not to approach the monster. After killing the monster, you will have a new task - to find something to open the monster and take the key. Go through the door located in the far left corner relative to the crucified person. Find a syringe with morphine among the lockers, go through the doorway and move along the corridor to the door. Pick up a saw and a syringe with morphine from the floor, go back along the way, in the locker room, having dealt with two girls. Use the saw on the killed monster and get the key. This key, unfortunately, does not open the door through which the doctor disappeared. Go through the door to the left of the crucified man, go forward and there will be another door to the left. Here, unlock it with the key you received. Go through the door and save, the recorder is on the floor. through which the doctor disappeared. Go through the door to the left of the crucified man, go forward and there will be another door to the left. Here, unlock it with the key you received. Go through the door and save, the recorder is on the floor. through which the doctor disappeared. Go through the door to the left of the crucified man, go forward and there will be another door to the left. Here, unlock it with the key you received. Go through the door and save, the recorder is on the floor.

Run forward to the end of the corridor, which will then get covered in blood. Return to the other end of the corridor and go through the gap in the wall on the left. Run forward, where necessary, bend down, go through the door. Follow the corridor until your hands appear from under the floor. Use a morphine syringe on yourself in time. The path is as follows - run forward, turn right at the fork, and left at the next fork. Move to the door and try to walk through it. Watch the video.

Chapter 3. The city is not safe

Go forward, go through the door, go up the stairs, go through the two doors in front and, once on the street, save. Move along the lanes, read the SMS, which tells you that it is better to return home. Kill the enemy while at the bus stop, watch the video. We need to get to Sixth Avenue. Run into the alley opposite the stop, a strange creature will appear from under the ground. Don't go near him! Find a hole on the left side, bend over and crawl through it. Go down, kill the enemy that appears and crawl further. On the left there will be a box with cartridges, and so you need to turn right into the second passage. When you get into the room, kill the moving enemy, then finish off the enemy who is being held by that very terrible creature against the wall. Pick up a clip with cartridges from the ground, jump into another passage, crouching down and pressing Space. Break the boards, get out into the street. Go right and kill three opponents, move forward and climb the stairs to the right. Kill the enemy, move on and kill the second enemy. Go through the door behind him.

Go forward, kill the monster in front and in the passage to the right. Go through the door at the end of the corridor, save. Go ahead and watch the video. After the appearance of a monster with a chainsaw, run forward at breakneck speed. Turn left at the fork. Do not try to open the doors - you need to get to the iron fence, and the character himself will jump over it. Go to the right side, into the alley, where there are two trees in the center. You need to the left, where two enemies are chained to the wall. However, go to the right side and pick up the clip. Go back and go into that very passage, killing enemies. It is enough to make one accurate headshot. Then move to the basement and go through the door.

Kill two enemies in the apartment on the right, pick up the clip and go deep into the corridor. At the end of the corridor two doors are waiting for you. Go through the right door, go to the end of the corridor and pick up the clip. Go back a little and kill the girl. Hurry to the previous corridor, as both doors are locked here. Go through the second door, head down the hallway and enter the first apartment on the right side. Follow the hall, to the left of the balcony door on the floor, pick up a police baton and a clip. You can throw the knife away, as your inventory is limited. In general, it's your business. Return to the corridor, turn left and go through the door. Go down the stairs, go through the door and kill the enemy on the right. Carefully move on, there will be another enemy on the left, a third down the corridor on the right, but this is exactly where you need it. Go through the door, go up the stairs - it is destroyed. Sit down and jump onto the ledge on the right. Move along the wall along the ledge, jump over the gap and go to the next door.

Go forward, turn right and run further. At the red car, turn left and go down into the park. Move to the right side and again rise to the ledge on the right, finding yourself on the other side of the car, blocking the path. Approach the car, go up the stairs and examine the remote control on the fence on the left. Arrows and a lion are visible on the remote control. You don't know what to do here yet. Go downstairs, pay attention to the map of the park, which looks the same as the map of the city that you examined at the stop. There is a voice recorder on the ground under the map - save the game. Go down to the very bottom, on the right there is a statue of a horse and a statue of a lion. Go behind the statue of a horse, further down the stairs to the right, and look to the right - there is a console with a picture of a horse. In the center of the park there is a bird statue - next to it and the corresponding remote control. A bit further, it turns out in the left side of the park, there is a statue of an eagle. The remote for this statue is on the other side of the pond. I will try to explain - go to the bird statue in the center of the park, stand facing the console near this statue, then look to the right. There you can see the remote control of the eagle in the distance So, each console has arrows, and under each statue there are some kind of crosses - the statue can take either a central position or stand on one of the sticks of the cross. In order to move the statues, you just need to click on the arrows of the corresponding remotes. Go back to the park map and read the inscriptions on it. There you can see the remote control of the eagle in the distance So, each console has arrows, and under each statue there are some kind of crosses - the statue can take either a central position or stand on one of the sticks of the cross. In order to move the statues, you just need to click on the arrows of the corresponding remotes. Go back to the park map and read the inscriptions on it. There you can see the remote control of the eagle in the distance. So, each console has arrows, and under each statue there are some kind of crosses - the statue can take either a central position or stand on one of the sticks of the cross. In order to move the statues, you just need to click on the arrows of the corresponding remotes. Go back to the park map and read the inscriptions on it.

  • The king of all birds flew higher than the Owl.
  • The horse did not want to sleep, so he fled from the darkness to the West.
  • She flew quietly, like a whisper in the dark. She bumped into a river and went south.
  • The four-legged predator sneaked towards its prey. They were to attack at any moment.

So, "the king of all birds" is an eagle. If the Owl flew South, then the Eagle flew North, since the line says "above the Owl." North is opposite to South. So everything is clear with the horse - the West, i.e. left position. Owl - South (bottom position). The lion, like the horse that was its prey, moved to the West. Go down the stairs, where the map is located, and under the lantern, examine the stone stand with signs of the cardinal points. Go to the control panel of the horse statue and, if you have a horse in the center, click once on the left arrow. Otherwise, if, for example, it is in the North position, click once on the down arrow to return it to the center, and only then on the left arrow. In any case, the horse must be moved towards its left side. Approach the owl statue and click on the down arrow (the owl must be moved towards its tail). Go to the console opposite the Eagle statue and click on the up arrow. Go to the remote on the top and move the lion to the left. If everything is done correctly, the cut-scene will start, and you will be shown a door located on the steps higher than the console of the lion statue. Go up there and go through the door. Take the key from the table, pick up the sniper rifle from the floor. Leave the building and head downstairs. Walk past the map, move on without going down to the very bottom. Use the key to unlock the lattice door and enter it. located on the steps higher than the console of the lion statue. Go up there and go through the door. Take the key from the table, pick up the sniper rifle from the floor. Leave the building and head downstairs. Walk past the map, move on without going down to the very bottom. Use the key to unlock the lattice door and enter it. located on the steps higher than the console of the lion statue. Go up there and go through the door. Take the key from the table, pick up the sniper rifle from the floor. Leave the building and head downstairs. Walk past the map, move on without going down to the very bottom. Use the key to unlock the lattice door and enter it.

Kill an enemy on a bed floating in the air. If you want to aim with a rifle, then click on the mouse wheel. Follow forward, there will be steps on the right side, and a little further - an iron grate. Go through the iron grate, go to the door in front and try to open it - you need an access card. Pick up the cartridges from the ground and go back to the fork. Climb the steps on the right, move forward, kill enemies, and go through the door in the building on the right. The grate is closed.

Go forward, save, go through the door. Kill the enemy, go to the door in front, pick up the phone - the bell will ring, talk to a stranger, then go through the gate into the park. Kill all the monsters, go to the statue in the center and pick up the shovel. Go back outside the park through the same passage. Follow to the left, go past the stop, behind the stone fence. Find a place that looks like loosened earth (right behind the stop), open your inventory, select the Use command and click on the shovel. Pick up the key from the pit, return to the park and go to the right side. Exit the park through the passage on the right, use the key on the door in front, above which there is a sign with the number 25. Go through the door.

Go up to the third floor, it is lit, and go to the first apartment on the left. Take the ModDB hoodie from the gas stove on the left. Pick up cartridges for the rifle at the window, save yourself - the recorder on the bed. Jump in, then duck down instantly to crawl through the left window, which is broken. Move along the visor, with a running jump to the neighboring building and climb the stairs to the roof. Jump down to the roof adjacent to the right side, kill two enemies, run to the right edge and shoot the monster on the flying bed. Jump over the roof and pick up cartridges for the gun and pistol. Carefully follow the visor on the left side of the building, jump over the gap and go up the stairs. Head towards another ladder, go up even higher. Watch the video.

The fight begins with the third boss named Carcass. All you need to do is shoot him. Attention! Here you can complete the game with one of the possible endings, for this read the text at the end of the passage! If you kill the boss, the game will continue! When he will attack you with flying faces - run back and crouch behind cover. As soon as you kill the boss, go to the edge of the roof and jump down to the cornice. Climb through the same window into the house and save. Go downstairs, go through the park and exit to the avenue through another passage. Go to the left side, to the corpse of Sophie and pick up the card. Watch the video.

Chapter 4. Drowned in sorrow

Pick up the access card from the ground, run to the same locked door to which the card was required. Open it using the card like a regular key, then go inside the building. Go downstairs, taking the clip along the way, go through the door on the right. Go forward, turn right at the fork and go through the door at the end of the corridor. Go through another door at the end of another corridor and find yourself on the street.

Save the recorder on the right. There is a syringe with morphine next to the recorder - pick it up. Go through the tunnel to the right, now the monsters have learned to shoot. Kill the monster, pick up his pistol - cartridges. You're better off! Kill one more monster with a pistol on the right, but go left yourself, into the alley on the other side. Kill the monster with the pistol, move deeper into the alley and kill another monster. Go through the door.

Save inside the building, go through another door and with all your might, without hesitation, run forward, left, right - into the door. Then continue to run forward until you find yourself in the yard with a car. Move on, into the alley in front, turn right and lower the lever on the left wall - now the monster will definitely not get to you, because behind the grate! Break the boards on the door in front, move forward along the corridor, there will be a monster in one of the nooks on the left. At the end of the alley, go inside the building by opening the door.

Follow the embankment, go past the car and turn left. Run forward to the fork. Follow the tunnel, at the end of which you will find an automatic pistol. Go back, killing monsters along the way, turn right and go upstairs along the scaffolding: jump onto the lower board, bend down, make your way to the next one. Stand on your feet, turn back and come close to the board a little higher. When you hit the board, jump up and sit down in flight. You should be on the board higher. Move to the next board and make your way into the house through the window, again crouching down. Pick up a clip for an automatic pistol at the door in the next room, leave the apartment through another broken window in the same next room (duck and jump). Take a running jump to another board on the right, pick up cartridges for the shotgun. Now, looking at the wall, turn right and move to the end of the board. Jump over diagonally to the board near another building, walk along the boards along this building and jump over again to the boards of another building, but a little higher. See the gap between the boards? You won't be able to jump over, but you will be able to run. Hold Shift and boldly run to the end of the boards. Now jump diagonally, onto the boards near another building, and climb inside through the broken window. Kill the monster with the pistol, take the clip and jump out of the building through another window. Move along the lane and go through the gate. but it will turn out to run. Hold Shift and boldly run to the end of the boards. Now jump diagonally, onto the boards near another building, and climb inside through the broken window. Kill the monster with the pistol, take the clip and jump out of the building through another window. Move along the lane and go through the gate. but it will turn out to run. Hold Shift and boldly run to the end of the boards. Now jump diagonally, onto the boards near another building, and climb inside through the broken window. Kill the monster with the pistol, take the clip and jump out of the building through another window. Move along the lane and go through the gate.

Go forward, turn left and find a dictaphone at the bus stop - save yourself. Move to the right side, on the left side of the red bus, go into the building on the left through the automatic doors. Find the clip in the dark corner on the left, then go through the double door at the end of the room. In the dining room, go first to the right and from the tables on the right, take a new secret suit. Follow to the left as the doors in front and on the right are locked. Go into the classroom on the left side and on the teacher's table, which stands opposite the other tables, find a screwdriver - take it with you and return to the corridor. Go back and turn left. Go through the wooden door in front and note the panel to the left of the double door. Go to the panel, use a screwdriver on it and remove the fuse by pressing the E key. Kill the monster that appears, follow the left and go through the door behind the screen in front (through this door you got here). Pick up the key to the classroom near the automatic door, the door does not work. Return to the corridor back, follow to the left, to the other wing, to where the classroom is, in which you found the screwdriver. A monster will break out of that class - kill him. Follow further and unlock the class on the right, where another monster is visible - when you try to open the door of this class, a message should appear  that the door is locked, not locked). Kill the monster, go to the far left corner and take the key to the exit, which is in the red box. Follow to the left side, move past the tables, on one of which a secret suit was found. Kill the enemy and use the key found in the classroom to open the door at the end.

Make the long way back, use the lever to lift the grate, which you covered in order to hide from the monster with a chainsaw. Move on, go through the corridor and when you hit the door with the boards and kill the monster, break the boards with a knife or a police baton. Go through the door, save and go through another door. Go out to the street where you first met the monsters with a pistol, go to the left side and go through the door on the left, leading to the subway. Go down the elevator, place the fuse in one of the slots on the panel near the door, then go through the door.

Follow forward, kill two enemies with knives, go through the door on the right, pick up the clip and save. At the turnstiles, kill another monster, to the right of the turnstiles there is a door with an electronic lock - you can't go through it. Go through any turnstile, move along the station to the next elevator. Climb up, kill the enemy, follow through the turnstiles and into the corridor to the left. Go through the dark door on the left, in the room on the right, kill the ghost and take the clip. Follow the corridor, turn right and pick up a syringe with morphine in the room. Go further, at the end of the corridor on the left there is another door with an electronic lock. Turn into the room on the left, kill the ghost, pick up the clip and return to the corridor where you will kill the girl. Go through the door at the end of the corridor, lower the lever on the panel on the left side, lower the lever on the panel in front, then leave the premises. Run along the corridor forward, turn right and go through the door with an electronic lock. Run faster down the elevator, move forward and go up the other elevator. Go through the turnstiles and enter the door on the left side. If you suddenly do not have time, a cut-scene will appear, you will be shown that the electronic lock has again turned red. Return to the control room and re-lower the lever on the left side. Then repeat the marathon again. Go forward, kill the girl and go to the control room on the left. Lower the levers on the left and right sides, run to the station, down the elevator. Kill the monsters on the beds, go down on the path to the left and go through the door, which was previously blocked by a strange creature. Run down the elevator faster, move forward and go up the other elevator. Go through the turnstiles and enter the door on the left side. If you suddenly do not have time, a cut-scene will appear, you will be shown that the electronic lock has again turned red. Return to the control room and re-lower the lever on the left side. Then repeat the marathon again. Go forward, kill the girl and go to the control room on the left. Lower the levers on the left and right sides, run to the station, down the elevator. Kill the monsters on the beds, go down on the path to the left and go through the door, which was previously blocked by a strange creature. Run down the elevator faster, move forward and go up the other elevator. Go through the turnstiles and enter the door on the left side. If you suddenly do not have time, a cut-scene will appear, you will be shown that the electronic lock has again turned red. Return to the control room and re-lower the lever on the left side. Then repeat the marathon again. Go forward, kill the girl and go to the control room on the left. Lower the levers on the left and right sides, run to the station, down the elevator. Kill the monsters on the beds, go down on the path to the left and go through the door, which was previously blocked by a strange creature. that the electronic lock turned red again. Return to the control room and re-lower the lever on the left side. Then repeat the marathon again. Go forward, kill the girl and go to the control room on the left. Lower the levers on the left and right sides, run to the station, down the elevator. Kill the monsters on the beds, go down on the path to the left and go through the door, which was previously blocked by a strange creature. that the electronic lock turned red again. Return to the control room and re-lower the lever on the left side. Then repeat the marathon again. Go forward, kill the girl and go to the control room on the left. Lower the levers on the left and right sides, run to the station, down the elevator. Kill the monsters on the beds, go down on the path to the left and go through the door, which was previously blocked by a strange creature.

Save, pick up the signal checkers and go down the stairs. LMB, holding a checker in your hand, and light it. Run forward, at the crossroads, do not turn anywhere, but rather pick up the saber under your feet. At the next intersection, turn right and go up the stairs, after throwing out the checker. Move forward, to the left of the paths, find another checker and climb the stairs up. Do not go left or right! Light the checker, move forward through the door, follow the corridor, throw the checker and go up the stairs. Activate the checker, go left at the intersection and take another checker from the floor. Go in the opposite direction, overcome obstacles, when the valve takes the position in which the missing blade should be at the bottom, crawl into the adjacent corridor. Move left and pick up the checker, go in the opposite direction, do not turn into the passage on the right, but go forward. Pick up the secret sheet in the corner, which should unlock the secret items. Return to the turn and turn into the corridor. Jump over the pipe, crawl under the other. The air conditioner is located on the left, if you try to just crawl along the pipe next to it, then you will be sucked in and you will die. Climb up the pipe on the left to the air conditioner. Hold Shift and run forward, pick up the clip. Climb up the pipe on the left to the air conditioner. Hold Shift and run forward, pick up the clip. Climb up the pipe on the left to the air conditioner. Hold Shift and run forward, pick up the clip.

Bend down and crawl through the ventilation shaft - save and pick up the checker. Go down to the pipe below, crawl forward under the pipe, move to the double pipe on the left, just below the level. Under the other pipe, crawl to the wall in front, where the passage you need is located. Jump over to the pipe on the left, duck and jump onto the other pipe on the left. Follow the pipe until you hit another pipe. Jump onto this pipe, follow it, looking at your feet (down), jump onto another, crawl to the wall and go down the pipe on the right. From here, crouch down and press Space, climb into the ventilation shaft and continue your hard way.

Kill the monster with your fist, follow the left and kill the monster around the right corner. Exit to the fork and finish off the third monster. Move to the stairs and go upstairs, throwing a checker. Pick up two checkers in front, on the floor, bend down and crawl along the ventilation shaft on the right. On the way, you can pay attention to the carcass of a cat. Go through two doors, if necessary, then pick up the checker, throw the signal checker down and go down the stairs. In the mine on the left you can find a clip, and so move along the right ventilation shaft. Save - the voice recorder is in front, then go down the path. Walk to the left and lower the lever on the wall to the right. The gates are opening, blocking the path of the train. Follow in the direction of the train, go along the left tracks. Do you hear the sound? If you don’t hurry, you will be run over by the steel wheels of the electric train! Run ahead, either, if you have time, go back. One way or another, then follow the same paths, jump onto the box on the right, and from it - onto the roof of the train on the right. Bend down, jump and climb into the ventilation shaft. Move forward, clinging to the wall on the right, go to the stairs and go upstairs. Pick up the checker and crawl into the ventilation shaft on the left. As usual, crawl forward, kill the monster with your fist and jump down. Pick up the checker and crawl through another hole, after which you will find yourself on the paths. Run left and turn right until you are crushed by the train. Go to the corridor and go through the door. go to the stairs and go upstairs. Pick up the checker and crawl into the ventilation shaft on the left. As usual, crawl forward, kill the monster with your fist and jump down. Pick up the checker and crawl through another hole, after which you will find yourself on the paths. Run left and turn right until you are crushed by the train. Go to the corridor and go through the door. go to the stairs and go upstairs. Pick up the checker and crawl into the ventilation shaft on the left. As usual, crawl forward, kill the monster with your fist and jump down. Pick up the checker and crawl through another hole, after which you will find yourself on the paths. Run left and turn right until you are crushed by the train. Go to the corridor and go through the door.

Run to the end of the corridor and go through another door. Follow to the left, watch the cut-scene and go up to the platform. Follow the elevator upstairs to the left, turn to another elevator on the left side and go down. The door is locked. Pick up a battery and a key from the ground, flares can be thrown away. Collect the ammo on the right and save. In the inventory, click on the command "Combine" (Combine), click once on the battery and phone. The phone is now working! Go back to the platform, kill the three monsters on the beds, go up the other elevator at the other end of the platform. Go through the turnstiles and exit through the door on the left side.

Go outside and go through the door on the right. Run forward, kill the monster, there will be a door to the gardens in the alley on the right. A huge monster is waiting for you here, hammer on it and go back. Follow the tunnel on the right, kill two enemies with pistols, enter the red bus on the right, and kill another enemy. Pick up the M16 machine gun and cartridges from the floor, save. Climb out through the broken window that is above the map. To do this, come close to the window, sit down and crawl away from it a little. Jump into the squat position, hold the forward arrow and you will find yourself on the street. Go up the stairs on the left and go through the door on the balcony. Find the landing and go down to the very bottom, to the first floor. Pick up a lantern for Glock from the ground, combine this lantern and your regular pistol in your inventory. On the top, that is, on the fourth floor you will find cartridges for a pistol and a syringe with morphine. Go to the second floor and go through the door with the exit sign. Go left, kill the ghost around the bend, pick up cartridges and follow to the opposite end of the corridor. Kill the monster at the stairs on the left, go to the door to which the stairs lead and pick up the key from the floor. Go through this door, using the key found in the subway.

Deal with common enemies on the street, go to the left side along the alley, go down the steps, pick up the syringe with morphine and save. So that you have no doubts - yes, we have already been here. So, go back to where you killed a lot of common enemies. Look at the bloody footprints on the ground - they lead to the door on the left. Use the key on this door, go into the building. Go ahead, pick up the clips and save. Go ahead, pick up another clip and go down the stairs. Follow the corridor flooded with water, kill monsters. When you find yourself on land, turn right, follow the stairs and go downstairs. Go to the left side, in a large room, kill all enemies climbing out of the water, go into the corridor on the right, jump over the obstacle and go up the stairs. Go to another staircase and climb even higher. Follow to the door and go outside. Move between the houses, pick up the stepladder and kill the enemies that will appear on the right. Pick up the syringe with morphine in the same place where the ladder lay. Find the clip in the same place where the enemies were. Go back, stop at the police car and save, the recorder is nearby. Pay attention to the wall opposite the right side of the car - see the blood leading out the window? Place a stepladder under this window - just apply it as you used the key on the door. Click on the E key and climb inside the house. Go back, stop at the police car and save, the recorder is nearby. Pay attention to the wall opposite the right side of the car - see the blood leading out the window? Place a stepladder under this window - just apply it as you used the key on the door. Click on the E key and climb inside the house. Go back, stop at the police car and save, the recorder is nearby. Pay attention to the wall opposite the right side of the car - see the blood leading out the window? Place a stepladder under this window - just apply it as you used the key on the door. Click on the E key and climb inside the house.

Get out of the water, immediately go upstairs and kill the monster with a paper bag on its head. This miracle attacks you from a distance using hypnosis. By the way, we are in a familiar room. On the second floor, go through the door on the right, turn into the apartment on the right side and kill the monster with a bag on its head standing in front. Pick up the syringe with morphine, traces of blood indicate the balcony door, but it is closed. Follow through two rooms, using the holes in the wall, kill the monster - again on the right, the door to the balcony is locked. Climb through the third hole in the wall, go through the door on the left. Go to the right side and exit to the landing. Kill the enemies flying on the beds, go out to the balcony, cross the board to the next balcony, because it is on the door of this balcony that there is blood. Kill the enemy, you can save in the kitchen. Deal with the two enemies and go right through the broken metal grate. Go through the door, on the landing, go through the door in front, smeared with blood.

Pick up a syringe from the floor and, if you wish, a police baton. Save using the recorder on the table. Go down the stairs, move forward along the long corridor, listen to the voiceover, and go through the door that sooner or later will come! In the room with the big head, kill the four enemies on the left and right. Go to the door and shoot two enemies on the ground. Try to open the door, but fall down. Run to the glowing point ahead, walk down the hallway to the door and open it. In the same room, pick up the fuse and save - the recorder is on the table. So, we have the first fuse, but we need to get the second! Exit into the corridor, jump over the elevator shaft to the landing below, go down to the first floor and go through the door indicated by the exit sign. Run down the hallway forward go through the door at the end of the corridor. Go down to the water, swim forward and turn left. Bending down and floating to the surface, overcome the obstacle of boards, chairs and other things. Swim to the left, then turn into the passage on the right. On the right side of the room there will be the place where the man was previously killed on videotape. Pick up the stepladder, go back to the hall of the building and use the stepladder on the window with blood through which we got here. Climb the stairs to the street. go back to the hall of the building and use the stepladder on the window with blood, through which we made our way here. Climb the stairs to the street. go back to the hall of the building and use the stepladder on the window with blood, through which we made our way here. Climb the stairs to the street.

Go back along the passage on the right, go through the doors, use the stairs, everything is the same as before when you followed here. When you first go down the two stairs, and then go upstairs, you can save at the doorway. From the voice recorder, proceed to another door, go out into the street and enter the door opposite. The way back is the same, I remind you. Go through the door with a green sign, go up the staircase to the third floor (i.e., the floor above), go through the door with the same green sign. Go down the stairs, climb the boards through the window into the bus.

Go back now to the alley where a big monster is walking (remember? If not, then find it higher), bend down and shoot at him. If you duck, then in theory it will not even touch you. Move on, deal with many enemies on the road. Go to the right side of the road, enter the park on the left. Move forward, near the right wall, there will be a shovel on the floor. Break the boards on the door in front, now through this door return to the park where Sophie's body lies (nearby on the highway), leave the park through the passage on the right and go through the door in the alley through which you once got here (to the left of the red bus on the right) ... Follow forward and go through another door.

Go forward, kill the girl on the right and move to the left, killing opponents with pistols. Go through the iron grate on the right, go forward and go through the door to which you were looking for an access card earlier.

Quickly go downstairs and kill the enemy with the package on his head. Go through the door on the right, kill another enemy in the passage on the right, go into this passage and go through the door. Run forward and go through the second door, then, once on the street, kill the enemies who have come running and go under the house on the right. Move to the metro station, on the right side, where we left the first fuse. Remove the fuse from the panel and head back the same way through the park. When you return to the alley, where, if you turn right, you can come to the bus, go already to the left. Return to the metro station this way. Go through the turnstiles, go down to the platform and follow to its end. Climb up, then go down the elevator on the left. Place the two fuses in the panel to the left of the door, go through the door,

Move forward along the platform, kill enemies with pistols and go upstairs along another elevator. Go through the dark door at the end of the corridor, go up the elevator and take the train on the right. Save, go to the end of the car, go through the door to the next car. Go to the end of the carriage, pick up the hammer and try to unlock the door to the next carriage - it does not come out. Return back to the previous car, killing the monster along the way. Exit to the platform and kill two other enemies, go back through the dark door. Do not rush to run even further, do you see the brickwork ahead? Punch through the wall with a hammer (you need to hit three times), go through the door.

Go right, move along the middle path, save. Jump over the cliff, move up the elevator, jump over two cliffs with a running start - there is a twisted path ahead. Follow forward along the straight path and jump down from the left side. It will hurt the health bar, but it can't be helped. Go further, go down even lower, jump over to the path next door and follow it, then move to another path. Climb up and jump onto the path to the left. Jump over two cliffs and go through the door.

Go through the door in front, read the note on the floor. This is a hint to the passage of the maze. So what does it say:

 “On that fateful evening, the child was lying on the road, he was mutilated. Why did you go this way so late, young man? Why are you so stupid? Disappointed and embittered at the words of his parents, the child was broken both physically and psychologically. People in bathrobes put him in a wheelchair, how we laughed! How he laughed! And so he lived the rest of his life. One fine day, fate smiled at the child, so he became a weapon of destruction! "

So, the child was lying on the road - go through the door with the car image. After a while, the doctors put him in a wheelchair - go through the door with the image of a wheelchair. Then fate smiled at the child and he became a weapon of destruction - go through the door with the image of a pistol. Finally, go through the door in front, with the image of the book. Save, go forward and jump down through the window on the floor. You are in a maze - navigate the maps located on the walls, get to the door, avoiding the carcasses hanging from the ceiling.

Chapter 5. Leaving this for good

Go down the escalator down to the left, kill the enemies and go up the other escalator. Go down the escalator to the left, remove both fuses from the panels. Go back and go through the door you left at the end of the previous chapter. Walk down the corridor and go downstairs. There is a ventilation shaft next to the stairs - climb into it and take cartridges for the pistol syringe with morphine. Go back, run to the door at the end of the corridor and go through it. Go forward, go through the dark door, exit to the platform. Go down on the track where the train is. Move into the dark tunnel from the train, place the two fuses in the two panels on the wall, go back and enter the train. Watch the video.

Go to the back car, kill the enemies appearing in the windows, go to another car and move to its end, destroying monsters. Go to the next carriage, pick up the M16 rifle and cartridges for it (if the rifle has already been picked up, then replenish the ammunition). Deal with the enemies in the next car, go to the new car, kill the creatures that appear from the windows and pick up the leg. Return to the first carriage and put your foot in the suitcase. Watch the video.

Chapter 6. It's not over yet

Save, now we need to get out of the train car for a while, until it fell into the abyss. We'll have to suffer! So, jump onto the seat, jump onto the pipe by jumping and pressing the CTRL key to sit down. Stand between the two seats, also jump onto the right seat, go to the boards at the opposite wall. Jump in the same way onto a standing upright seat. From this seat, jump onto the adjacent seat, again jumping and crouching in flight. With a running start (without Shift), jump to the middle of the black door standing horizontally - go forward, jump and press the Crouch key. Climb up the door, turn around and move away from the walls so that you stand. Climb in the same way onto the wooden platform above the door. Come close to the pipe, sit down, jump up and press the forward arrow. Once on the pipe, stand so that your character gets to his feet. Looking at the nearest wall and being between the two seats, jump onto the right seat (Space, then CTRL). Go towards the other door, press the Space bar to make the character jump on the door. Climb onto the seat on the right (Space, then CTRL), walk up the seat and climb onto another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. to get your character to his feet. Looking at the nearest wall and being between the two seats, jump onto the right seat (Space, then CTRL). Go towards the other door, press the Space bar to make the character jump on the door. Climb onto the seat on the right (Space, then CTRL), walk up the seat and climb onto another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. to get your character to his feet. Looking at the nearest wall and being between the two seats, jump onto the right seat (Space, then CTRL). Go towards the other door, press the Space bar to make the character jump on the door. Climb onto the seat on the right (Space, then CTRL), walk up the seat and climb onto another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. jump onto the right seat (Space, then CTRL). Go towards the other door, press the Space bar to make the character jump on the door. Climb onto the seat on the right (Space, then CTRL), walk up the seat and climb onto another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. jump onto the right seat (Space, then CTRL). Go towards the other door, press the Space bar to make the character jump on the door. Climb onto the seat on the right (Space, then CTRL), walk up the seat and climb onto another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. then CTRL), go up the seat and climb to another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. then CTRL), go up the seat and climb to another seat (Space, then CTRL). Turn back, come close to the pipe, sit down, jump and hold down the W key. Walk along the pipe to stand up to your full height, sit down and jump over to the horizontal door, through the box on it. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge. Jump onto the seat to the right of the large wooden door leading to the top of the carriage. Sit down and jump onto this door from the seat. Climb up, sit down and jump up the car. Get out onto the bridge.

There is a lantern between the trees on the left - raise the lantern and stick. Take a lantern in your hands to make it brighter - just use a stick in battle. Go deep into the forest and go through the door. Hold a lantern in your hand, move through the forest from lantern to lantern, if suddenly you don't see, then hide the lantern in your hands and look around. To the fourth lantern you will have to climb the cobblestones, jump from the cobblestones onto the log and climb over the fence along the log. Approach another lantern, move along the wall and go through the door. Continue along the lanterns, go as if in a clockwise arc. When you see a lantern near the fence, go behind the fence and move on. Go through the door and save. Go ahead, see the lantern? Go to the lantern, pick up the doorknob lying here, pay attention to the sign with the arrow - run in the direction of the arrow until you are solved by a monster with a chainsaw. Approaching the door, open your inventory and use the handle. Go inside - saved. Go through the door in front, turn right. There is a syringe with morphine in the room on the left, take it and return to the corridor. Save, turn left from the recorder and climb through the gap at the bottom of the wall. Climb along the board to the window, run to the lantern in front and kill the girl with the knife. Move forward and run into the corner of the building. Follow to the right side, kill one more monster and go inside the building. Kill one more girl, in the right room find half of the scissors on the ground. Exit the house and go to the left side where there is light. So, on a rope hangs a TV with the inscription "Throw me". You need to find the other half of the scissors, gather them together and cut the rope. Facing the TV, move to the left and go into the building. On the way, you may have to kill the girl with a knife. In the room on the right, kill the monster and pick up the syringe with morphine. Go up the stairs to the second floor, go into the room on the left and find the second half of the scissors in the left corner. So, in theory, your inventory will be full - throw away the items, leave the lantern and half of the scissors in your inventory. Pick up the other half, go to inventory, select the Combine command and click once on the two scissor halves. Pick up the syringe with morphine and return to the suspended TV. go to the metal beam to which the rope is tied, use the scissors and go through the door. you may have to kill the girl with the knife. In the room on the right, kill the monster and pick up the syringe with morphine. Go up the stairs to the second floor, go to the room on the left and find the second half of the scissors in the left corner. So, in theory, your inventory will be full - throw away the items, leave the lantern and half of the scissors in your inventory. Pick up the other half, go to inventory, select the Combine command and click once on the two scissor halves. Pick up the syringe with morphine and return to the suspended TV. go to the metal beam to which the rope is tied, use the scissors and go through the door. you may have to kill the girl with the knife. In the room on the right, kill the monster and pick up the syringe with morphine. Go up the stairs to the second floor, go into the room on the left and find the second half of the scissors in the left corner. So, in theory, your inventory will be full - throw away the items, leave the lantern and half of the scissors in your inventory. Pick up the other half, go to inventory, select the Combine command and click once on the two scissor halves. Pick up the syringe with morphine and return to the suspended TV. go to the metal beam to which the rope is tied, use the scissors and go through the door. in theory, your inventory will be full - throw away the items, leave the lantern and half of the scissors in your inventory. Pick up the other half, go to inventory, select the Combine command and click once on the two scissor halves. Pick up the syringe with morphine and return to the suspended TV. go to the metal beam to which the rope is tied, use the scissors and go through the door. in theory, your inventory will be full - throw away the items, leave the lantern and half of the scissors in your inventory. Pick up the other half, go to inventory, select the Combine command and click once on the two scissor halves. Pick up the syringe with morphine and return to the suspended TV. go to the metal beam to which the rope is tied, use the scissors and go through the door.

Go to the stand, save. Move obliquely to the right, towards the lantern. Go further from the lantern to the lantern, when you come to the door, which will break and a hanged woman will appear, follow the wall to the left side and go through the door on the right. Go forward along the path, go down to the basement and follow on, the door will open automatically. Go downstairs, bend down and crawl until the next descent. Going downstairs, linger on the ajar doors. Bend down and move on, wait for the moment so that the doors are closed. After passing the first four doors, in the fifth you will fall down one way or another. Move along the corridor, wait for the doors to slam shut, run forward. So you run through all the doors. Go to the door in front, kill the monster that appears, go forward along the corridor and go through the door. Climb the steps and go outside.

Go forward, follow the path to the right and go through the gate, which was used by the mysterious doctor in a gas mask. Go inside the house, save (voice recorder on the counter on the right). Go forward, there is a staircase to the right of the blue door with a panel - go downstairs and go through the door.

Go down even lower, go to the right and enter the door on the left. Move along the twisted corridor, go through the door, run down the stairs and go through another door. You can take the lantern from the chair. Approach the generator on the left; examine the panel with buttons on the left wall. So, your task is to lower all the rods to the bottom position. At first glance, everything is complicated, but the solution is very predictable - at the initial position, if you haven’t had time to press anything yet (otherwise, you can simply reload the last save), press all four buttons one by one (either from left to right, or from right to left, without a page ). Meals are served! Follow back, near the stairs, in the corridor with green walls, there is a passage - there used to be an iron gate. Go through it, kill the girl, proceed forward and enter the bowling alley on the left side. Follow the path for balls on the right, bend down and pick up the gun - the Doctor will need it in the future. Go back and take a clip for a regular Glock from the counter. Go deep into the room, kill the monster with your fists and pick up another clip for the Glock. Go back and leave the playing area. Go to the left side and kill the monster with the pistol. Pick up the Glock - now you have a weapon! Move on, kill two monsters with a pistol on the basketball court, take their cartridges. There is a shotgun with cartridges on the basketball court, but there is nowhere to put it. Approach the door, there is a syringe with morphine. If you need to replenish your health, throw away an item, take a syringe and use it, then pick up the discarded item. You can return for the gun later when you give the gun to the doctor. Back out, go up the stairs and go through the door.

Kill the girl on the right, the gate also opened on the left - climb the stairs to the third floor and kill the girl. Save, examine the door with the combination lock. Go down to the second floor. Move to the right side, turn into the alley on the right and watch the cut-scene. The doctor will ask to bring him a new gun, but we already have it with us! In the room on the right, pick up a clip for a pistol, return to the doctor, take a pistol in your hands and press the E key. You will be asked whether or not to transfer the pistol to the doctor. Choose any option, all the same, the doctor will give you the key and shoot you in the shoulder, thereby cutting off the health scale. Pick up the key from the ground, use it on the grate and go through it. Go into the second room on the right, pick up the key from the table and pay attention to the phone. We need to find some number.

Go back through the grate, go forward along the corridor and kill the monster on the right. Move to the left side, past the stairs, go through the room to the left and kill another enemy. After going out into the corridor, use the key on the locked door a little to the left, go into the room. Go to the bathroom, the door slams. Pick up a syringe with morphine from the ground, wait for the door to open, then feel free to go back. Take the left side of the broken plate from the chair. Exit into the corridor, go left and kill the monster that ran out through the door. Also kill the monster around the corner to the left and the monster in the room from which the first monster ran out. Climb out the window, go down the balcony stairs and climb through another window into the room. Open the door on the left, save at the reception. Return to the previous room and climb out onto the balcony. Go to the end of the balcony, jump into the window on the left and kill the monster. Pick up the second part of the slab, combine it with the first part. Return the discarded item to your inventory, and it will be either a flashlight or a pistol. Now return to the reception, save again and move to the room with the phone on the second floor. Dial the phone number - 51177816. Then press the button with the letter R. Watch the video. A man will appear in the window of the building opposite, holding a plate with the numbers 1789. Go to the stairs, go up to the third floor and enter this code on the panel to the right of the door. Go through the door. Dial the phone number - 51177816. Then press the button with the letter R. Watch the video. A man will appear in the window of the building opposite, holding a plate with the numbers 1789. Go to the stairs, go up to the third floor and enter this code on the panel to the right of the door. Go through the door. Dial the phone number - 51177816. Then press the button with the letter R. Watch the video. A man will appear in the window of the building opposite, holding a plate with the numbers 1789. Go to the stairs, go up to the third floor and enter this code on the panel to the right of the door. Go through the door.

Throw away the sign, collect the clips for the pistol and the syringe with morphine, go to the other part of the attic where the boxes are. The fight with the Doctor begins. Do not under any circumstances approach him! Shoot from a distance, kill running enemies, heal on time. Kill the doctor, watch the video.

Chapter 7. Only safe at home

Pick up the doctor's key, exit the attic, go down to the first floor, turn left in the corridor and immediately go into the room on the left. In front there is a locked door to the backyard - open it with the key from your inventory, go out into the street. Walk forward, enter the house ahead. Climb out through the window, follow the lanterns and go through the door. Approach the boat and sit in it by pressing the E key. Turn left and swim to the opposite bank. Go out on land, go inside the house in front, save and pick up the necessary items. Go to the adjacent room and fall under the floor. Kill all the monsters, move forward, in the rooms on the left and right you can find the necessary items, and you can also meet with monsters. Go down the drain ladder.

Go along the corridor with water, kill monsters, go down under the water and swim into the passage below. Look at the ground, because there you can see circles of light, which means that there is a hole on the ceiling above, swimming through which you can restore your breath. At the first fork, swim to the right, because on the left there is a grate, at the second fork, swim forward, on the right there will be an exit to the room where the door is locked. Swim forward, restore your breathing in the first hole in the ceiling, and through the second get out to the surface. Follow the corridor, throw away the syringe with morphine, use one of them, if necessary. The door in front is locked, but there is a plywood on the ground in front of it with a key on it. Stand with your back to the locked door, pick up the key and, that you have the strength, scramble to the hatch and go down the water. Return to the fork, take a different path and get to the surface.

Move forward and left, go up the stairs. Go to the left side along the street, at the door to the pink house on the right side, pick up the gun. Go to the end of the street, enter the house, to the left of the blue audi. Kill the child on the left, go forward and go outside through the door on the right. Kill the monsters, go along the path to the left, dealing with opponents. Make your way into the garage on the right, through the raised gate (crouching), take the lantern, if there is none, and go through the door.

Follow the road, go into the house on the left side of the red color, near the door of which there is a bicycle. Go forward, save in the kitchen on the right. Go to the back room and watch the video - you need to kill Simon. Roll forward in your wheelchair, turn right and follow the path of stones floating in the air. All you need is to shoot better and faster than him. Watch the final video.

Endings. Spoiler alert!

Possible endings of the game

The ending of the game depends on your actions at two key points in the game. First place is a fight with the third boss named Carcass after meeting Sophie. The second place is when the Doctor asks for a gun in a mental hospital. In the first case, you can either take the fight or escape by jumping onto the parapet. In the second case, you can either give the pistol to the Doctor, or keep it with you.

  • The first ending
We don't fight Carcass and don't give the weapon to the Doctor - the worst ending of the game.

  • Second ending
We do not fight Carcass, but jump onto the parapet and climb inside the house; We return the weapon to the Doctor - bad ending.

  • Third ending
We are fighting with Carcass and do not give the weapon to the Doctor - a sad ending.

  • Fourth ending
We fight Carcass and give the weapon to the Doctor - a good ending.

  • Fifth ending
After completing the game, we start it again. At the very beginning of the game, there is a door in the alley where Simon sees an incomprehensible figure coming around the corner. It opens after completing the game for the first time. In this room there are unlockable items, among which there is a package addressed to the protagonist, you need to take it. When you get to the college, where you have to get a cork, use this package on the yellow mailbox near the bus stop. Continue going through the game, but when you find yourself at home, you will receive the very package, and then the final segment of the game will begin, which is a reference to Afraid of Monsters ..
