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Outriders: This is how you deactivate motion blur on the PC that is bothering so many


Outriders: This is how you deactivate motion blur on the PC that is bothering so many

Recently, players have been able to test the upcoming loot shooter Outriders in a demo, but motion blur is causing problems for some players. So you turn it off on the PC.

What is the problem? Motion blur is a common graphics setting in many games. Some have this option enabled by default, some not. In the case of the Outriders demo, Motion Blur is active. However, the effect is so bad that many players find it very exhausting.

Because the limited number of FPS in the cut scenes creates an unpleasant effect that makes the scenes jerky. The constantly moving camera also creates exhausting images with the motion blur.

There is no regular way to cancel the FPS cap or switch off the motion blur in the settings. But gamers have found a workaround that at least allows them to deactivate the motion blur anyway.

Motion blur is rather taxing for many players in Outriders.

You have to disable motion blur in the files yourself

How does this work? Several players have found a way in the demo files to simply disable motion blur themselves. Obviously, this deactivation also leads to improved performance. To do this, take the following steps:

  • Opens the folder C: \ Users **** \ AppData \ Local \ Madness \ Saved \ Config \ WindowsNoEditor
  • Open the Engine.ini there with an editor.
  • Scrolls to the MovieRenderPipeline / Content path
  • Below you insert the option [SystemSettings].

Copy these lines below:
  • r.MotionBlur.Max = 0
  • r.MotionBlurQuality = 0
  • r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur = 0
  • r.DepthOfFieldQuality = 0
  • r.SceneColorFringe.Max = 0
  • r.SceneColorFringeQuality = 0
  • r.DefaultFeature.Bloom = 0
  • r.BloomQuality = 0
  • r.LensFlareQuality = 0
  • r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare = 0
  • r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization = 0
  • r.Tonemapper.Quality = 0
This solution was spread on Twitter by the user Chevy.

What does the developer say about it? Shortly after the demo was released, People Can Fly voiced criticism. In the finished game you will be able to deactivate the motion blur option yourself in the in-game settings.

In addition, the FPS, which cause stuttering in the scenes, should no longer be limited to 30. This also applies to the consoles.

Is there a way on consoles? On the consoles you can deactivate Motion Blur in the settings as normal.

How is Outriders arriving?

What can you play? The demo includes the prologue and the first chapter of the main story as well as some side missions. Players can try out all 4 classes of Outriders and see if they like the game. 
