We give you the location of all Bonachón's love potions in Ruinous Fort, Coral Cove or Sneaky Fiefdom in Fortnite season 5.
In this challenge we must collect a Bonachón love potion in locations such as Ruinous Fort, Coral Cove or Furtive Fuedo in Fortnite season 5 , because later we will have to deliver them.
All these Bonachón love potions are very well hidden in all these locations, and we must find them to overcome the challenge, and luckily we only have to pick up one of the three that we have on the map.
So we offer you the exact location of all the Bonachón love potions that we have found in both Ruinous Fort, Coral Cove and Sneaky Fiefdom in Fortnite season 5.
Where to pick up Bonachón's love potion in Ruinous Fort, Coral Cove or Sneaky Fiefdom in Fortnite season 5 - locations
First we offer you a map with the general situation of these three potions:
Where is the love potion in Ruinous Fort?
Launch yourself into the central area of the Ruinous Fort, and enter through the base of the tower. Inside you must find a small room with a sign and a wooden table with several chairs, and the potion is on the table.
Where is the love potion in Coral Cove
Very easy. Just jump on the island located further west of Coral Cove, where we have the huge conch shell and several stone figures, and around this conch, outside, you find the love potion.
Where's the Sneaky Fiefdom Love Potion
Jump to the central area of the stealth fiefdom, at the bottom of some ruins and next to a chest you must find the love potion.
Now you know where all the love potions are in Fortnite season 5 so you can complete one of the most romantic challenges.
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