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Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim. How to create a row crop


Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim

Trying to plant seeds in Valheim ? Farming is a great way to get a supply of food while you focus on other tasks. But it takes time, you won't be able to harvest right away. Planting seeds and creating a farm requires advanced equipment that you won't be able to get until you have played at least a few hours. However, you will be able to find seeds all over the place early in the game, so be sure to save them to plant when you get the tools you need.

How to plant seeds

Here are the basic steps for planting seeds in Valheim:

  • Collect Bronze and Core Wood;
  • Craft a Cultivator at the forge;
  • Weed the soil to prepare it for planting;
  • Plant the seeds using the row crop menu.

Creating a row crop is the hardest part of the whole process. You will not be able to craft it until you have made significant progress in the game, so you will not be able to create a farm at the very beginning of the game. It takes five bronze ingots and five solid wood to create a row crop . These materials can be difficult to find.

First of all, you must build a smelter (you can find out the details of the construction in a separate guide). This requires 5 units of Surtling cores and 20 units of stone. The stone is easy to find, they are scattered throughout the game world.

Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim

Surtling Cores can be found in Burial Chambers in the Black Forest biome, but only after you defeat the first boss of the game, Eikthyr.

Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim.

After the foundry (Smelter) will be built, you need to collect materials to build a forge (Forge). The forge requires 6 Copper Bars, 4 Stone, 4 Coal and 10 Wood.

Copper ingots are created in the smelter from copper ore, while other materials are quite common and can be easily collected. By building a forge, you can create bronze, which is needed to make a row crop. Bronze is created by mixing Copper and Tin, so make sure you have enough of these materials.

Now is the time to get the Core Wood. She can be found while cutting Pine Trees in the Black Forest biome. The pines are incredibly tall, with most of the branches at the top, making them very easy to spot.

Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim

When you have enough bronze and solid wood in your hands, it's time to create a row crop. You can make it at your forge. With it, you can start planting seeds. It works in the same way as many other tools, so just right-click to open the menu. Then select the weeding option. This will turn ordinary soil into agricultural land on which to grow crops. Then just click on the selected spot to prepare the soil for the seeds.

Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim

After that, open the menu again and select the seeds you want to plant. You can place them wherever you have worked. Some plants require space to grow properly, so be sure to leave some space between seeds. Plants also take a few days to fully grow, so you will have to wait a bit for the crop to mature. You do not need to weed the ground to plant tree seedlings.

Where to find seeds

The seeds are found in various locations in the game world, but often they can only be found in certain biomes.

Where to find and how to plant seeds in Valheim

Where to find carrot seeds

  • Carrot seed can be found in the Black Forest.

Where to find turnip seeds

  • Turnip seed can be obtained from the Swamp.

Where to find beech seeds

  • Beech seed can be obtained from beech trees in the Meadows.

Where to find fir seeds

  • Fir seedling (Fir). Fir cones are dropped from fir trees in the Black Forest.

Where to find pine seeds

  • Pine seedling (Pine). Pine cones fall from a pine tree in the Black Forest.

Can you plant an ancient seed

Can you plant an ancient seed

You may have also found an Ancient seed that can be dropped by various Greydwarf. They cannot be planted in soil. You can use them to summon the boss of the Ancient One.
