Telegram bots add features to the messaging app without the need to install anything new. You can play with your friends by adding it to group conversations or you can search Wikipedia for information directly from a Telegram conversation, without leaving the application or opening anything new. They are very useful so we explain what they are, how they work and which are the most important.
If you do not know how to use Telegram bots or have never tried them, we review everything you need to know about them or which ones you can make the most of in your day to day. Once you get tired, just delete the chat or activate / off in many of them to deactivate them.
What are they?
Beyond being able to talk with friends or acquaintances through the application, you can use Telegram bots . These are automated third-party applications that offer us functions within the messaging application itself. They do not need installation or anything extraordinary on your device, except to search for the user (the bot, actually) and follow the steps that will appear in the app conversation. Through commands or instructions, which vary from one to another, you can use them. They are multi-device because you can use it if you are talking on Telegram on your mobile, but when you open the web version on your computer, they will also appear there as one more chat in the list of everyone you have.
Telegram bots arrived more than five years ago and there are two options: open a chat or conversation with them or add them to a group as just another user. The latter is used for game bots, for example, to carry out voting or any other type of function that may be interesting with friends.
It is a Telegram chat, but there is no person behind it, rather it is an automated conversation that has a specific purpose. What do they do? They allow you to search for photos from the internet, videos, download the audio of a video, transcribe audios, play games such as trivia, set reminders and alarms, search Wikipedia for something that interests us, take surveys or ask how long it will be in our city in the next seven days.
They are free, you do not have to install anything (as we have already explained) and you can use as many as you want or disable or ignore them when you get tired.
How do they work
All the Telegram bots that we explain below will work the same: you add them to your chat list through a link or by searching for them in the app's search engine and you start with the "Start" button . Once you have it, you can indicate a series of instructions so that they work and fulfill their mission.
Most of them have simple commands in which you will have to write a word to activate it , they also allow you to change the language, etc. It is very basic and you don't need advanced knowledge to get used to it quickly. The steps are generally always the same:
- Search for the bot you want in the application's search engine or activate it with a link
- Click on Start once you are in their chat or conversation
- Follow the instructions or commands, which will vary depending on the bot you have
Telegram bots
We collect some of the best or most useful that you can try.
Tenor GIF Search
Tenor is one of the most popular dynamic image banks and allows you to find GIFs of whatever you want. But the Telegram bot allows you to find it much faster: you will only have to tell it what you are looking for from another chat and you will automatically see recommendations of the type of GIF you want and you can send it to whoever you want, in individual conversations or groups.
Once you have started the bot, you can go to the conversations you want and type @gif followed by the term you want to search for. You will see the recommendations of that theme and you can choose the one you like the most.
Image bot
This GIF allows the same as the previous one: you can search for the image you want on the subject that interests you the most and send it directly to an individual or group conversation.
Alert Bot
Alert Bot allows you to create an alarm or alert the day and time you want to set reminders without having to resort to a specialized application. You just have to start and say the time you want it to take to notify you: the exact weeks, days, hours and minutes it will take to send the reminder.
This is one of the best Telegram bots to transcribe, from any device. You can convert text to audio in 84 different languages. You have to use / language to choose the one you want. We can also integrate it into a Telegram group if there are people who speak another language, for example, so it will be easier to understand with them.
VKM Bot is a Telegram bot that allows you to search for music that you like and download it directly from the messaging application . You can search by songs, by artists, etc. Also, you can configure it to work in Spanish and you can easily understand it. Just add it, search for a group by typing / artist followed by the name of the group and you will see all the available songs . All you have to do is select the one you want from the list and it will allow you to choose whether you want to download or play. It works perfectly so it is one of the best Telegram bots that you can always have at hand.
This bot is similar to the previous one: it allows you to find the music you want or write / random if you want something to come out randomly. You just have to start it and write the name of the song that you want to appear in Telegram . The downside is that the song you are looking for will not always appear.
LyricZbot is a bot that helps you find the lyrics of the song you want whenever you want. It is very practical because we always look for what a specific topic says on the Internet and always having it in the Telegram app will help us not have to search for a website, etc. If there are several songs with the same name from different groups, it will show you all the available options and it will be enough to touch one to make the lyrics appear in full.
YouTube Audio Downloader
You can download YouTube video audios directly from bot. It's simple and you just have to pass the link of the video you want and it will automatically download the audio that you can play before saving it in the memory of your phone.
AndyRobot is a bot that works as an English teacher. A "machine" with which you can practice the language , improve, do exercises, play related games or learn grammar. You will be able to speak with a chat that will ask you questions or respond to practice a conversation. It may even seem like someone is real, but it is a perfect program to improve your English.
What is a trend in the different social networks or websites? This Telegram bot is looking for you. Let you know what is trending in Google searches, on Twitter, on YouTube or on Vimeo. Just start it and it will help you know what everyone is talking about.
What's new on Netflix? If you like to know what the premieres are, this is one of the best Telegram bots that you can have installed and always at your disposal.
Cinema fans , beyond the previous one, have an IMDB bot that is one of the best Telegram bots to choose what we are going to see. You can search for the movie you want from the messaging application itself and the data will appear.
Wikipedia Search
If you are interested in knowing more about any topic, the Wikipedia bot allows you to search from Telegram. You can write @wiki along with the language and what you want to search for. You have to start it and put the country code (s) along with what you need to search for. Whatever the information and whatever type it is.
The Best Bot Wallpaper
If you don't know what wallpaper to put on your mobile, this bot allows you to search for wallpapers of the design or theme you want. You just have to start it and it will automatically send you daily wallpapers. When you don't want to receive new ones, you can mark / off in the conversation to pause the subscription.
You can add this bot to any group Telegram chat and it will work to organize votes for anything you want, from choosing a restaurant to knowing where you are going on vacation. You will simply have to create the title of the voting, the options and the others will be able to vote. The bot will automatically record the responses of all users.
If you get bored, this bot is from Hangman . If you don't want to install any game on your mobile phone, you can play through this chat. You can choose / language to put it in Spanish (or in Catalan, Asturian or Galician) Once you have chosen your language (you can choose others if you want to practice), just start with / start to try letters and complete the word that appears on the screen.
If you want a game, this one will also allow you to try something classic Trivial without having to install applications or games on your mobile or computer. You will start it and questions will automatically appear that you must answer. And it even allows you to play with friends by adding the bot to a group in which you are several. You will be able to answer questions with four options and you will have an entertaining time. Bot is a bot that allows you to download videos from YouTube . To use it, you just have to add it and write in the chat mp3 (if you want the audio to be downloaded) or mp4 (to download the full video) and then the link of the video you want it to download.
Feed Reader Bot
This bot converts Telegram into an RSS reader such as Feedly or similar. You just have to add Feed Reader Bot and from it you can subscribe to web pages to receive each new publication that they publish directly to your Telegram account.
If what you are looking for is a way to convert voice notes into text, this bot for Telegram is your solution. You just have to pass the voice notes you receive through the bot and it will automatically do the transcription.
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