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WoW BC Classic: Aldor or Seher - Which faction is better for me?


WoW BC Classic: Aldor or Seher - Which faction is better for me?

With WoW BC Classic you can join the Aldor or the Seers, two factions that give you strong rewards. MeinMMO tells you which faction is better for your class or your profession.

What are Aldor and Seer? The two factions are based in the new capital Shattrath, the first city shared by the Horde and Alliance:

  • the Aldor are the priesthood of the draenei and they follow the light and the naaru - see who should play Aldor here
  • the seers are blood elves who have broken away from Kael'thas and are now fighting him - see here who should play seer

Both factions offer you some unique, some equal rewards if your reputation increases with them. Since there are differences, the respective factions are better or worse for some classes.

The following applies in principle: The differences are absolutely minimal. In the end, you only get a few percent that one faction is better than the other. So don't be blinded by pure numbers. If the seers are “better”, but if you prefer to play Aldor, then play Aldor. You have no significant disadvantage.

Aldor and Seer - How do I join the factions?

How to become a seer or Aldor: As soon as you travel to Shattrath at level 60, a gaunt war veteran will give you the quest "A'dal". For this you should go to the naaru in the city center and talk to him, whereupon the magician Khadgar gives you another quest.

This quest takes you once through Shattrath. Tip as a shortcut: Just stand up at the Naaru G'eras in the west of the central building. There the tour ends and you complete the quest there as soon as your companion arrives there.

After the introductory quest, you can choose from Khadgar whether you want to join the seers or the Aldor. He offers two mutually exclusive quests, each of which gives you 3,500 reputation for the respective faction.

Incidentally, it is irrelevant which political group you belong to. Alliance players can also become seers, and Horde players can also become Aldor. There are only two exceptions:

  • the new draenei are automatically friendly with the Aldor and unfriendly with the seers
  • the new blood elves are automatically friendly with the seers and unfriendly with the Aldor
Draenei and Blood Elves are the new races in BC Classic.

Can I only join one political group? Basically yes, even if it is not possible to join either of the two groups. However, this is not advisable as you will miss out on important benefits.

Basically you swear allegiance to the respective faction. Every time you gain reputation with one faction, you lose that much reputation with the other faction. In other words: the higher your reputation rises with one faction, the more the other despises you and later even attacks you.

Can I change the parliamentary group? Yes, it is possible to later increase the reputation of the faction that hates you by elaborate grinds and collecting items. You need 1,344 units of certain items from a "hateful" reputation:

  • Dread poison pouch for the quest "Dwindling Supplies" at Sha'nir in the Lower District
  • Eyes of Haze Scale Pasilisks for the quest "Voren'thal's Visions" from Arcanist Adyria in the Lower Quarter

For whom the Aldor are the best faction

What classes should Aldor be?

  • Druids (out of balance)
  • Hunter (other than survival)
  • Paladins
  • priest
  • rogue
  • Shamans (except elemental)
  • warrior
Blacksmiths and leather processors will also find recipes for armor with fire resistance here. The recipes are tied to the faction, but you can also simply buy the manufactured items.

Tailors can learn silver and gold magic threads from the Aldor, which increase healing and stamina on pants. The threads are also tradable.

The Aldorhöhe in Shattrath.

Advantages of the Aldor

The main rewards that the factions offer are enchantments for shoulder parts. You can get the best of them if you have an awesome reputation. With the Aldor you get the following enchantments:

Great inscription of discipline+18 spell damage / healing and +10 spell critical hit value
Great inscription of faith+33 healing, +11 spell damage and 4 mana every 5 seconds
Great inscription of vengeance+30 attack power and +10 critical strike value
Great inscription of protection+15 evasion and +10 defense
In addition, the Aldor will give you some items that are bound when you pick them up for purchase and through quests. Worth mentioning here is a ring with mobility and attack power for close and long-range fighters who rely on mobility.

With the Sun Well in Phase 6, at the very end of BC Classic, there are also additional effects for the neck parts of the Shattered Sun. With the Aldor you get the following effects:

pendantAldor effect
Ingenuity+120 spell damage for 10 seconds
Determination followers+100 evasion for 10 seconds
Power supporters+200 attack power for 10 seconds
Recovery trailer+220 healing and +74 spell damage for 10 seconds

Incidentally, the only jewel-cutter teacher is also on the Aldor hill. You also get access to some flight points in the world that seers cannot use.

For whom the seers are the best faction

What classes should be seers?

  • Sorcerer
  • Balance druids
  • Survival hunter
  • magician
  • Elemental shamans

Blacksmiths and leather processors can also find recipes for armor with arcane resistance here. The recipes are tied to the faction, but you can also simply buy the manufactured items.

Tailors can learn mystical and rune-adorned magic threads from the seers, which increase the magic damage and stamina on pants.

Alchemists get a recipe from the seers for an elixir of considerable fire power, which increases the damage caused by fire spells. The manufactured items are all tradable.

The blood elves are at home on the visionary staircase.

Advantages of seers

As with the Aldor, the seers' shoulder enchants are the most important trait for most classes. You get the great enchantments with the awesome reputation:

Great inscription of the star+15 spell critical hit and +12 spell damage
Great inscription of the oracle+22 healing and 6 mana every 6 seconds
Great inscription of the knight+15 Defense and +10 Evasion
Great inscription on the blade+15 Critical Strike and +20 Attack Power
A special item that is bound when the seers are picked up is the seers' blood jewel, which you can buy with a respectful reputation.

The trinket is one of the best in the game for spellcasters, increases your spell hit rating and can be used to increase your spell damage by 150 and healing by 280 for 15 seconds (1 min. 30 sec cooldown).

With the Sun Well in Phase 6, at the very end of BC Classic, there are also additional effects for the neck parts of the Shattered Sun. With the seers you get the following effects:

pendantSeer effect
IngenuityFires an arcane bolt that deals 333-367 damage
Determination followers+100 expert knowledge for 10 seconds
Power supportersTriggers an Arcane Strike that deals 333-367 damage
Recovery trailerHeals for 618-682
By the way, the only enchanting art teacher is also on the seers' staircase. You also get access to some flight points in the world that Aldor cannot use.

Even if the factions may have some advantages, each class will find something useful in both the Aldor and the Seers. So don't let the numbers fool you if you lose your fun.
