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A guide to builds for weapons and skills in New World - what skills to choose, battle tactics, what stones to insert into weapons


A guide to builds for weapons and skills in New World - what skills to choose, battle tactics, what stones to insert into weapons

MMORPG New World allows players to create and level up heroes, take part in massive PvP activities and develop peaceful professions. In this guide, we will tell you about the classes that exist in the game, and also help you determine the most effective builds.

It is worth clarifying right away that the concept of "class system" does not apply to New World in its usual sense. The fact is that in the game the classes familiar to everyone, as such, are absent, however, the players, nevertheless, have the opportunity to create more or less unique heroes, planning the build in different directions.

New World class leveling basics

Note: keep in mind that the data was taken from the test client, so the usefulness of the described builds may change by release.

New World class leveling basics

Each player can pump his character in the direction that best suits his fighting style. Taking up weapons and killing mobs or other players with them, the hero will increase his mastery of this particular weapon. A similar system was in the game series The Elder Scrolls - in New World you can pump anything you want if you have enough free time.

Diversity is introduced by the talent system - so far we have 22 unique talent trees:

  • Sword Master;
  • Defender;
  • Zoner
  • Impaler;
  • Skirmisher;
  • Hunter;
  • Fire Mage;
  • Pyromancer
  • Bloodthirsty (Blood);
  • Graceful (Grace);
  • Reaper;
  • Mauler;
  • Sniper (Sharpshooter);
  • Trapper
  • Healing
  • Protector;
  • Berserker
  • Throwing
  • Juggernaut
  • Crowd Crusher;
  • Ice Tempest;
  • Builder.

Among other things, you can choose several priority parameters when leveling your character. So far, you will have to choose from five characteristics:

  • Strength;
  • Dexterity;
  • Intelligence;
  • Attention (Focus);
  • Constitution.

Thus, you can determine that you need to choose the class of your character in New World, determining the preferred weapon (each hero can wear two different types), the branch of talents and characteristics. Below we describe the basics of playing for each class, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses.

Sword and shield

Sword and shield

Branches for pumping: Sword Master and Defender.

Preferred stats: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

The sword and shield combo is a versatile option for both solo play and for interacting with other heroes in a group. In pumping, you can increase the amount of damage done by swinging the Sword Master branch, or go into defense, pumping the Defender.

For trekking dungeons, this class is indispensable for any group (especially pumped into the "Defender"). As you level up, your hero will be able to distract the attention of enemies from the rest of the group by imposing the "aggro" effect (in other words, you will become a priority target for all nearby opponents).

War hammer

War hammer

Branches for pumping: Juggernaut and Crowd Crusher.

Preferred Stats: Strength.

This class focuses on inflicting the maximum amount of melee damage. Warhammer hits hard, but slowly, so you should be prepared for the fact that more agile opponents will be able to dodge your lunge.

If you decide to swing into the "Juggernaut" branch, this will maximize damage and gain access to a number of skills that impose negative effects on enemies (for example, stunning or lowering the enemy's defense). The second branch of the "Crusher" will allow you to better cope with groups of enemies, and will also restore the spent health depending on the damage done.

In other words, the war hammer should be taken by those who want to quickly deal with the opponent, bypassing those who attack from a distance (you simply will not catch up with them).



Branches for pumping: Berserker and Throwing.

Preferred stats: Strength and Dexterity.

The ax was one of the most popular weapons on the New World test build, as it had excellent attack speed and could “stun” (immobilize) the enemy on every successful hit. The developers, of course, will weaken this weapon for the release version, but it still remains competitive.

You can pump the ax into "Berserker", increasing damage to the maximum in melee, or in "Thrower", which, as the name implies, concentrates on throwing an ax at a target at a distance. Along with hitting the enemy, you will be able to impose negative effects on him and prolong the existing ones. For example, if someone has imposed a "stun" (immobilization) on your enemy, which lasts 4 seconds, you, by throwing an ax, extend its time by another 20%.

Thus, the ax is an excellent choice for players who plan to actively participate in PvP and love 1v1 duels.



Branches for pumping: Skirmisher and Hunter.

Preferred Stats: Dexterity.

This is a classic weapon for fans of fighting at a distance. Archery in New World involves calculating the distance of the arrow's flight, as well as the need to shoot ahead of the curve. Moreover, your character should always have a supply of arrows with him, which you can buy, find in the game world or craft yourself.

The first skill tree of the "Skirmisher" allows a player with a bow not only to inflict good damage, but also to impose a number of negative effects on the target. The second branch of the "Hunter" is aimed solely at maximizing damage, especially if you have learned to hit the enemy in the head (some opponents can be killed in this way with one shot).



Branches for pumping: Sniper (Sharpshooter) and Master of traps (Trapper).

Preferred stats: Dexterity and Intelligence.

The second ranged weapon in New World is the musket. As in the case of the bow, the possession of this weapon requires the player to have consumables (bullets), and the main difference from the previous version is the attack speed. Holding a musket in your hands, you will shoot slowly, but ballistics do not apply to its projectiles, and therefore they always fly straight and evenly.

The first branch of pumping the "Sniper" musket is aimed at maximizing the damage that you can inflict on one target. By pouring more gunpowder into your weapon, you can hit the enemy, removing all or almost all of his health (especially if you hit the head). As for the "Master of traps", he is able to boast of less damage and the presence of a lot of opportunities to control the enemy.

By throwing a trap, you can immobilize the enemy, and throwing a bomb will allow you to hit a whole group of mobs or other players attacking you.

Staff of Life

Staff of Life

Branches for pumping: Healing and Protector.

Preferred stats: Focus.

The staff of life is a weapon for those who want to become a full-fledged support (in the classical view, this class supports party members). Like a sword with a shield, wielding this staff will make you desirable in any group.

The first branch of the "Healer" leveling maximizes the amount of health you restore, both for yourself and for your partners. In addition, among the talents of the branch, you will find skills that increase the amount of character's health and skills that remove all negative effects.

"Protector" is the same "Healer", but it restores less health, applying various positive effects in the process. This class is a "buffer" capable of raising the indicators of defense or damage, increasing mobility or the speed of restoring stamina or mana.

Staff of fire

Staff of fire

Branches for pumping: Fire Mage and Pyromancer.

Preferred Stats: Intelligence.

The staff of fire is another magical weapon designed to make the wearer a dangerous long-range fighter. Such a magician will be able to inflict a huge amount of damage, but he will die quickly enough, as soon as the enemy approaches him at a close distance (talking about PvP).

Most of the skills of the "Fire Mage" branch are designed to deal a lot of damage in the area, which will allow you to quickly deal with groups of ordinary opponents. This class can be used for both single and group play - as part of a team, your "tank" can gather monsters in a heap, and you can easily smash them for a couple of skills.

The Pyromancer branch also interacts with the fire elements, but this class focuses on setting the target on fire (dealing damage over time over a period of time), slowing down and stunning enemies. Among the skills of this branch, you can also find skills with area damage, but they work according to other mechanics and do not have such large numbers as in the previous case.

Two-handed ax

Two-handed ax

Branches for pumping: Reaper and Mauler.

Preferred Stats: Strength.

The two-handed ax, like its hammer counterpart, also aims to make the player a close-range killing machine. The two weapons have many similarities, but there are also differences.

If you pump into the "Reaper" branch, then you can quickly rush into a group of enemies with full immunity to negative effects, pull off nearby opponents and make one or two skills with huge damage (including those that restore you some amount of health). In the "Mauler" branch there are skills that will allow the hero to spin the weapon around him and inflict stable damage on others, and it will be possible to finish off the survivors by throwing an ax that deals damage in the area.



The branches for pumping: Bloodthirsty (Blood) and Grace (Grace).

Preferred stats: Intelligence and Dexterity.

The rapier is a weapon that has the highest attack speed among melee weapons. Unlike a one-handed sword, wearing a shield with a rapier will not work, but it compensates for this with a mass of useful skills.

In the "Bloodthirsty" branch, most of the skills cause bleeding, which takes away the life of enemies for a certain time. Other skills interact precisely with this effect - some reduce the cooldown time of abilities, others increase the damage to the enemy on which the bleeding hangs.

Graceful is generally a versatile option for this weapon. There are also skills, which are a series of lightning strikes, and increase mobility, as well as allow you to roll back abilities after the death of the enemy.

In general, the owner of the rapier in New World can be called a kind of "assassin" capable of quickly dealing with enemies with weak defense - you just need to quickly reduce the distance with them.

A spear

A spear

Branches for pumping: Zoner and Impaler.

Preferred stats: Strength and Dexterity.

Holding a spear in his hands, your character will be able to reach the enemy, which the owners of the same swords and axes cannot reach. This weapon is capable of inflicting swift attacks with a good indicator of damage, while you can hit enemies at both close and long range.

Players who want to not only inflict damage, but also control their enemies should go to the Zonera branch. Your hero will be able to strike at opponents, knocking them over, and then, if the opponent starts to run away from you, you can reach him by accurately throwing a spear in his back.

"Impaler" is suitable for those who want to quickly deal with single targets, inflicting many swift blows on them. There are also enough controlling skills here, but the main emphasis in the branch is on damage.

Ice Glove

Ice Glove

Leveling branches: Ice Tempest and Builder.

Preferred Stats: Intelligence.

Unlike the fire staff, the wearer of the ice glove concentrates on controlling the enemy using various freezes. By immobilizing or slowing down the enemy, you will be able to deal with him (or them), not allowing them to come close.

Ice Storm is the branch responsible for the ability to deal damage with the effect of frostbite in the area. The icy path, complemented by a huge wave of ice and ending with a huge spike escaping from the ground, will leave no chance for an opponent who decides to compete with you at a medium distance.

The main difference between the "Creator" branch from the previous class is the ability to place a movable pylon that automatically attacks the target closest to you. Also in this branch there are more control skills, but in the potential you will do a little less damage to single opponents.

Now let's move on to a description of the most promising builds that were used by players during the testing phase of New World.

Build Ax / Sword and Shield (universal, damage)

Build Ax / Sword and Shield (universal, damage)


  • Strength (Strenght) - 145
  • Dexterity - 5
  • Intellect (Intellegence) - 5
  • Attention (Focus) - 5
  • Constitution - 55

We take skills from the following branches: Berserk, Throwing, Swordmaster, Defender.

Berserk Skills:

  • Berserk;
  • Enraged Strikes
  • Accumulated Power (Accumutaled Power);
  • On the Hunt;
  • Relentness Fury
  • Againts All Odds;
  • Berserking Refresh;
  • Berserking Purge;
  • Fortifiying Strikes;
  • Uninterruptible Berserk
  • Defy Death.

Skills from the Throwing tree:

  • Rending Throw;
  • Critical Throw;
  • Refreshing Throws;
  • Rejuvinating Crits;
  • Infected Throw;
  • Exploitation;
  • Mortal Power;
  • "Blood and Rally" (Boot and Rally).

Skills from the Swordmaster branch:

  • Empowered Stab
  • Freeing Justice;
  • Mobility.

Skills from the Defender branch:

  • Shield Rush;
  • Sturdy Shield
  • Strong handle (Sturdy Grip);
  • Elemental Resistance;
  • Shield Bash
  • Intimidating Bash;
  • Crushing blow (Concussive Bash);
  • Improved Rush;
  • Enhanced dash (Imidating Rush);
  • Defensive Training;
  • Fortitude;
  • Reinforced handle (High Grip);
  • Defiant Stance;
  • Final Count Down;
  • Restoration;
  • Defensive Formation.

This build is intended for players who prefer not to depend on anyone, but to go through most of the activities alone. Having pumped in this direction, you can close quests and kill enemies that may be higher in level than you (up to 8 levels of difference).

Of the clothes in this set, heavy armor, gloves and boots from the "medium" sets are used. If you don't get enough movement speed, you can replace heavy armor with medium, increasing the mobility of the hero. When fighting powerful mobs, use Infected Throw and Rending Throw to apply debuffs that reduce damage and defense. In emergency situations, change the hatchet to a sword with a shield - this weapon will allow you to avoid deadly situations.

In melee PvP with this build, you shouldn't have any problems with any of the opponents. If you have to fight an archer or a musketeer, try to shorten the distance as soon as possible, using a shield to neutralize the received damage.

Build Ax / Warhammer (PvP, damage)

Build Ax / Warhammer (PvP, damage)


  • Strength - 195
  • Dexterity - 5
  • Intellect (Intellegence) - 5
  • Attention (Focus) - 5
  • Constitution - 5
We take skills from the following branches: Reaper, Mauler, Juggernaut, Crowd Crasher.

Skills from the Reaper tree:
  • Harvest (Reap);
  • Greed;
  • Death Embrace;
  • Critical Condition;
  • The Collector;
  • Hunger;
  • Fatal Attraction;
  • Critical Gains;
  • Frustration;
  • Kenn Edge;
  • Feed;
  • Charging;
  • Frozen Momentum (Frenzied Momentum);
  • Unpredictable Strike;
  • Blood lust (Blood Lust).

Skills from the Mauler tree (Mauler):

  • Mauler's Resolve;
  • Heavy dash (Heavy Pull);
  • Enduring Strike;
  • Gravity Well.

Juggernaut Skills:

  • Armor Breaker
  • Indomitable
  • Long-term trauma (Lasting Trauma);
  • The first act (Opening Act);
  • Exhaustive Attacks;
  • Quick Recovery;
  • Power Through Pain.

Skills from the Crowd Crasher branch:

  • Outnumbered;
  • Facilitated Expedition;
  • Shockwave
  • Frailty;
  • Meteoric Crater;
  • I Can Do This All Day;
  • Concussive Impact;
  • Prevailing Spirit;
  • Path of Destiny;
  • Seismic Waves;
  • Stimulated Reduction;
  • Consequences (Aftershock).

When choosing this build, you should use light armor for maximum mobility. The main emphasis is on the control of several opponents, while the hero is able to quickly get out of the focus of the enemies if the situation is not in your favor.

Against armored opponents, you need to use the ax as your main weapon. It is more difficult against mages and shooters - you, as in the previous case, will need to close the distance, using dodges wisely (now you do not have a reliable shield, keep this in mind). As soon as you get close, use Gravity Well, then Charge and then Reap. While the ax's abilities are on cooldown, switch to hammer and use Shockwave and then Armor Breaker and finish off the enemy with normal hits.

By the way, taking the "Armor Breaker" instead of the more usual "Purification" (Clear Out), we turn into a killer of "tanks", which is very useful in sieges. Just try to use such a character in 1v1 battles, since you won't be able to cope with two opponents.

Build Spear / Bow (PvE, damage)

Build Spear / Bow (PvE, damage)


  • Strength (Strenght) - 50
  • Dexterity - 105
  • Intellect (Intellegence) - 5
  • Attention (Focus) - 5
  • Constitution - 50

We take skills from the following branches: Zoner, Impaler, Skirmisher, Hunter.

Skills from the Zoner tree:

  • Javelin;
  • Deadly Consistancy;
  • Deadly Reach;
  • Refreshing Reach
  • Cyclone;
  • Invigorating Combo;
  • Decisive Moment (Strong Momentum);
  • Forceful Impact;
  • Refreshing Precision;
  • Deadly Distance;
  • Merciless Strength;
  • Sweep;
  • Tenacious Sweep;
  • Holy Grace (Coup de Grace);
  • Reserved Strength.

Skills from the Impaler tree:

  • Precise Jabs
  • Amazing accuracy (Unnering Precision);
  • Finishing Blows;
  • Refreshing Jabs.

Skills from the Skirmisher tree:

  • Catch Me If U Can;
  • Puncture (Impale);
  • Hunter's Insight;
  • Archer's Speed.

Hunter skills:

  • Penetrating Shot;
  • Blood Soaked Arrow;
  • Deep strike (Deep Strike);
  • Long distance (Long Range);
  • Improved accuracy (Aim True);
  • Rapid Shot;
  • Rapid Accuracy;
  • Final Blow
  • First strike (Opening Strike);
  • Shot range (Arrow Range);
  • Bullseye;
  • Sneaky Shot (Splinter Shot);
  • Scatter Shot;
  • Calculated;
  • Concussion.

In this build, the emphasis is on knocking down opponents and inflicting maximum damage on them. At the same time, you do not even need to get close to the enemy (more precisely, you need to constantly be at a distance from him), calmly throwing spears and arrows from a bow at him. However, even if the opponent comes close to you, you can impose control effects on him (stunning, repulsion), and then calmly move back to a safe distance.

In addition to PvE, this build can also be used in PvP battles. True, in battles against other players, the presence of medium armor (or even light) will negatively affect, which will significantly lower the defense indicator for the sake of mobility.

Build Sword and Shield / Ax (PvE, armor and health)

Build Sword and Shield / Ax (PvE, armor and health)


  • Strength (Strenght) - 5
  • Dexterity - 5
  • Intellect (Intellegence) - 5
  • Attention (Focus) - 5
  • Constitution - 195

We take skills from the following branches: Swordmaster, Defender, Reaper, Mauler.

Skills from the Swordmaster branch:

  • Empowered Stab
  • Freeing Justice;
  • Mobility.

Skills from the Defender branch:

  • Shield Rush;
  • Sturdy Shield
  • Strong handle (Sturdy Grip);
  • Shield Bash
  • Intimidating Bash;
  • Crushing blow (Concussive Bash);
  • Elemental Resistance;
  • Improved Rush;
  • Intimidating Rush;
  • Defensive Training;
  • Fortitude;
  • Recovery (Recuperation);
  • High handle (High Grip);
  • Defiant Stance;
  • Countdown (Final Count Down);
  • Restoration.

Skills from the Reaper tree:

  • Harvest (Reap);
  • Greed;
  • Death Embrace;
  • The Collector;
  • Charging;
  • Frozen Momentum (Frenzied Momentum);
  • Frustration;
  • Hunger;
  • Fatal Attraction;
  • Blood lust (Blood Lust).

Skills from the Mauler tree (Mauler):

  • Mauler's Resolve;
  • Heavy dash (Heavy Pull);
  • Enduring Strike;
  • Gravity;
  • Gravity Well.
  • Crowded Well;
  • Unyielding;
  • Thirst for revenge (Revenge);
  • Crowded Protection.

This build is completely focused on maximum defense and getting maximum health. Such an armored character will be able to withstand huge damage, especially if there is a healer in the group (the build also provides abilities that give a bonus to healing).

The tactics of the battle are simple - you need to pull all the enemies to you and keep them for as long as you can, while the rest of the group deals damage to the enemy. The missing power points can be obtained with the help of ammunition (of course, heavy armor is used).

Build Staff of Life / Ice Gauntlet (PvE, Heal)

Build Staff of Life / Ice Gauntlet (PvE, Heal)


  • Strength (Strenght) - 5
  • Dexterity - 5
  • Intellect (Intellegence) - 5
  • Attention (Focus) - 150
  • Constitution - 50

We take skills from the following branches: Healer, Protector, Ice Tempest, Builder.

Skills from the Healer branch:

  • Absolved;
  • Sacred Ground
  • Blissful Touch;
  • Holy Ground;
  • Desparate Speed;
  • "Revive" (Revitalize);
  • Enchanted Justice;
  • Intensify
  • Blessed;
  • Sacred Protection;
  • Divine Blessing.

Skills from the Protector branch:

  • Orb of Protection;
  • Protectors Blessing;
  • Shared Protection;
  • Protector's Strength;
  • Protector's Touch
  • Beacon;
  • Infused Light;
  • Rediance's Blessing.

Skills from the Ice Tempest tree:

  • Critical Rejuvenation;
  • Critical Energy (Energized Critical);
  • Severe frostbite (Heavy Freeze);
  • Critical Frost;
  • Ice Storm;
  • Weakening Gust;
  • Storm Summoner;
  • Punishing Storm.

Skills from the Builder branch:

  • Quick Frost;
  • Ice Shower;
  • Enduring Shower;
  • Quick Shower;
  • Cold Showers (Frigid Showers);
  • Frozen Touch;
  • Defiant Freeze
  • Refreshing Frost;
  • "Buried" (Entombed);
  • Strengthened Tomb;
  • Cleansing Tomb.

In this build, you can not only cope with solo farming without any problems, but you will also be a welcome guest in any group when hiking through dungeons. You don't even have to be particularly afraid if the enemy is 10 levels higher than you, the combination of skills will allow you to easily withstand the onslaught and survive in the most dangerous situations.

When going into the dungeon, you need to alternately use the Orb of Protection and the Beacon on your allies, periodically securing yourself with the Sacred Ground. Do not forget to hit your opponents with normal blows, so you will speed up the cooldown of skills and will be able to use them much more often.

As for situations with massive PvP, then in it you will be the primary goal for the enemy. In terms of tactics, you need to act in the same way as in the dungeon - to support the ally to whom the most damage is dealt. If the enemy is running at you, throw the "Sphere" and "Lighthouse" at your feet and use the "Buried" (Entombed).

How to insert stones into weapons in New World

How to insert stones into weapons in New World

The game has special gems, which, when placed in a weapon, give it an additional effect. At the moment, there are 14 types of stones in the game, which have a variety of bonuses - from increasing the damage of a specific type of damage (for example, fire or ice) to increasing the chance of crafting a more valuable item.

Inserting stones helps you farm monsters more efficiently. All mobs in the game are divided into certain categories, which have their own indicators of resistance and weakness, and therefore you will have to adjust your build for a specific type of enemy.

A complete list of stones presented in the New World test game client:

  • Malachite (Malachite);
  • Carnelian
  • Topaz (Topaz);
  • Emerald (Emerald);
  • Amber;
  • Aquamarine (Aquamarine);
  • Jasper (Jasper);
  • Sapphire;
  • Amethyst;
  • Ruby;
  • Moonstone;
  • Opal;
  • Diamond;
  • Onyx.

Each of the stones is also presented in four types, the bonuses from which increase in accordance with the gradation. The indicators of stones are added to the base indicator of the weapon, and also apply to skills (in the case when it comes to bonus damage).

How to insert stones into weapons in New World

The best option for inserting into New World as of "today" for PvP are stones that increase the damage rate as a percentage (for example, an enhanced fourth hit or an increase in the amount of damage done if your character has full health).

As for PvE, here players have several options - choose stones for a certain type of damage in order to inflict more damage on mobs of a specific category, or use stones with damage conversion (your weapon, so to speak, will adapt to the type of the current enemy and his indicator resistance).

In any case, if you do not have enough available variety of stones to create a universal build, you can replace several perks.

We hope our New World class guide will help you choose your preferred build.
