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How to Get Nominated for a Star Award in The Sims 4: Get Famous!


How to Get Nominated for a Star Award in The Sims 4: Get Famous!

Be a celebrity in The Sims 4: Get Famous! It's something that encompasses many things, from learning how to deal with fans , maintaining a good or bad reputation, gaining new skills, and even finding new ways to earn Fame Points so you can rise through the ranks . By becoming a good celebrity, all the effort that this entailed is sure to be rewarded, and luckily, there is a way to get recognition.

This award is known as the Estrella Award, an honorary award to all the celebrities who have managed to do great things for the world of art and social networks. Of course, it is not at all easy to get one, but with some of the tips that we give you in our complete guide to The Sims 4 , you will possibly have a better chance of winning it and celebrating it.

How to earn the Star Award in The Sims 4: Get Famous!

The Star Award is one of the most important in The Sims 4 because it is one of the last missions to overcome the Actor or Actress Aspiration . In order to have it in your hands, you must first be nominated for the awards, which is usually more common when it comes to artistic fields or viral elements that you have had on social networks. There are many ways to be nominated, but we are going to show you the easiest and most common ways to win the Star Award:

  • Composing songs: Productions at the Master Mix Music Production Stand can bring you a lot of fame, the more you do, the more you are likely to achieve worldwide success. However, composing songs is a much faster way to get nominated, as long as they are high-quality compositions.
  • Writing books: Writing books that become popular is also a way to get the nomination. To be more sure of this, you have to make sure you create Best Sellers, types of books that you can make while being at level 9 or 10 of the Writing skill.
  • Performances: By completing all tasks and consistently earning gold medals when you go to acting work with your Sim, the character is highly likely to be nominated for the Masterful Acting. To do this, you have to put in a lot of effort in every role you get.
  • Talent Contest: Talent Contests will be held in the cities of The Sims 4 from time to time, you can see when in the Calendar. You register, attend and participate, if the juries see that you are good at what you do, you will be nominated. This is one of the easiest ways, but it is recommended to have a level 9 or 10 in Comedy, Singing or playing an instrument.
  • Viral video: creating famous videos in the video production position plus views is another way, but some of these need to go viral. For your success rate to be higher, you can try watching the Trends to know what the public is currently watching and make the video adapt to what they are looking for, as well as add an effect to make it look more interesting .

To know that you have been nominated, you must be attentive to the messages in the mailbox , one will arrive saying that you have been nominated with the date, which you can verify in the Calendar.

How to go to get the Star Award in The Sims 4: Get Famous!

Once nominated, you will have to go to the Star Awards Ceremony on the indicated day. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Go to Del Sol Valley PBP Studios on the day and time of the ceremony. Sometimes the awards are also held in places with the "Best Place in the City" feature, you can still verify in the invitation they have sent you.
  • Go to the first floor of the establishment and sit and wait for the Event Presenter to arrive and welcome you.
  • They will nominate the winners , and if you are the winner, your Sim will receive it.
  • When they name you, you have to click on the microphone and select "Receive Prize" .

After this, the Star Award will be able to be found in your Sim's inventory or in the household, so you will be able to place it anywhere in your home you want . 
