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How to get the Paranormal Investigator license in The Sims 4: Paranormal Phenomena


How to get the Paranormal Investigator license in The Sims 4: Paranormal Phenomena

Hunting ghosts is undoubtedly a job as creepy as it is interesting, and in The Sims 4: Paranormal Phenomena pack we can fully experience the experience by becoming Paranormal Investigators . However, this requires more than just visualizing and fighting against the different entities that manifest themselves, since in order to work in this field it is necessary to have a Paranormal Investigator License.

If you don't have this authorization, you can't start exorcising homes and helping people with ghostly problems . There are two ways to get the Paranormal Investigator License and we leave you all the steps in the complete guide to The Sims 4 that we have done on the subject.

Develop Medium Skill in The Sims 4

If you really want to become an excellent Paranormal Investigator, this is the best option for you, since in addition to giving yourself a license, you gain more experience as you progress. First of all, it is necessary to have a "Table of Spiritism", with this object you can develop the medium skill. Once you reach level 5 of the skill, you must summon the ghost known as Guidry , which will give your Sim the Paranormal Investigator License. In this way, you will start to work with experience and more confident.

Purchase the Paranormal Investigator license with Aspiration satisfaction points

In the event that you want to obtain authorization directly, you can buy the Paranormal Investigator License, although you must achieve a total of 3000 satisfaction points to be able to acquire it from the Aspiration Rewards Store . Your Sim will be licensed, but will need medium experience to be able to perform their task properly. Practically, it is the inverse version of the previous method.
