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How to play duo battle royale mode in Call of Duty Mobile


How to play duo battle royale mode in Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty: Mobile continues to give us surprises and this time it brings us the interesting duo mode . It is a tactical game style oriented to play 2 vs 2 , where the main thing is to combine with your teammate and in this way have an unstoppable duo.

What is Duo Battle royale mode?

In this game mode, two teams enter the field, each with two members . You can have the option to create your own duo or pair up with a random player, there are no scoring streaks, no common operator skills, and no health regeneration.

What matters here is to take care of your teammate's sword, together break through, and eliminate the enemy team. If neither duo reaches the overtime bonus, the team with the highest current health wins.

Tips for playing Duo Battle royale mode

Keep in mind that in this game mode the most important thing is your partner, so they should take into account using models of weapons in which both are comfortable and you already have knowledge of it. As well as it is very relevant to know the environment of the map in order to break through in the safest way.

Wait with your partner for the ideal moment to attack , always look for dynamism and not always do the same maneuvers in order to confuse the rivals. Always remember that two heads are better than one, so always seek constant communication with your teammate.

A message at the right time can mean the difference between winning or losing, which is why constant communication with your teammate is significant , especially to be very aware of the health level of each one.
