In Minecraft you can do all kinds of things. The potential of this game is almost infinite and, thanks precisely to that, it is likely that you have seen one of your friends with a car in one of their worlds. Do you want to have one too? So do not talk anymore. We are going to explain how to build your own car in Minecraft without needing mods.
Another piece that is part of our huge and complete Minecraft Guide . If you want to not only make a car, but also create cheats or do all kinds of tricks in this game, or even open a server to play with friends, check it out . In it we explain everything, along with the best tricks , tips and more.
How to make a car in Minecraft (without Mods)
To make a car in Minecraft without using mods , you just need to have a good amount of materials and also patience. The method that we are going to explain will help you to have a car parked wherever you want, although you will not be able to drive it as if it were real. In case you want something like that, a fully drivable vehicle, you're going to have to take a look at some of the best Minecraft Mods we've collected for you. There you will find what you are looking for.
Are you interested in making a car without Mods? In that case, you just have to keep reading .
1 - Build the base of the car
Let's start by placing the wheels . To do this, we put 2 blocks of black wool separated from each other by two empty blocks , these will be the front wheels of the car. Then, put 4 empty blocks behind and put another 2 blocks of black wool back in following the pattern above to make the two missing wheels. You already have the 4 wheels of your car ready, now we go with the base.
Take quartz slabs and start filling in the gaps between the 4 wheels. Also, add a row of 4 more slabs in front and behind the front and rear wheels of your future car. In total, you have to use 28 of these slabs . The result should be like the one you have in the second image above these paragraphs.
2 - Start the inside of the car and the seats
Now, take a polished andesite ladder , or any other material that you want, and place a block in the front corner of each front wheel of the car, so that these steps face the sides. Next, place another ladder block, fully inverted, right next to it on the side. So that you don't mess up, take a look at the first image you have on these lines, you will have to make the same pattern on both sides of the car, but only on the front.
After that, take two blocks of polished andesite (or the same material that you placed the stairs) and put only one block on each side of the previous stairs. Then fill the entire gap between the two rows with colored yarn. We have chosen the orange, and the result that has to be is like the one you will see in the second image above. Check it out for a reference.
Now, only the seats remain to finish this step. Take a ladder of any material and place it a block behind everything you have done before , ensuring that it is centered on the whole of the vehicle. In our case, we have used a prismarine brick ladder to take another color, although you can use the one you want. The result, again, is in the gallery above. Look at the third image for a final reference.
3 - Finish the bottom of the car interior
After we have placed the seats, we are going to finish the rear half of our car in Minecraft . For that, take the same stairs and blocks that you used for the front part again and fill in everything that is left in this first layer. Put ladders back upside down on the two rear wheels, use the polished andesite blocks, or whatever you have chosen, to fill in and the colored wool to follow the colored center line. Look at the first image to have a reference when placing the inverted stairs and the second to see how the set should look for now.
Our car is already taking shape!
4 - Decorate the front and the back
Now is the time to get into the details, so you are going to prepare Frames, Snowballs, Redstone Blocks, and Oak Signs or Posters . Go to the front and place a frame at each end. Then put a snowball on each frame to simulate the car's headlights. After that, put two oak signs at the bottom of the front to make it look like you have a license plate on. The result of this has to be like what you see in the first image above.
Now go to the back and place another two frames at the ends. Now instead of snowballs, put a block of Redstone inside each frame to look like the brake lights and two other oak signs below. If you want, you can also put two buttons of the color you want in the central part, which will be a different color from the rest of the blocks. This will simulate the handles of your trunk. If it's not clear to you, take a look at the second image above.
5 - Front window and doors
After the above (you can put buttons on the wheels and on the large blocks to simulate the door handles), it's time to build the front window. You have it very easy, you just have to place glass panels of the color you want on the wool blocks that are right in front of the driver and passenger seats. Look at the first image above to see how they should look, you will need a total of 4.
Now, finish off the doors of your car by putting back the same stairs that you have used all this time. Place them so that they face outwards, and in the gap that remains to be filled next to each seat, as you can see in the second image above.
6 - Steering wheel, actual seat, gear stick and final details
We are already finishing the car. Now it remains to place the steering wheel and the usual tools . To do this, put a frame in front of the driver's seat and, inside, a vinyl record that simulates the steering wheel. In the free block on the right, in front of the passenger seat, place a lever to simulate the shift lever. To top it off, put a rail right in front of the driver's seat and a wagon on top of it. In this way, when you mount you will see that your character really feels inside (although the latter is not strictly necessary).
Finally, the last details are simple . You can put fenders on the front of the car by putting a metal fence over the oak signs, as you will see in the second image above. Also, you can put more slabs than you used at the beginning behind and around the seats to simulate the rear coverage of the vehicle. With that, you have completely finished your car in Minecraft.
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