In Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it has a huge number of options for assembling your character, you can create a valiant and light paladin, or a real evil that will give the Lich even odds. In this guide, we'll take a look at some of the best builds for different classes and play styles.
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Best Builds
The builds below are mainly focused on maximizing performance, that is, getting the maximum combat and mechanical value from the characters. Thus, they can disrupt the role-play immersion.
- Note: Builds are not fully scheduled, and if you find a bug or there are other options (more interesting builds), then send information on feedback.
List of builds:
- Melee Sorcerer
- Dangerous thief
- Wild barbarian
- Noble Paladin Undead Destroyer
Melee Sorcerer - Tank / Damager / Support
No matter which focus you choose, play with the staff up to level 11.
We recommend choosing "Lawful Good" (LG) and making all evil decisions under the sun by playing the Lich. Use the Scroll of Atonement to activate Divine Grace. The past doesn't really matter; just choose what you see fit.
This build deals somewhere around 400-500 damage per round (DPR), not counting AoO attacks, which is quite normal.
- Human.
- Does not matter. Take what you see fit.
Distribution of characteristic points :
- Strength - 18> 22.
- Agility - 15> 16 (L4).
- Endurance - 12.
- Intelligence - 7.
- Wisdom - 10.
- Charisma - 16.
Distribution of skill points :
Persuasion and Athletics 1 unit each. At the entrance of the game, we pump the skills "Arcana" and "Mobility". The latter should be equal to 5 by the fifth character level.
Legacy :
- Draconic Legacy - Green or Black or Copper.
Alignment :
- Law Abiding Good. Evil is better suited for this role, but then you cannot give grace.
Deity :
- Abadar or Urgatoa.
Leveling up :
- Monk - Evasion // War Weapon Mastery // Crane Style
- Sorcerer - Expand spell
- Warlock - Weapon Focus
- Witch
- Warlock - Dazzling Display
- Dragon Disciple
- Dragon Apprentice - Flanking // Improved Initiative
- Dragon Disciple
- Dragon Apprentice - Destroy the defenses
- Sorcerer Knight - Power Attack
- Sorcerer Knight - Improved Critical Strike
- Dread Knight
- Sorcerer Knight - Weapon Specialization
- Sorcerer Knight - Sundering
- Sorcerer Knight - Cutting End
- KnightChardei
- Sorcerer Knight - Large Weapon Focus
- Sorcerer Knight - Combat Reflexes
- Witch Knight - Fortitude or Arcane Strike.
- Witch
Selecting spells by character level:
- Magic Weapon, Shield, Magic Armor (Bloodline), Magic Arrow, True Strike, Vanish
- Mirroring, Blurring, Sense of Vital Signs, + Spell Stats
- Haste, Energy Resistance (K), Flesh Mastery
- Vampire Blade, Dead Animation, Consume Undead, Energy Defense (C)
- Angelic Aspect, Echolocation, Repurpose, Good Genie
- Bone Shield, Transformation, Heroism (G), Dispel Magic (G), False Grace, Siphon of Life
- Blessing of the Undead, Waves of Exhaustion, Legendary Proportions, Celebration of Blood
- Horrific Aspect, Sea Robe, Spell Resistance
- Mind Empty (S), Vicious Magic, Foresight, Energy Leak
Lich Mythic Path and Choice of Feats:
- Unbreakable Bones // Skeleton Shooter
- Skeleton Bard
- Weapon of Death
- Magical Devourer
Mythical path and choice of feats:
- Close to the Abyss // Abundant Casting
- Weapon Focus (Mythic)
- Lich // Armor of the Archmage
- Improved critical (mythical)
- Superior bountiful casting
- Weapon Specialization (Mythic)
- Big plentiful casting
- Flawless attacks
- Favorite metamagic
- Power Attack (Mythic)
Dangerous Thief - Tank / Damager
The logic here is pretty simple: add as many dice and attacks as possible. Nothing does it like the good old motherless Vivisectionist (especially considering the relatively high INT requirements for the skill). Good offense, good defense, synergistic spelllists, 15d6 sneak, and enough skill to fit in the essentials. Beast Form is used to infuse fellow party-goers because alchemists can.
- Tiefling (no mother).
- Street ragamuffin -> Pickpocket.
Distribution of characteristic points :
- Strength - 18> 22.
- Agility - 15> 16 (L4).
- Endurance - 12.
- Intelligence - 12.
- Wisdom - 16.
- Charisma –7.
Distribution of skill points and abilities:
- Athletics, Religion, Peace, Mobility 18, Attention 1, Stealth 1
Alignment :
- Anyone who is law-abiding.
Deity :
- Anything, it doesn't matter.
Leveling up :
- Monk - Dodge // Crane Style
- Alchemist
- Alchemist - Skilled Secret Attacker // Wild Mutagen
- Alchemist
- Assassin - Bypass // Armored Mask
- Alchemist - Weapon Focus: Scythe
- Alchemist - Dazzling Display
- Alchemist - Wild Wings
- Alchemist - Destroy defenses
- Alchemist - Flask
- Alchemist - Combat Reflexes
- Alchemist - Crippling Strike
- Alchemist - Improved Critical Damage: Scythe
- Alchemist - Great mutagen
- Assassin - Opportunist // Improved Critical
- Alchemist
- Alchemist - Skill Focus: Athletics // Improved Critical
- Alchemist
- Alchemist - Great mutagen // Improved critical.
- Murderer
Selecting spells by character level:
- Shield, Enlarge Face, Healing Light
- Bark Skin, Rebuild (Lesser), Cure Moderate Wounds, Feline Grace, Bull's Strength
- Haste, Energy Resistance (General), Slow Poison (General), Spiked Body
- Greater Invisibility, Echolocation, Recovery, Critical Strike Heal, Death Ward
- Beast Form III, Spell Resistance
- Beast Form IV, Legendary, Heal, Transformation, True Vision
Trickster Spell Selection:
- Fade, Feather step
- Mirroring, Chameleon Step, Cat's Grace, Invisibility
- Glorious Beard, Summon Medium Beer Elemental
- Greater Invisibility, Shadow Spell, Summon Greater Beer Elemental
- Microscopic Proportions, Summon Greater Beer Elemental, Rain Halberd
- Summon Eternally Irritated Wizard
- Trick of Fate, Ray of Halberds
The Mythic Way of the Trickster and Feats:
- Close to the Abyss // Thundering Beats
- Destiny after birth
- Armor of the Archmage
- Improved critical (mythical)
- Abundant casting
- Bonus Mythic Ability: Relentless Assault
- Leading blow
- Flawless attacks
- Superior bountiful casting
- Mythical sneaky intruder
The mythical path of the character and feats:
- Perception 1
- Arcana Rank 1 // Perception 2
- Athletics 1
- Nature 1 // Nature 2
- Religion 1 // Nature 3
- Mobility 1 // Athletics 2
- World 1 // Arcana 2
- Fill the magic device // Athletics 3 or Arcana 3
Savage Barbarian - Dealer Damager / Tank
This savage is cunning! This is your barbarian, except for those who want to live and consider their cruel relatives to be a bunch of stupid idiots. Accumulates monstrous damage (including 11-20 / x5 crit) and provides divine support to the team. Mythic charge is applied to every surprise attack. The Archmage Armor is obtained from the Potions of the Mage Armor (which you must buy and craft). Besides, there is nothing complicated in the assembly.
Tiefling (no mother).
Oblat -> Follower of Martial Arts.
Distribution of characteristic points :
- Strength - 18> 22.
- Agility - 14.
- Endurance - 14.
- Intelligence - 10.
- Wisdom - 17> 18.
- Charisma –7.
Distribution of skill points and abilities:
Mobility 3, Athletics, Religion, Perception
- Anyone, the main thing is not to be law-abiding.
Deity :
- Anything, it doesn't matter.
Leveling up :
- Barbarian - Dodge
- Barbarian
- Barbarian - Crane Style
- Barbarian - Death Stance
- Barbarian - Flank
- Barbarian
- Barbarian - Force of Fury: Lesser Beast Totem
- Barbarian - Beast Totem
- Barbarian - Improved Critical Attack: Falchion
- Barbarian - Totem of the Beast, Supreme
- Barbarian - Weapon Focus: Falchion
- Barbarian - Deadly Accuracy
- Barbarian - Power Attack
- Barbarian
- Barbarian - Improved Critical
- Barbarian - Deadly Accuracy
- Fighter - Improved Critical // Cleave
- Fighter - Shattering Finish
- Fighter - Improved Critical
- Fighter - Weapon Specialization
Trickster Spell Selection:
- Feather Step, Disappearance
- Blur, Feline Grace
- Glorious Beard, Displacement
- Great invisibility
- Rain of halberds, microscopic dimensions
- Summon the Eternally Irritated Wizard, Summon Elder Beer Elemental
- Trick of Fate, Ray of Halberds
The Mythic Way of the Trickster and Feats:
- Perception 1
- Nature 1 // Perception 2
- Athletics 1
- Religion 1 // Nature 2
- Mobility 1 // Nature 3
- Arcana 1 // Arcana 2
- Fill Magic Device 1 // Religion 2: Community, Nobility †
- World 1 // Arcana Rank 3
The mythical path of the character and feats:
- A Little Fun // Unlimited Rage
- Additional Mythic Ability> Armor of the Archmage
- Thunderbolts
- Improved critical (mythical)
- Mythic charge
- Power Attack (Mythic)
- Ever ready
- Flawless attacks
- Leading blow
- Weapon Specialization (Mythic)
Noble Paladin Undead Destroyer - Single Damage / Tank
More or less classic anointed knight, except that increasing the armor class (AC) requires the armor of a monk and an archmage. It can't be helped, because the game requires it.
He receives all the important paladin items, as well as some angelic gifts that are specially designed to make all evil suffer. So much of the attack bonus (AB) stacks up that it is actually possible to use a Power attack without being weakened by it.
- Aasimar.
- Street ragamuffin -> Pickpocket.
Distribution of characteristic points :
- Strength - 18> 22.
- Agility - 16.
- Endurance - 12.
- Intelligence - 10.
- Wisdom - 7.
- Charisma - 17> 18 (L4).
Distribution of skill points and abilities:
Mobility and Athletics.
- Law-abiding kind.
Deity :
- Anything, it doesn't matter.
Leveling up :
- Monk - Evasion // Crane Style
- Paladin
- Paladin - Weapon Focus: Falchion
- Paladin
- Paladin - Flanking
- Paladin - Weapon Bond
- Paladin - Improved Initiative
- Paladin
- Paladin - Improved Criticism: Falchion
- Paladin
- Paladin - Wings
- Paladin
- Assassin - Expand Spell // Armored Mask or Demon Slayer
- Paladin
- Paladin - Power Attack
- Paladin
- Fighter - Shatter // Final Shatter
- Fighter - Combat Reflexes
- Fighter - Great Rift // Blind Combat
- Combatant - Weapon Specialization: Falchion
Choice of character spells:
- Divine Grace, Challenge Evil, Blessing of Weapon, Magic Weapon, Shroud, Restoration
- Bestow Grace, Power of the Bull, Splendor of the Eagle
- Angelic, Resist Energy
- Crusader's Edge
Angel Spell Selection:
- Unbreakable Heart, Divine Grace, Heal Minor Wounds
- Heal (lesser), cure medium wounds
- Set aside poison, heal serious wounds
- Pure Form, Divine Power, Restoration
- Protection from harm, Purifying Flame, Breath of Life
- Protection of the Faithful, Eagle Soul, Protection from Harm (General), Healing
- Marked by the Sun, Protection Against Weakness (Communal)
- Avenger's Blessing, Life Storm
- Fortress of the Faithful, Sun Shape, Healing (Mass)
The mythical path of the character and feats:
- Some Fun // Relentless Assault
- Bonus Mythic Ability: Heavy Strike
- Armor of the Archmage
- Improved critical (mythical)
- Thunderbolts
- Power Attack (Mythic)
- Leading blow
- Flawless attacks
- Abundant casting or choose yourself
- Weapon Specialization (Mythic)
The mythical path of the angel and deeds:
- The deceit of the faithful
- Piercing rays
- Eternal flame
- Uptime beacon or solar winds
- Light speed
- All-consuming flame
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