Teamfight Tactics Set 6 has many origins and classes, including Innovator. What does this trait do and who are the champions that are part of it? Here is the info.
Teamfight Tactics Set 6 has a total of 29 varied classes and backgrounds, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and featuring their own champions. It's easy to get lost with so much information to learn.
Here is the information on the Innovator trait. Find the effects of this trait, the numbers, and the different champions that make up this trait.
What does Innovator do on the TFT Set 6?
Innovator champions build a mechanical companion who joins the battle.
(3) Clockwork Scarab
(5) Clockwork Bear
(7) Clockwork Dragon
Who are the Innovator champions?
The Innovator champions are as follows:
- Singed : Innovator / Chemtech at 1 Range
- Ezreal : Innovator / Junkyard at 1 Range
- Zilean : Innovator / Mechanics at 2 Range
- Heimerdinger : Innovator / Scholar / Yordle at 3 Range
- Séraphine : Innovator / Star at 4 range
- Jayce : Innovator / Transformer / Vigilante at 5 range
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