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Digimon Survive Evolve Agumon and all Digitations - Game guide

 Little Dino Agumon is well-known even among Digimon newcomers. He is your main character Takuma's partner in Digimon Survive. That's why its development differs from that of other Digimon. In this guide, you will learn how you can influence Agumon's development and which digitations are possible.

Digimon Survive Evolve Agumon and all Digitations - Game guide

Evolve Agumon

Unlike your fellow Digimon, Agumon's development is influenced by your choices from the start. The little dino digitizes depending on your highest karma value. You can't set the time for this, because the digitations are an integral part of the story.

The type of digitation is always related to the corresponding karma:

highest karma value

type of digitization







You can increase your Karma value by selecting the dialogue options with the respective color as the story progresses. You will then receive direct information that this value has changed.

What digitations does Agumon have in Digimon Survive?

In addition to the three stages of karma development, there are two other developments that can come about through game decisions. You can see an overview of all developments here:

What digitations does Agumon have in Digimon Survive?
