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Guide Contraband Police - the location of all caches Oberankov KGP (money)

 We tell you how to find all 8 caches with Oberankov's money in the game

During the passage of the border police simulator Contraband Police, you can find two types of collectibles - KGP documents and Oberankov's money. In this guide, we will look at the location of all Oberankov caches. In fact, in the game, this type of collectible is called Oberankov's Money, and there are 8 secret places in total where you can find them.

Guide Contraband Police - the location of all caches Oberankov KGP (money)

Unlike the KGP documents, caches are located at a distance from the main objects, which complicates their search. On the other hand, $300 is hidden in each of them. All hiding places look the same - earthen embankments stand out against the background of the rest of the landscape. At the same time, they are low, usually, they even look like filled pits. You will need a shovel to clear the ground and find the wooden chest that contains the money. The chest is opened by normal interaction.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 1

Head to the sawmill and drive south as shown in the above screenshot. Climb up the hill and among the trees look for a pit with an earth embankment. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Stash (money) of Oberankov No. 2

You are interested in the road located to the east, parallel to the dirt road connected to the sawmill. A little to the south (below), find a garbage dump on the side, among the trees. Among the garbage, there is a pit. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Stash (money) of Oberankov No. 2

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 3

Move west from the police station. To the west of the T-junction, there will be an earth mound on a hill among the trees. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 3

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 4

Move south (down the map) from the Karat Motel and look west of the highway for a large transformer tower. Go to its territory through the gate, go around, and find an earthen mound behind the building. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 4

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 5

There are two T-junctions between the labor camp and the Under the Drunken Bear Inn. To the east of the left, there is a mound among the trees. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 5

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 6

To the south, behind the road from the hotel "Under the drunken bear" climb the hill with trees and find another earthen mound. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 6

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 7

When Gavrilov's shelter appears on the map (in the second chapter), to the south of it, among the trees, look for an earthen mound. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 7

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 8

Between the ruins and the U Vlad tool shop, there is a lake across which a long bridge leads. To the north of the bridge, climb the hill on the right-hand and look for an earthen mound. Use the shovel to dig up the green chest and open it. The reward is $300.

Cache (money) Oberankov No. 8
