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Predecessor Release Date: You Must Not Miss This!

Predecessor Release Date: You Must Not Miss This!

 Predecessor is the new third-person moba that you shouldn't miss! Here is the game's release date and some additional information.

Predecessor, formerly known as Paragon, is a third-person MOBA. Like League of Legends, 5 of you will be thrown into a map with 3 lanes, a jungle, and turrets to take down. First developed by Epic Games, the game quickly folded two years after its release.

But his story doesn't end there! Robbie Singh, a former content creator of the game, decided to repurchase and revamp Paragon, with the help of his community, to utilize its full potential. Now developed under Unreal Engine 5 and renamed Predecessor, we give you its release date.

When is the Predecessor release date?

Unfortunately for fans, we don't yet know the release date for Predecessor. However, following a discussion with Robbie Singh, CEO and founder of Omeda Studios, the studio responsible for the game, he expressed his wish to allow as many players as possible to enjoy Predecessor in 2024. Although this is not a confirmation, we can consider the possibility of open betas, or even early access next year.

Additionally, a beta is opening soon for PS5 and PS4 players. Find out how to participate in our dedicated article. With a total of 31 different heroes, all with their own unique personalities and playstyles, you're bound to fall in love with one of them. The game is developed by and for enthusiasts, listening to player feedback and with a very active community on Discord. Find out more on their official website.

The development story of Predecessor is beautiful and the game is definitely worth your time. With unique and endearing characters, familiar mechanics, and fun gameplay as possible, check out our test to find out what we think. 
