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Starfield Solar System 100%: Secrets, curiosities and locations

 These are the planets of the Solar System that you can visit in Starfield, the natural resources that are on them (and their satellites), and the most interesting points that you should visit if you come here.

Our old Solar System. There is no loss, you leave Alfa Centauri, straight ahead and at first turning to the left. Yes, in Starfield it is possible to visit Sol, our solar system. Who, of all the people who are playing right now, wouldn't want to see how Earth, the mythical Mars, is doing...? Well here we are going to tell you, in some detail, what you can find in the Solar System: if the planets are still there, if you can land, the most interesting locations and the resources of each planet ... of course, all this avoiding possible spoilers, more to come.

How do you get to the Solar System?

Literally, as we said at the beginning. You leave Alfa Centauri, a little straight up and to the left, impossible to get lost. Many quests will take you through here, so sooner or later you will visit the "old neighborhood".


We start with the planet closest to the Sun. Mercury is a planet with an extremely high temperature. There is no oxygen in its atmosphere, so you won't be able to walk around without the help of a spacesuit and helmet. It is a planet without animal or plant life since the extreme conditions of the planet mean that nothing can survive.

Mercury lacks satellites. How close it is to the Sun makes it, in essence, a large dead rock.

Interesting locations of Mercury

Mercury, being completely devoid of life, is not a very interesting place to visit. The most relevant location is an abandoned scientific outpost where you could get carried away with the role as a bounty hunter to see if you can find a space pirate to get the money from.

Interesting locations of Mercury

Mercury Resources

Mercury only has three natural resources:

  • Helium-3.
  • Aluminum.
  • Neodymium.


The second closest planet to the Sun is Venus. Unfortunately, as with Mercury, it is a barren planet. There is no life or fauna, and the scorching heat turns it into a rocky desert, with volcanic areas where your health will suffer just by being nearby. It is not the best place for those who cannot stand the heat.

Venus lacks satellites to explore.

Interesting locations of Venus

Apart from some typical "dungeons" with enemies, an interesting place to visit on Venus is the strange accident of a ship in the southern hemisphere of the planet. Why did this ship crash here and what could be inside? Well, maybe one of the game's many side quests will lead you to find out.

Interesting locations of Venus


On Venus you can find five different natural resources:

  • Water.
  • Nickel.
  • Lead.
  • Cobalt.
  • Dysprosium.


The Earth, with a capital letter. Ironically, in this case, it is no longer the blue giant, but the brown giant. It has not been habitable for centuries and has ended up becoming a sterile planet. There is no fauna, there is no vegetation, and space junk surrounds what was once our home. Why did it stay like this? Well, the Vanguardia has a museum where they tell you what happened to get to this point.

The Earth has a satellite, the Moon, of course. On the Moon, there are some curiosities, such as the Apollo module, which was a landing zone from the beginning, and the flag that the US planted on the surface...

Interesting locations on Earth

Things being what they are, there's not much left to prove we were ever there. At the London landing zone, we can see the remains of a large building, The Shad. It is also possible to visit what remains of the pyramids or the Empire State ... but if you want to see it more calmly, we will be happy to show you.

Earth Resources

There are five resources on Earth and another two on the Moon

  • Water earth).
  • Chlorine (Earth).
  • Lead (Earth).
  • Chlorosilanes (Earth).
  • Mercury (Earth).
  • Helium-3 (Moon).
  • Iron (Moon).


Mars is by far the most interesting planet in the Solar System. You will visit this planet and its mining facilities several times by completing side quests. In addition, you have one of the most interesting space bases on its surface, where you can shop, collect rewards, and meet the worst of the system. Mars has become a Mad Max-type world where anything goes, and whoever shoots first, shoots twice. Unfortunately, and like the rest of the system, it is devoid of life, there is no fauna or plants.

Mars has two satellites: Deimos and Phobos. It's not possible to land on either of them, but they both have some pretty big ships hovering around them...

Interesting locations on Mars

Without a doubt: Cidonia. It is not only the most interesting location on Mars but in the entire Solar System. This type of mining base houses everything from honest workers to mafias, criminals, smugglers, and several bars where you can leave your credits. It is one of the standard landing zones and we encourage you to see everything the place has to offer, including the accident-free time sign.

Interesting locations on Mars

Of course, there are several mining bases spread across the surface. There may even be "something else" beneath the red planet, but that's up to you to discover on your own.

Mars Resources

There are four different resources on Mars:

  • Water.
  • Chlorine.
  • Lead.
  • Chlorosilanes.


Jupiter is the fifth closest planet to the sun. This gas giant can't be explored, unfortunately, but who can resist views of its asteroid ring, right?

Jupiter has four satellites: Ganymede, Io, Callisto, and Europa, which you can visit.

Interesting locations of Jupiter

Logically, there is nothing to see if you can't land, but we encourage you to visit Europe. It's fantastic this time of year and even has a civilian settlement where you can visit the settlers and see if they need anything.

Interesting locations of Jupiter

Jupiter Resources

Although logically you can't take anything off the planet, there are five different resources that you can get on its satellites.

  • Water (Europe, Ganymede).
  • Chlorine (Europe, Ganymede).
  • Chlorosilanes (Europe).
  • Helium-3 (Callisto, Io).
  • Iron (Callisto, Io).


Saturn's asteroid belt makes Jupiter's a joke. Unfortunately, this gas giant can't be explored, so it's all about enjoying the views.

Saturn has no less than seven moons: Tethys, Rhea, Enceladus, Iapetus, Dione, Mimas, and Titan. Lots of room to explore, right?

Interesting locations of Saturn

Although you can't land on the planet, you might be interested in stopping by Titan. In Nueva Hacienda, a space colony, you might find something... unexpected.

Interesting locations of Saturn

Saturn Resources

Again, we have to look for resources on their satellites, where you will find up to twelve different resources, no less.

  • Water (Enceladus, Rhea, Iapetus, Thetis, Titan, Mimas, Dione).
  • Argon (Enceladus, Iapetus).
  • Benzene (Enceladus, Iapetus).
  • Carboxylic acids (Enceladus, Iapetus).
  • Copper (Rhea).
  • Fluorine (Rhea).
  • Lead (Thetis, Titan, Dione).
  • Tungsten (Titan).
  • Titanium (Titan).
  • Nickel (Mimas).
  • Palladium (Mimas).
  • Silver (Dione).


Uranus is, unfortunately, another planet where you cannot land. Its icy surface is not compatible with exploration, so you will be left wanting to set foot on it.

What Uranus does have are 5 satellites: Umbriel, Oberon, Ariel, Titania, and Miranda, places where you can extract resources.

Interesting locations of Uranus

The truth is that the orbit of Uranus is quite boring. You may come during a secondary mission, but there is nothing notable in its satellites, beyond the typical areas with enemies and resources.

Uranus Resources

You will find up to six types of resources on the moons of Uranus:

  • Water (Umbriel, Oberon, Ariel, Titania, Miranda).
  • Argon (Umbriel).
  • Carboxylic acids (Umbriel).
  • Nickel (Oberon).
  • Copper (Ariel, Titania).
  • Lead (Miranda).


The last planet (officially) in the Solar System is another world that cannot be explored. The surface of Neptune is frozen and it is not possible to land to explore... well, a frozen surface with nothing to offer, come on. Neptune has a single moon, Triton, which you can explore freely.

Interesting locations of Neptune

If you land on Triton, you can find an abandoned robot factory that might not be as "abandoned" as it seems. Additionally, although you can't land on Neptune, there is a ship in the planet's orbit that could have dishonest intentions.

Neptune Resources

In Tritón you can find three natural resources:

  • Water.
  • Nickel.
  • Cobalt.


The journey through the Solar System ends in Pluto, which is no longer a planet but hey, we still think of it as our last planet. There is also no life of any kind on Pluto, so don't expect to hunt anything.

The planet has a satellite, Charon.

Interesting Pluto Locations

Pluto is another extremely empty planet, but in Charon, you can find another abandoned robot factory. Loot meat for explorers.

Pluto Resources

Types of resources can be obtained on Pluto and its satellite.

  • Water (Pluto, Charon).
  • Lead (Pluto)
  • Tungsten (Pluto).
  • Titanium (Pluto).
  • Copper (Charon).
