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TFT: Compo Zed with EDM and Crowd Surfeur in Set 10

 How to play the Zed composition with EDM and Crowd Surfeur in Set 10? The editorial team offers you a guide to champions, items, and positioning.

The composition Zed with EDM and Crowd Surfeur is one of the compositions of Set 10 of Teamfight Tactics. All the information on the champions, classes, and origins, as well as the new objects in this set, are available in this article.

We present to you the different champions of the composition, the objects they can carry, their positioning on your board as well as some advice on how to play the composition.

How to play the Zed composition with EDM and Crowd Surfeur in TFT Set 10?

How to play the Zed composition with EDM and Crowd Surfeur in TFT Set 10

EDM is a rather special trait, which allows you to “sample” a champion so that other EDM champions cast their spell periodically. Remember to use the EDM selector on your main carry when you bring it in! Zed is an excellent carry in the composition, being able to be played as an EDM Headliner or Crowd Surfer. 

The objective at level 8 is to find Headliner Zed and play him with 4 EDMs (5 if he is a Headliner) and 4 Crowd Surfers. This allows you to play Qiyana as a secondary carry, which encourages you to try to go to level 9 to upgrade her to 2 stars.

Having very good items on Zed is extremely important since it will represent the huge majority of your damage. Bloodlust and Mercury (QSS) are almost essential for him to survive and deal damage without being controlled. The third item is more flexible, with options like Infinity Blade, Giant Slayer, and Titan Determination ...
