Hidden in RoboCop: Rogue City are seven circuit boards for the iconic Auto-9 pistol. Most you will find in the story, some will become available at the end of additional levels, and one secret one is located at the metallurgical plant. In this guide, we will tell you how to find a rare printed circuit board that will be relevant until the end of the game.
Where is the secret area of the metallurgical plant?
Once at the metallurgical plant in search of a policeman, you will visit the quarry. Soon the bandits will contact you and give you two additional tasks. Ignore them and move along the main story until you complete the quest "Following the Footsteps of Officer Briggs". After this, you will have time for additional activities. The secret area is located in the east of the quarry and is a shortcut between locations. It is impossible to get there by accident because you will need to activate the locomotive.
How to get into the secret area and find the circuit board
In the east of the quarry, there will be a destroyed factory, head to the basement. Opposite the door to the location of the quest “Unclaimed Goods,” there will be a corridor lined with barrels. On one of these barrels, there will be a technical manual, which needs to be scanned using RMB.
Return to the surface and look around for the railroad tracks and the yellow locomotive on them. After studying the reference book, you can activate a train for free, which will break down the iron door in front of you and open a new shortcut. But do not rush to leave the opened room.
On the map you will see a mark for the OSR chest, which is located on the second floor. This area can only be reached via the locomotive's stairs, but no additional equipment is required to open the chest. You will be rewarded with a circuit board for the Auto-9, as well as the achievement "Great Find, Murphy!" (Good Eyes, Murphy!).
What to improve in the Omni Board - Tier 4.2 PCB
This scheme does not have infinite ammo and you will receive a 10% penalty to all parameters, but the increase in accuracy and increased armor penetration is worth it. With good "pipes" you will have zero recoil, a pleasant magazine capacity, and armored enemies at later levels will not survive even a couple of shots. Using this scheme, we completed the game on maximum difficulty with almost no deaths.
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