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Which implants to choose in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty - the best and iconic implants


Which implants to choose in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty - the best and iconic implants

With the release of update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077, the implant system has undergone changes. For example, now the level of armor depends only on them, and clothing has begun to serve a purely decorative function. In this guide, we will describe the best cyber implants of the original game and the Phantom Liberty expansion, and also tell you where to buy and find them.

Please note: During the installation of chrome, you need to monitor the glasses of the implants. If you exceed the limit, you will get the effect of cyberpsychosis. Therefore, you won't be able to install all the best body modifiers - you'll have to choose between powerful bullet protection, time dilation, and the ability to hack enemy soldiers.

The available limit of installed augmentations is increased using the Chromium Compressor. It, like all iconic implants, can be purchased from Kostin in Dog City. The location of his shop is indicated on the map.

Which implants to choose in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty - the best and iconic implants

Oracle (Frontal Lobe, Cult)

  • Features: Marks all enemies, mines, and cameras that are located around you.
  • Requirements: 10 implant points.
  • Cost: 16,961.
  • Note: an augmentation that will be useful to absolutely everyone, regardless of your tactics. When you see the location of enemies and traps on the battlefield, you can plan your strategy in advance.
Oracle (Frontal Lobe, Cult)

Cybersomatic optimizer COX-2 (Frontal lobe, Cult)

  • Features: Allows your scripts to perform critical attacks with a 100% chance. Increases damage from programs by 0.5% for each point of Intelligence stat.
  • Requirements: 50 implant points.
  • Cost: 101,732.
  • Note: The best choice for those who prefer to hack opponents rather than kill them with gunfire. Thanks to guaranteed critical attacks, the damage from your scripts will increase many times over.
Cybersomatic optimizer COX-2 (Frontal lobe, Cult)

Ram Rallocator (Frontal Lobe, Cult)

  • Features: Instantly restores 23% of the cyberdeck's memory capacity if there is less than 20% left. The cooldown time of the ability is 65 seconds. The cooldown of all scripts will be reduced by 3 seconds for each point of Intelligence stat.
  • Requirements: 40 implant points.
  • Cost: 84,778.
  • Note: A perfect addition to the Cybersomatic Optimizer. Of course, these two implants will require a lot of implant points, but with such chromium, other augmentations will be practically unnecessary.
Memory Redistributor (Frontal Lobe, Cult)

Memory Boost (Frontal Lobe, Legendary)

  • Features: Restores 1.25 memory units when eliminating an enemy in any way and increases the maximum value of this parameter.
  • Requirements: 20 implant points.
  • Cost: 50,869.
  • Note: Significantly increases memory replenishment. To do this, it is not even necessary to eliminate opponents using scripts - just shoot at him or kill him in stealth mode. The optimal choice for a netrunner.
Memory Boost (Frontal Lobe, Legendary)

Axolotl (Frontal Lobe, Cult)

  • Features: After neutralizing an enemy, the recovery of all implants will be accelerated by 10.5%. Damage from sneak attacks and melee attacks, as well as aiming speed, will increase.
  • Requirements: 55 implant points.
  • Cost: 101,732.
  • Note: the best option for those who complete the game in stealth mode. There are many levels in Phantom Liberty that involve active use of stealth capabilities, so the implant can be extremely useful.
Axolotl (Frontal Lobe, Cult)

Epimorphic Skeleton (Skeleton, Legendary)

  • Features: Increases maximum health by 15%. Your Vitality Gauge will be increased by 0.5% per point of the Constitution stat.
  • Requirements: 32 implant points.
  • Cost: 118,687.
  • Note: additional health points are useful for any character. But they are especially needed for those who kill enemies in close combat or with firearms.
Epimorphic Skeleton (Skeleton, Legendary)

Rara Avis (Skeleton, Iconic)

  • Features: Increases armor by 35%. For each unit of Strength, you will receive 2 additional health points. In addition, resistance to damage from explosions and during melee increases.
  • Requirements: 52 implant points.
  • Cost: 211,935.
  • Note: the best implant for those who prefer to resolve all issues in shootouts. Huge bonuses to armor and vitality will allow you to survive even during the most intense battles.

Rara Avis (Skeleton, Iconic)

Chitin (Skeleton, Cult)

  • Features: increases the speed of health recovery by 10% for each unit of Strength.
  • Requirements: 42 implant points.
  • Cost: 33,915.
  • Note: An excellent addition to the previous implant. Even if an enemy bullet damages you, you can easily restore your health without consumables.
Chitin (Skeleton, Cult)

Titanium Bones (Skeleton, Legendary)

  • Features: increases carrying capacity by 66%, increases the number of health points by 0.5% for each point of the Constitution skill.
  • Requirements: 5 implant points.
  • Cost: 3990.
  • Note: Inexpensive and low-cost implant augmentation, which significantly increases the weight carried. If you prefer to carry everything you can with you, we highly recommend purchasing this chrome.
Titanium Bones (Skeleton, Legendary)

Peripheral Inverter (Skin, Iconic)

  • Features: Reduces incoming damage by 40% if the enemy is 3 meters away or closer. As you move away from you, enemy attacks will become less and less effective. At a distance of 6 meters or more, they will not be able to hit you at all.
  • Requirements: 32 implant points.
  • Cost: 67,824.
  • Note: Another way to protect yourself from enemy shots. You can combine it with other armor augmentations or limit yourself to just the Inverter to activate Chrome, which is aimed at effective shooting or hacking.
Peripheral Inverter (Skin, Iconic)

Leeroy Legament (Legs, Cult)

  • Features: Increases movement speed by 18%. Increases melee damage. Requires 8 implants to use.
  • Requirements: 8 implant points.
  • Cost: 25,438.
  • Note: Frankly, your speed is not the most important indicator of your effectiveness. It's better to use another augmentation.
Leeroy Legament (Legs, Cult)

Heal For Kill (Circulus, Legendary)

  • Features: Restores 7 health units for each enemy killed. For each point of Intelligence, your damage increases by 0.05%.
  • Requirements: 10 implant points.
  • Cost: 7980.
  • Note: this type of chrome is useful primarily for those who fight in open battle with melee weapons, firearms or scripts.
Heal For Kill (Circulus, Legendary)

Isometric Stabilizer (Circulatory System, Cult)

  • Features: Stamina consumption is reduced by 18%. For each Reaction point, this indicator will decrease by another 0.5%.
  • Requirements: 40 implant points.
  • Cost: 67,824.
  • Note: a good option for those who rely on close combat. This chrome will allow you to hit enemies more often.
Isometric Stabilizer (Circulatory System, Cult)

Microrotors (Circulatory System, Legendary)

  • Features: increases the speed of melee attacks by 23%, increases the chance of inflicting critical damage by 0.1% for each skill in the Reactions branch.
  • Requirements: 12 implant points.
  • Cost: 7980.
  • Note: An excellent implant for those who prefer to fight with swords, clubs or knives. Increasing the speed of striking directly affects the damage per unit of time.
Microrotors (Circulatory System, Legendary)

Electromagnetic Reclycer (Circulus, Legendary)

  • Features: Restores 4% health and stamina for each charged energy weapon shot that hits an enemy. The effectiveness of medicines increases by 1% for each characteristic that is invested in the Technique.
  • Requirements: 40 implant points.
  • Cost: 101,732.
  • Note: a very specific augmentation that is only effective with energy weapons with the active use of enhanced shots. But if this is your main tactic, you can buy it.

Immovable Force (Palm, Cult)

  • Features: Reduces bullet spread by 25% and recoil by 30%.
  • Requirements: 35 implant points.
  • Cost: 67,824.
  • Note: This is a situational chromium that may come in handy if you prefer a powerful but not particularly accurate weapon, such as a shotgun.
Immovable Force (Palm, Cult)

Kuroshi "Cockatrice" Optics (Face, Cult)

  • Features: Increases critical hit chance by 30%.
  • Requirements: 30 implant points.
  • Cost: 25,438.
  • Note: Ideal for anyone who relies on a firearm. A critical attack can change the outcome of any battle, especially during boss battles.
Kuroshi "Cockatrice" Optics (Face, Cult)

Deep-Field Visual Interface (Nervous System, Legendary)

  • Features: Increases damage from critical attacks by 20%, and their probability by up to 95% when shooting at long distances. The greater the distance to the target, the higher the chance of causing massive damage when hit.
  • Requirements: 40 implant points.
  • Cost: 23,507.
  • Note: if you actively use sniper rifles and fire at long distances, then you simply need this augmentation. At the same time, it can also be useful for those who rely on assault rifles with optical sights.
Deep-Field Visual Interface (Nervous System, Legendary)

Atomic Sensors (Nervous System, Legendary)

  • Features: Allows you to increase movement speed up to 50% when detecting an enemy. The closer you are to the enemy, you now move faster. In addition, the augmentation slightly increases the damage from melee attacks and headshots.
  • Requirements: 5 implant points.
  • Cost: 16,961.
  • Note: an inexpensive option that is suitable for supporters of stealth. With it, you can quickly go around enemies from behind and eliminate them with precise blows or shots before they discover you.
Atomic Sensors (Nervous System, Legendary)

Militech Berserk (Operating System, Cult)

Please note: Implants in this category may only be active for a short period of time.

  • Features: When enabled, this augmentation grants invulnerability, increases attack speed by 30%, reduces energy consumption by 100%, and additionally increases damage if you are low on health (up to 50%). The effectiveness of your attacks will increase by 0.5% for each stat point invested in Strength. While Berserk is active, you can only fight in melee combat.
  • Requirements: 35 implant points.
  • Operating time: 12 seconds.
  • Cooldown: 35 seconds.
  • Cost: 19,947.
  • Note: An ultimate ability for those who rely on swords, katanas, knives, or clubs. If you prefer to kill enemies melee, be sure to purchase this chrome.
Militech Berserk (Operating System, Cult)

Militech Sundevistan "Apogee" (Operating System, Cult)

Please note: Implants in this category may only be active for a short period of time.

  • Features: when activated, slows down time by 85%, increases headshot damage by 10%, increases the chance of critical damage by 9%, and its magnitude by 13%. When neutralizing an enemy, the duration of the augmentation is extended by 20%, and the stamina scale is restored by 22%.
  • Requirements: 44 implant points.
  • Operating time: 8 seconds.
  • Cooldown: 35 seconds.
  • Cost: 44,680.
  • Note: An interesting but optional augmentation for marksmen. If you have the opportunity and desire to experiment, you can install it. But chromium, which increases armor (Rare Bird) and critical attack chance (Kuroshi Basilisk) will be more useful.
Militech Sundevistan "Apogee" (Operating System, Cult)

Netwatch Netdriver MK1 (Operating system, Cult)

Please note: Implants in this category may only be active for a short period of time.

  • Features: Allows you to send scripts to enemies and devices. At the same time, the detection rate is reduced by 20%, memory costs are reduced by 50%, the damage of combat scripts increases by 15%, and their duration is extended by 20%.
  • Requirements: 25 implant points.
  • Cost: 84,772.
  • Note: the optimal choice for those who prefer to hack enemy chrome and various equipment. It goes well with the “Cybersomatic Optimizer COX-2” and the “Memory Redistributor”, which we described above.
Netwatch Netdriver MK1 (Operating system, Cult)
