The way to the camp
To get started, follow the on-screen instructions to stand up. Then turn left and interact with your backpack.
Follow the onscreen instructions to inspect your backpack. After you are done with the backpack, you will examine your notebook. Go through this to understand where you are.
Once you have completed your survey of the campgrounds and documented area, you will be tasked with determining your exact location. To do this, first, interact with one of the landmarks on the map, and then find this landmark in the world around you.
You can see the landmarks on the screen below. They are located from left to right: “dog”, “needle” and “crocco”. If you selected the Crocco landmark on the map, interact with it on the right.
Do this again to determine your location. Once you have determined your location, you can begin exploring the world. Go east on the map. Go roughly in the direction of the Needle.
Along the way, you may be able to explore the reservoirs in the canyon. Do this, and also examine the unknown liquid, which will trigger memories of the past.
Once you've moved a certain distance from where you started, you can pull out the tracker and check for the beacon.
Follow the tracker's directions to find your beacon.
From the lighthouse location, turn to the Crocco landmark and go in that direction.
Follow the path leading to the cave and enter it. Follow the ledge.
You will find two paths - one up, the other down. Here you can choose any of the paths, as they lead to the same area.
Once you're on the other side of the cave, pull out the telemeter and zoom in to see a clue that will show you the location of the camp.
From the cave exit, look to the left and you will see a path leading into the rocks. Follow it and you will come out onto a gentle slope. Go down this slope.
Below, start your way to the camp in the distance. When the sandstorm gets worse, it doesn't matter what you do because it will engulf you.
When you wake up, look around the camp again. Once you are back on your feet, continue towards the camp. The camp will be high up, but keep going in its direction.
Climb up the rocks to reach a jagged wall you can climb up. Interact with it and when you get to the top you will activate another memory.
Once you're done with the memories, continue on your way to the camp, which will now be your final step towards it.
Camp, Landing Site, Finding Marit
Once over the battlement, go forward and follow it until you reach the camp.
Enter the lone tent to the left of the camp entrance.
There's not much to explore or do here but interact with the fish in the top hat to trigger memories of the past.
Exit the tent when you're done. Approach the three linked bubble tents near the red flag and enter through the tent furthest from where you entered the camp.
You should find yourself in a tent in which there is a person in a spacesuit. If it's not there, go through the tents to find it.
As you approach Dr. Kraute, examine his right shoulder.
Next, examine the device connected to his neck. When Jasnah says she is going to take Dr. Kraut's hand, examine the doctor's left hand. Then examine the doctor's eyes by interacting with his face.
After your objective changes to finding the mission log, go left from Dr. Kraut and then turn right to go through the middle tent to the next one.
In this tent, examine the book magazine with the inscription "Doctor Kraut the Chemist". He lies on the floor in front of an open box.
There are landmarks here, all of them to the right. Study them.
Once you're done, put the magazine down and examine the gadget located in the middle of the open drawer. This is your detector.
Point it at other tents or Androbot, and then check the result to make sure it works.
Exit the tent and interact with the Androbot, even though the Astrogator asks you to move on. Mention that you need to help Dr. Kraut, and you will eventually be tasked with finding the relay in the camp.
The relay can be found just behind the flag, on a rock ledge.
Now go to the tent to the right of where Androbot is looking and examine the yellow box lying outside the tent. Open it to find additional relays.
Go to the right of the chest to the hand-shaped interaction prompt and use the relay to set it.
Now go to Androbot and interact with him. Interact with Androbot's eye whenever you can. Once he stops freezing, talk to Androbot again to get him to move.
Next, go look for the crew. Pick up the map to get your bearings and head west to go through some caves and reach the landing site.
Here, look at the tall white spire and examine it.
From the landing site, go northeast to the excavation site. Once there, examine the metal structure sticking out of the ground in the middle of the crater.
Go to the right of the structure to find a way to get below its position. Inside this excavated area, examine the drill on the left. This will activate the memory, after which you can turn off the drill.
Now go through the other exit from the excavated area and use your tracker.
Once you exit the excavation area, follow the direction of the tracker and you will notice an object lying on the ground. This is a magazine - study it.
Look up from where you found the journal to explore the upper level.
Now look left from here to find a path leading to the upper level. Follow it to find a backpack.
Walk up to the backpack and then turn left from the backpack to find a woman lying on the ground. Go up to her and examine her.
After Jasnah finishes interacting with Marit, interact with Marit's helmet and get ready to move on and find Koval.
In search of Koval, Activation of the probe, Search for Gorsky
When you get the objective to find Koval (after you find Marit), take out your tracker and stand approximately at Marit's feet. Here you should catch the second signal.
Follow the distant signal on the tracker. To get to it, you'll first need to go back up the slope you climbed up to get to where Marit is. Then continue up the slope (that is, turn right, as in the screenshot below).
Approach Koval, who should be clearly visible in an orange suit. Interact with it and then follow the on-screen instructions to check its status.
When Novik asks you to examine Koval's diary, interact with the many pages scattered on Koval's lap. On the third page, look at each of the steps he wrote down.
Pick up Koval and take him to the landing site. Enter the lander that just landed there and place it there.
After leaving the lander, you can return for Marit and return her body. You will have to return to Marit's location, pick her up, and deliver her body to the lander. Alternatively, you can have Androbot return Marit to the lander.
When you're ready to look for Gorski, take the path behind the arches, roughly perpendicular to the path leading to the dig site. On the map it is northwest.
Here, continue until you see a field flag in the distance. Interact with him to inform Novik about this. Then continue forward.
Once you reach the flag, pull out the tracker. Follow the signal on the tracker and when you reach the Probe, interact with it.
Once you receive the slides from the Probe, review them and let Novik know what interests you.
On the slide with noise, pay attention to the numbers on the left. Go back one slide and notice the ELMG readings. Then repeat the same with the previous slide.
Return to the slide labeled ELMG "O381". Jasnah will then turn on the probe. Once the probe works (freezes with an error), go down the ledges and activate the probe. When you hit the ground, pull out the detector.
If you aim it at the ground, you will see a thick metal vein running along it. Follow this vein and notice where it branches.
When Jasnah opens her diary, mark point 1. We will guide you through all the points that Dr. Gorski visited so that you get the most out of the game. If you want to go straight, take the path that branches to the left and head straight to point 4.
Otherwise, when you're ready, follow the vein fork to the right to reach point 2. Note the metal structure sticking out of the ground here.
Continue along the vein until point 3. This will lead you to a pond. Note what's here and continue across the pond.
Further from the pond you will find footprints. Examine them and continue up the ledge. From here you can see point 4, which is very high and in the distance.
Continue across the pond ahead and then turn left and go up the hill. You can also explore the area around point 4 if you want to map that entire area first. This way you can approach point 4 from behind.
Eventually, you will reach an observation deck where you can see the lander leaving. From here, walk up the hill towards the metal structures sticking out of the ground.
When you reach the top, Jasnah will take out her journal again. Mark point 5 here, and then look into the distance and find the place marked by Gorsky. Pull out the telemeter and adjust the distance on it so that you can clearly see the metal bushings in the distance.
It's time to follow Gorsky's trail to the bushes, for which you will have to follow the path indicated by the probe.
Bushes, City, In Search of Gorsky
After examining the bushes with the telemeter, approach the probe and follow it.
Eventually, you will reach a precipice. Tell Novik about this and cross the abyss.
Continue following the probe for a while.
You'll eventually reach point 5, where Gorski found the bushes. Mark three points of interest on the screen to report your findings to Novik.
Go through the tunnel ahead and reach the bushes to activate an extended, impossible memory of the past.
In this memory, interact with the control panel to your right and get up as soon as Hopper lands.
Exit the Hopper and head straight towards the ocean in the distance. From the rocky outcrop, look down onto the beach and look for a field flag. Look at it with a telemeter.
After this, follow Novik's instructions and go east to the camp. The path to the east splits in two but then joins again, so it doesn't matter which path you take.
Along the way you will again encounter black bushes. Continue and Jasna will begin to feel sick. After the nausea passes, climb up the rocks to end this memory.
Back in the present, continue past the bushes and caves until you find a rope hanging from a rocky ledge.
Interact with the rope and start climbing down. When you're at the end of the rope, look up at the ledge, then at the wall to your left, and then at the ground, following the interaction points as they appear.
As the conversation progresses, interact with the probe. After this, you will be able to make a choice: either jump from the rope or rappel.
In any case, once you reach the floor, continue exploring the "City". In the City, you can view the flag field in the distance, the depth below, and the height.
When you're ready to move on, you can go either left or right. If you decide to go left, go up the slope and go through the hole in the wall.
If you decide to go right, make your way along the ledge. If you go this route, you will sometimes get stuck in metal structures, and you will be taught to use the detector to identify fragile areas and avoid them.
In any case, examine the abandoned items as soon as you reach the field flag. A little further from the field flag you will find boot prints. Follow these prints to where the probe is and then continue down the ledge.
Immediately after this ledge, the trail splits into three parts. The path to the right is a dead end. The path in the middle will lead you to a ledge and reveal abandoned equipment that you can report.
To continue, follow the path to the left and you will come to a metal floor. If you use a detector, you can avoid touching fragile areas of your metal floor. Otherwise, you will fail.
In any case, continue until you pick up Gorsky's signal on your tracker. Go through the gap in the wall.
Follow the tracker's signal to find Gorsky's backpack, and then look through the gap in the wall near the backpack, where you will find the man himself.
Turn right and go around the stone wall to reach Gorski. Follow the interaction prompts to help Gorski get out of his jam.
At this point, you will have to make a quick decision: evacuate Gorsky immediately or give him oxygen first. The choice is yours.
Once you carry Gorsky, follow the probe into an open area. After laying Gorsky down, go to the very end of the metal floor and place your relay there.
This will cause an uncontrolled division and Jasnah will be stranded.
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