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Final Fantasy XVI - About the world and the main characters

Naoki Yoshida, producer of the upcoming RPG Final Fantasy XVI , spoke about the world of the game and how it all starts in the new part of the epic series. Despite the fact that the various Final Fantasy games are not related to each other (with rare exceptions), the new part will contain familiar summons, magic from the Ether and crystals.

The guy with the facial tattoo from the video is the protagonist Cleve Rosefield, son of the Archduke of the Rosary. This duchy is one of several warring lands in the game world. Cleve has a younger brother, Joshua Rosefield, who is the chosen one, the so-called. dominant - these are people who can carry the power of the elements. Joshua carries the Phoenix flame and can incarnate in it, giving his brother a blessing. Later in the course of history, some kind of tragedy will be associated with this.

The brothers have a childhood friend - the third figure in the game - Jill Warrick. From early childhood, she was sent to the Duchy of the Rosary from her native Northern Territories as a ward - as a symbol of peace between these lands.

The world of the game is called Valistia, there is magic in it - Ether - it contains gigantic crystals, around which human states are formed. Thanks to Ether, these lands flourish, but the fragile peace between them has been disrupted by the appearance of a certain Decline, and the fire of war flares up again.

There will be several summons in the game - here they are Akons - already familiar to us Shiva, Ifrit, Titan, Phoenix and others. As in the previous parts, these creatures are the ultimate weapons.

Final Fantasy XVI is coming to PlayStation 5.

Final Fantasy XVI - About the world and the main characters

Final Fantasy XVI - About the world

Final Fantasy XVI - About the world

Final Fantasy XVI - About the main characters
