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How to get better at Fortnite-15 Pro Tips

How to get better at Fortnite

With 99 players fighting against you, it's hard to beat. In this guide, we collected a few simple tips to follow that you will increase your chances of getting into the top five in the multiplayer shooter Fortnite.


Fortnite is dominated by two play styles - active and passive. The passive style is more reliable - dodging direct encounters with enemies, you can easily fall into the last ten or even five survivors. Active implies early aggression and firefights immediately after landing. This way of playing is more risky, but at a distance it will give a bigger boost to your skills and micro.

Remember, you don't have to kill 10-20 opponents to win Fortnite, as top streamers do. It is enough to defeat one, the last enemy, but you still will not be able to completely avoid hostilities.

fortnite play Style

Tip # 1
: " By playing actively, you will quickly gain experience in dueling and mass shootouts, as well as learn to better navigate the map and in various game situations ."

Tip # 2 : “ You shouldn't sit in the bushes until the last moment and hope for an opponent's mistake - this tactic works extremely rarely. But do not meddle unnecessarily: let the opponents kill each other . "

Tip # 3 : Fortnite is always on the attacker's side. The more actively and decisively you act, the less time your opponent will have to prepare for your offensive. "

Drop off point

With an active play style, it makes sense to jump into popular zones - Abandoned Towers, Dastardly Pond, Sharp Keys, or a Vending Point. Usually several people land there at once, and you will have someone to shoot with in the first minutes. Passive players like to land on the outskirts of the map, who want to quietly farm and look for loot without the risk of running into an opponent.

Fortnite Drop off point

Tip # 4 : “ A good drop point is the one where you can safely and without hindrance loot 3-4 chests. The drop obtained from them is enough for the early stage of the game . "

Tip # 5 : “ It 's better to land in places with options for quickly changing locations. For example, near vehicles, ziplines or geysers . "

Tip# 6 : “Think in advance about your route through the locations. Try to stay on a hill and avoid water, which greatly slows down your movement speed. "

Tip # 7 : “Try to enter houses not through the front entrance, but through the wall or roof - this way you are less likely to run into traps or ambushes. Avoid tight spaces with no room to maneuver. "


There are many weapons in Fortnite, but only a few are truly effective in combat. Most of the guns are used situationally or out of desperation (in case of a bad drop). The game also has useful consumables that you need to collect as soon as possible. The nuance is that each player has only five inventory slots, and it is very important to assemble a weapon setup that will be useful throughout the match.

Shotguns are the main weapon in Fortnite, an indispensable item in close-range or indoor gunfights. Submachine guns are the second reliable ally in close combat. Usually they are taken in conjunction with shotguns, when, after a good hit with a shot, you need to quickly finish off the opponent with something "rapid-fire". Submachine guns are needed for medium and sometimes long range combat. With their help, you can also quickly break the buildings of rivals. Submachine guns are divided into ordinary, heavy and with a silencer. The difference between them lies in the nuances of shooting, and all of them take some getting used to.

The listed types of weapons will be enough in any match. You can take another, but it is better to leave one slot for cans of protective potions or first-aid kits, and the last one for pocket hang gliders, so as not to be afraid of falls from a height.

You don't need pistols, sniper rifles, scoped assault rifles, grenades, multi-charge rifles, miniguns and other nonsense. Each of these weapons has significant drawbacks - low accuracy, too long reloading time, or weak damage. You can fight them, but for beginners, they are definitely not essential items.

Fortnite loot

Tip # 8 : “Try to use roughly the same weapon setup in every match. This will make it easier for you to get used to Fortnite's highly arcade shooting. "

Tip # 9 : “Learn to shoot single-handed from machine guns. The first shot is important not to miss: with it you reveal your position to your opponent.

Tip # 10 : "Remember - headshots inflict critical damage."

Tip # 11 : “Never mind the non-standard weapons of streamers. There is no secret here: more often than not, it's just a game for the audience or purely individual preferences. "

Tip # 12 : Pocket Rift and Launcher are essentials. They are especially effective in the late game with a moving circle when you need to quickly change positions. "

Remember: all top players were once newbies.


In any shooter, the player instinctively looks for cover if they shoot at him. In Fortnite, this works a little differently, because thanks to the construction mechanics, you can always build a shelter where you are standing. You need to bring this " construction reflex " to automatism, so that at the very first shots of the enemy, immediately erect walls around you. In such a " bunker " you can wait out the enemy's attack, determine its location, evaluate options for withdrawal and further prospects in battle. In the end, you will buy time to regain health or shield.

fortnite Construction

Tip # 13 : “Each type of wall has its own strength limit. Wooden ones will not last long, but it is not so easy to destroy a stone or metal wall. Don't forget to change the type of construction material depending on the situation. "

Tip # 14 : “Don't be lazy to hit critical points during mining. This will not only provide you with additional materials, but, more importantly, buy time. For example, you will spend fewer hits to break through a wall or roof of a house, which means that you will get to the loot faster than your opponent. "

Tip # 15 : “Learn to quickly edit your buildings. Then your chances of winning duels will increase by an order of magnitude. Do some good practice in the Sandbox to set up comfortable binds. "
