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PlayStation 5 supports mouse and keyboard, but no browser - new details from Sony


PlayStation 5 supports mouse and keyboard, but no browser

In anticipation of the PlayStation 5 release, Sony has published a detailed FAQ with answers to the most asked questions. We have studied the post and selected the most interesting details.

Fresh details:

  • The console weighs approximately 4.5 kg, and the digital edition without disk drive approximately 3.9 kg.
  • PS5 is currently only available in one color option.
  • Game downloads are faster on PS5 than on PS4, as “data size in updates and patches is more efficiently managed”.
  • The updated PlayStation App allows you to remotely manage your console's storage.
  • In most cases, a DualSense controller will last as long as a DualShock 4. The controller fully charges in approximately three hours
  • In the future, Sony will release DualSense in new colors.
  • Sony plans to continually add PS5 games to its monthly PS Plus lineup.
  • PS5 supports USB and Bluetooth keyboards and mice at the system level. In-game device support will depend on developers.
  • The console will not support folders or themes at startup.
  • There is no web browser on PS5. Perhaps it will be added in the next updates.

PlayStation 5 will be released on November 12 and November 19.
