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How to get full dark mode in Chrome on Android

How to get full dark mode in Chrome on Android

 Google Chrome for Android has a dark mode, but it only supports the home page and settings page. The white background of web pages in this mode will not turn black. Fortunately, there is a hidden setting to go to completely dark mode in Chrome for Android. It will switch any web pages from daytime theme to dark mode.

Before enabling full dark mode in Chrome, keep in mind that this is an experimental Chrome feature (supported in version 86.0.4240.110 or higher). It is also worth noting that this mode may not work on all web pages. I have tested full dark mode on many popular sites and found no major issues. The black rendering of web pages was excellent.

How to enable full dark mode in Chrome on Android

  • Open Chrome browser, type  chrome://flags in the address bar and press Enter .
  • Find an experimental feature  Darken websites checkbox in themes setting and enable it.

How to enable full dark mode in Chrome on Android

  • After enabling the experimental feature, restart Chrome.
  • Then click on the menu with three vertical dots, click on "Settings" and select "Theme" .
  • Now check the "Dim sites" checkbox.

Please note that the experimental function will work correctly, change it to the default value. After these simple steps, you can enjoy full dark mode in your Chrome browser.

Dark mode is a new trend in smartphones and computers. Glare from a white screen is thought to be tiring on the eyes, which is why many people prefer a dark theme on their devices. If you want to get complete dark mode in Chrome on Android, the above guide will help you.
