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The best places to land in Fortnite season 5 (places with more chests and exotic loot)

The best places to land in Fortnite season 5 (places with more chests and exotic loot)

We tell you where on the map you should go to find a large number of chests and also exotic weapons in season 5 of Fortnite.

We already know the best places to land in Fortnite season 5 , specifically those where we can find more chests per area and also exotic weapons that we can collect in our games, and that will give us certain later advantages.

Unlike other seasons where we have advised you a series of places to land because there were enough bonuses, now we are going to advise you a series of places according to the number of chests since thanks to them you will have all the forms and elements required to win the departure.

The idea is that you land directly to these places, because if you wait a couple of minutes they will have already robbed them, so realize that you could have a lot of competition at the beginning, even be eliminated at the first change if they end up surprising you.

The best places to land in Fortnite season 5 (where there are more chests and exotic loot)

Places with the most chests around the map

The named location that has the most chests this season is Sleeping Pools with a total of 41, so if you fall in this area you will find everything you need. You should also visit Campo Calígine since it has 33 chests or Burning Sands that has 34.

In this map that we offer you, we point out those locations that have more than 15 chests so that they are the first ones you can visit in a game:

Places with the most chests around the map

Where are the exotic weapons

Chests there are many, but very few exotic and rare weapons. You can find the Mandalorian's rifle in his crashed ship south of the colosseum, but it's a place everyone is going to want to go, so you can focus on others that we point to on the map below:

Where are the exotic weapons

Obviously, to have these rare weapons in your possession, you must first defeat each of the hunters and it will not be easy, so collect some weapons first, locate the hunter who carries the legendary weapon and eliminate him.

Now you know which are the best places to land in Fortnite season 5 , those areas with more chests and also with exotic weapons.
