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Bravely Default II - How To Make A Lot Of Money


Bravely Default II - How To Make A Lot Of Money

In Bravely Default II the money will never be enough, given its nature as a JRPG , you will often find yourself having to buy various objects, weapons and accessories in order to continue without particular problems in the main adventure.

With this guide, we at okaygotcha want to give you a method to be able to farm them in the best possible way, maximizing time and earnings.

The guide may still contain slight inaccuracies, which we invite you to report in the comments!

Let's see how to earn PG

Let's start by telling you that in order to use this method you will have to complete the second chapter of history. Once this is done, you will need to level the Gambler class on the whole party to level 4 .

Doing so will unlock the “ More Money ” skill , which will allow you to increase the amount of PCs earned for each character who has this skill by 10% .

Take advantage of this ability in combination with the Golden Egg, an accessory capable of guaranteeing you a x2 on all the PCs earned in each fight, which combined with the use of the Lures will make you chain several battles guaranteeing you a rich loot at the end of the fight.
