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Control: All Hotline collectibles - Location

 We show you the location of all the Hotline of Control collectibles. Find out where you can find them in each of the sectors of the game and don't miss any of them.

Control: All Hotline collectibles - Location

The Hotline is a type of collectible available in Control . Throughout different moments and events of the adventure we will be able to obtain these enigmatic connections with the red telephone. Although you will first have to reach this power item in the main quest Unknown Call to unlock this collectible in the inventory.

Next, in this section of our guide, we show you how many of these Hotline collectibles you can get and how you get each one.

Direct line in the executive sector

These are the Hotline collectibles that are obtained within the Executive Sector of the Agency:

# 01 - Management team

  • Location - Automatically achieved by obtaining the Hotline Power Item in the Unknown Call mission .

# 02 - The Coming Storm

  • Location - Automatically achieved by obtaining the Hotline Power Item in the Unknown Call mission .

# 03 - Direct line

  • Location - Automatically achieved by obtaining the Hotline Power Item in the Unknown Call mission .

# 04 - Oceanview Motel

  • Location - Automatically achieved by obtaining the Hotline Power Item in the Unknown Call mission .

# 05 - Checkpoints

  • Location - Automatically achieved by obtaining the Hotline Power Item in the Unknown Call mission .

# 06 - Director position

  • Location - Automatically achieved by obtaining the Hotline Power Item in the Unknown Call mission .

# 07 - The Hiss

  • Location: Automatically achieved by completing the Manual Override mission , after speaking with Emily.

Hotline in the Maintenance Sector

These are the Hotline collectibles that are obtained within the Agency Maintenance Sector :

# 01 - Northmoor

  • Location: Automatically achieved as part of the story (after going through Access Door 2 in the Concierge Office).

# 02 - Internal lock

  • Localization: it is achieved automatically as part of the story (just before you lift the internal lock in Manual Director Override).

Coming soon more...
