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Destiny 2: So you use and improve the new exam hammer from Season 13


Destiny 2: So you use and improve the new exam hammer from Season 13

In Destiny 2 you now have access to a new feature in Season 13 - the Fire Trial Testing Hammer. We explain to you how you can charge it, improve it, use it correctly and how you can use it to determine your own loot.

That's what it's all about: In Destiny 2, Season 13, the Season of the Chosen , started on February 9th . In order to survive against the Cabal force, you have to prove yourself on battlefields and use the new fire test hammer correctly.

OkayGotcha explains step by step how to improve the seasonal item, what you need Kabal gold for and how you focus your Umbral engrams with the exam hammer . This guide will be expanded and updated over the course of the Season of the Chosen.

  • This is important because you will have to deal with it all of Season 13 and beyond.
  • After each section you will find the most important information briefly summarized.

Before we explain the new mechanics to you in detail, here are the basics in a fast run:

Where can you find the fire-testing hammer in Destiny 2?

Have you mastered the introductory quest of season 13 ("A challenger rises"), you can find your fire-testing hammer in the quest menu.

How do I charge the exam hammer?

You have to equip the hammer with a “challenger medallion” - which costs Kabal gold. Then you smash boxes with the hammer at the end of the new activity "Battlefield" to get a charge.

What do I do with the loaded fire-testing hammer?

With the charges you can determine your loot yourself. To do this, you have to go to the new “HELM” base (in the tower). Here you then focus Umbral engrams to get weapons or armor.

Can I upgrade the Firestop Hammer?

Yes. You do that at the HELM strategy table and have to master seasonal challenges.

Fire test hammer from Season 13 explained in detail

If you open the 3 different hammer menus, it can be quite overwhelming. We will therefore guide you step by step through the functionality of the fire-testing hammer from season 13.

You have to do that first: Your hammer alone will not do you any good , you have to equip it with a mod in the Quest menu - press "Details" to do this.

  • Here you only have one mod, a so-called challenger medallion, available to you. This is reminiscent of the bait load mods from Season 12.
  • Only when you have activated the challenger medallion, your hammer can collect the important charges.
  • By default, the Etched Challenger Medallion costs 14 Kabal gold.

In short: Put a challenger medallion in the fire-testing hammer that costs Kabal gold.

Off to the battlefields

How to charge the Trial Hammer: If there is a Challenger Medallion in your Fire Trial Hammer, you should play the new seasonal activity "Battlegrounds".

  • Have you knocked down the Cabal boss, a normal loot box appears.
  • In addition, 3 more boxes appear, which you can only open with the hammer - more precisely, smash them.
  • The additional boxes contain seasonal loot, but also a hammer load and sometimes Cabal artifacts that unlock new focussing options.
  • Remember that you must first put the challenger medallion in the hammer before you can smash the boxes.

In short: Smash one of the 3 extra boxes in the vanguard version of battlefields to load the hammer.

This is the “right” battlefield : you have to choose a special version of the battlefield activity. Controls the vanguard playlist in orbit. At the bottom left you will find a crisper version of the battlefields.

So do not select the battlefields directly on the locations - there will be no boxes to hammer at the end.

  • The activity has matchmaking - so it automatically brings you together with other players.
  • Pay attention to the modifiers: You will encounter nasty champions and elemental burns on the battlefields.

What is Kabal Gold and where do you get it in Season 13?

Kabal gold is a seasonal resource. You need it to equip the fire-testing hammer with challenger medallions and thus ultimately receive hammer charges.

How to find Kabal gold: The material is waiting at the end of various activities. You must have received the Fire Trial Hammer once in the introductory quest of Season 13 in order to find gold.

Play these activities:

  • Strikes from the vanguard playlist (14 Kabal gold) - twilight counts too
  • Crucible Matches (8 Kabal Gold)
  • Gambit Matches (9 Kabal Gold)
  • Public events at all locations (depending on difficulty 5 to 8 Kabal Gold)
  • Dungeons - Prophecy, Broken Throne, Pit of Heresy
  • Nightmare hunt on the moon
  • Blind spring in the dreaming city

In the new Season Pass for Season of the Chosen, you will later unlock bonuses that grant you more Cabal Gold for graduation. It currently appears that not every activity is guaranteed to drop Cabal Gold upon completion.

In short: play all sorts of activities until you can afford a challenger medallion or until you have reached the maximum capacity of Cabal Gold (42 by default).

Improve exam hammer - Everything about HELMET and strategy table

At the start of season 13, you only have the basic version of the fire-testing hammer. But you can and should pimp the seasonal item. To do this, you have to go into the HELMET

What is HELM? HELM stands for "Hub for Emergency and Logistical Maneuvers". Imagine this new location as a compact command center for the vanguard. You can find HELMET when you select the tower from orbit at the top left of the tower map.

Here are

  • A postmaster
  • Your safe
  • The Umbral decoder
  • The prism converter
  • Crow - the NPC is important for story missions
  • The strategy table

How to improve the hammer: Make your way to the strategy table in HELM. In the menu you will find a bluish picture of the fire-testing hammer - click on it.

A confusing menu opens with 21 improvement options for your exam hammer. The improvements are divided into 3 levels (1. green, 2. blue and 3. purple). You must first unlock the lower level in order to receive the next higher level.

Here you will find upgrades that allow you, for example

  • Have more than 3 hammer loads
  • Increase the Cabal Gold supply to more than 42
  • Find extra charges or gold while smashing Tribute Crates on battlefields
  • Opportunities for special Umbral engrams

At the strategy table you can also accept raids for battlefields, buy mods and later unlock further rewards.

This is why seasonal challenges are important for Hammer improvements

Where do you get hammer improvements from? At the beginning almost all improvements for your fire-testing hammer are blocked. You unlock them by mastering seasonal challenges.

You can find all seasonal challenges at the top of the quest menu. For the first 11 weeks of a season you will find a series of missions and tasks here with every weekly reset (Tuesdays).

Seasonal challenges give you:

  • Experience points
  • Strategy table reputation
  • Items like weapons or cosmetics
  • Gloss dust
You need the strategy table reputation to unlock hammer improvements. In Destiny Week from February 9th to February 16th you will find 3 challenges that will give you strategy table reputation as a reward.

The Guardians are currently unsure if this is the only way to get Hammer upgrades. We'll stay tuned for you and add to the guide accordingly.

Don't be in a hurry: the seasonal challenges and rewards won't go away next week. You have the entire season 13 to tackle all challenges. With this system, Bungie wants to combat foray fatigue and FOMO (fear of missing out).
