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Elon Musk promises to significantly improve the work of satellite Internet soon


Elon Musk promises to significantly improve the work of satellite Internet soon

The Starlink Global Satellite System, capable of providing broadband Internet access, was launched exactly three years ago. In honor of a small holiday for such an ambitious project, its creator, Elon Musk, shared information about the future.

According to him, the satellites of this system will cover most of our planet this year, and next year they will be able to provide access to the Internet from anywhere on Earth. SpaceX sends out about 60 small satellites every month. This will soon significantly improve the quality of satellite Internet. Starlink speed will double and reach 300 Mbps, along with this the delay will be minimal - at the level of 20 ms.

These have shown the ability to completely replace the current capabilities of cellular communications. However, Max recalled that in densely populated areas with developed network infrastructure, Starlink's capabilities will be limited. Satellite Internet will be primarily focused on remote residential areas of the planet.
