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How to choose the right keyboard, what to look for?


How to choose the right keyboard, what to look for?

The keyboard is something we touch every day many times. Naturally, you want it to be as comfortable and practical as possible. But how do you choose the keyboard that's right for you? We analyze the nuances.

Choosing a keyboard is an extremely responsible matter, regardless of what purpose you need it for. But what should you pay attention to in order not to miscalculate and choose the keyboard that is ideal for your purposes? And if you are looking for answers to this question, then you have come to the right place.

Keyboard assignment

Keyboard assignment

The purpose for which you take your keyboard is the nuance from which you will start. Everything here is as simple as possible, because determining whether you need a keyboard for games or typing is the easiest thing that can be. So, you have decided on the purpose. We can move on.

Keyboard size

How to choose the right keyboard, what to look for?

The second point that you always unconsciously draw your attention to is size. And the choice for this parameter just depends solely on your goals and preferences. For example, if you are often on the move, then you would prefer to take the smaller option.

Keep in mind, though, that it's nearly impossible to find a compact gaming keyboard. Small in size, there are basically only office options designed directly for typing. So expect specialized gaming options to be noticeably more cumbersome than the rest.

Key mechanism type

How to choose the right keyboard, what to look for?

Now on the market, two types of keyboards are most common: mechanical and membrane. There are others, but this is already something exotic. So let's focus on the most common types of key mechanisms.

And right away it's worth talking about the advantages that mechanical keyboards have. They are extremely durable, there is a wider selection of keyboards with different button travel, ease of pressing, pleasant tactile communication and ease of button replacement. Perhaps the best advantage of such keyboards is that they prevent or significantly slow down the development of tunnel syndrome. The disadvantage of such keyboards is the volume.

The membrane keyboard is also not without its advantages. Such models are noticeably quieter, press more softly, but often have a long key travel. And although there are practically no advantages over mechanics here, membrane models are still in use today precisely due to their lower price.

Button Height

Button Height

There are only three kinds of buttons in height, namely low, medium and high. The most common type is keyboards with tall buttons. They are used by the vast majority of gamers and are the oldest. The high keys are really great for video games, as you can find the button you want without error without looking at the keyboard itself. In general, they can be considered universal at all, since they are extremely well suited for printing text. After all, they used to only use them.

If we talk about keyboards with lowbuttons, they are the most preferable already for permanent work with text. As a rule, these keys have extremely low travel, due to which typing is much faster. But for games, this option, although in theory, is suitable, but still such gameplay will be difficult to call comfortable. And yes, it is the low keys that are installed in compact keyboards, which are created for occasional transportation with you.

Well, if we talk about average, then they, oddly enough, are the average option in literally everything. And if you often play, but also periodically type text, then do not rush to take the keyboard with the keys of medium height. This is a mistake many people make. The fact is that not everyone is comfortable with such a height. You can handle the high and low keys just fine, but the middle ones can give you constant discomfort, and simply reduce your productivity. So before you take such a keyboard - first test it for at least ten minutes.

Keyboard connection method

Keyboard connection method

If 5-10 years ago there was no such question when choosing a keyboard, now everything is different. Today there are several ways in which you can connect your keyboard to your computer.

First, let's take a look at the most common one, namely the USB connection . This type is the most common and is used to connect both gaming and office keyboards. It is good for its simplicity and speed of response. That is, in any case, you can connect such a keyboard to any PC with a free USB connector. You don't need to worry about anything. Just plug in and be happy.

Another connection method is relatively young. And yes, as you already understood, this is a Bluetooth connection... Now you can easily find a wireless keyboard related to both the gaming and office segments. And in general, the response times of modern keyboards are really so low that the difference between wired and wireless connections is essentially lost.

However, don't think that this applies to all options. If you take a Bluetooth keyboard for 500 rubles, then you will clearly get, to put it mildly, a product of mediocre quality. But, be that as it may, if you need a keyboard specifically for typing texts, then you can easily take the option with Bluetooth. If you are a gamer, then there are no contraindications for buying a Bluetooth keyboard either. In any case, try to take a model with at least Bluetooth 5.0. Then you will definitely not regret it.

Well, the third option is a wireless connection using a special USB adapter , thanks to which information from the keyboard to the PC is transmitted using a 2.4 GHz network. This method is, by and large, identical to the connection via Bluetooth , but still slightly more stable.

Ergonomics of controls

Ergonomics of controls

When choosing a keyboard, you should pay attention to how and where the various buttons, individual blocks are located, at what distance from each other, at what angle and at what elevation.

For an office keyboard, for the most part, it doesn't matter at what distance the keys are from each other, while in gaming keyboards, the distance between the button blocks should be present (we are talking about the distance between, for example, the block of the main buttons of letters with numbers and buttons F1, F2 ...).

Also, some keyboards have some buttons higher than others. This can be done both for the purpose of improving ergonomics, and simply as a manifestation of design ideas. And if the first point does not interfere in any way, but, on the contrary, helps with use, then a simple elevation horizontally for some may not be to their taste.

For the most part, this point is strictly individual. Of course, ergonomic keyboards are better than others, but they are also expensive. So make a start from your own preferences and physiological characteristics, since, again, not everyone is comfortable working at a keyboard whose buttons are tilted.

The presence of legs and palm rest

The presence of legs and palm rest

Far from departing from the "elevation" mentioned above, let us take into account that it is more convenient for some people to sit and work at the keyboard, which has it, and to some, on the contrary. Fortunately, the vast majority of modern keyboards are suitable for both. It's all about the legs, which can be put or removed at will. But still, not absolutely every keyboard has them, so when choosing the right model for you, pay attention to this.

Another extremely important point that directly affects both overall ergonomics and comfort in use is the palm rest. It exists so that you do not strain your hands while typing or playing, keeping them in weight. The palm rest allows you to work at the keyboard for longer because your hands are less tired. But again, not everyone is comfortable with such stands. And if you are one of these, then look for an option either without or with a removable stand.

Availability of additional function keys

Availability of additional function keys

In fact, the keyboard can be much more functional than some might think. The fact is that on some models there are additional buttons that can significantly simplify or speed up the execution of some actions. For example, some keyboards have additional volume and backlight buttons.

Also, you can often find an additional key that allows you to put your PC to sleep in one click, and so on. There are quite a few additional keys that can perform different functions, however, on gaming keyboards, it is quite rare to find a large number of such keys, although there are exceptions. Often they are in abundance on office models.

Another very individual point. Moreover, there are many programs to configure any function for any key. However, if you are used to, for example, switching music with separate keys, do not forget to check their presence in the new desired keyboard.

Keyboards are a rather individual thing, which makes it important to evaluate a variety of criteria when choosing the right one for you. Therefore, you should not blindly trust various tops, believing that the model proposed to you will suit you anatomically or functionally. This critical peripheral should always be personally tested before purchasing.
