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How to use the map in Valheim. How to add and remove a label and use the "ping" function


How to use the map in Valheim. How to add and remove a label and use the "ping" function

Placing markers on the map in Valheim is a very useful mechanic. As you come across places of interest such as caves, burial chambers, and mineral deposits, you will probably want to mark them up so you can return to them later. Let's figure out how to do it.

Every game in Valheim takes place on a randomly generated map. These cards are always the same size, they are always round, and the player always starts from the center. Most of each map is the ocean, and the land itself is an archipelago of islands.

How to use the map in Valheim. How to add and remove a label and use the "ping" function

As you explore your own unique map in Valheim, you will probably start to encounter various landmarks scattered around the world. Each map has dangerous locations, including tombs, crypts, and dungeons, which are often guarded by enemies. If at the moment you are not ready for battle, you can remember this place by marking it on the map.

How to use the map in Valheim. How to add and remove a label and use the "ping" function

The mini-map can be seen in the upper right corner, it shows a small area around the character, as well as the direction of the wind, which is shown by a white arrow. But the mini-map only gives you an idea of ​​a part of the surrounding world.

How to open and use the card

To open the world map, press the "M" key. On a large map, you will see all the areas that you discovered during your exploration and a yellow arrow indicating your current location.

How to open and use the card

The icon in the form of a circle surrounded by four stones indicates your starting area. The horns icon shows the location of the boss if you have already interacted with the corresponding boss rune. Uncharted territory is covered in the fog of war, which changes color depending on the time of day.

How to use the map in Valheim. How to add and remove a label and use the "ping" function

You can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel and move the map by holding the left mouse button. You can also hover your mouse over specific areas to see which biomes they are . A small text will appear in the upper right corner to identify them.

How to put a blue dot (ping) on ​​the map

Valheim has a system that allows you to quickly highlight important areas for you and other players with a blue dot (ping). This is mainly useful for chatting in multiplayer to quickly check a specific location on the map. On the world map, hover over the area you want and press the middle mouse button. The blue dot will remain active for 8-10 seconds before disappearing.

How to put a blue dot (ping) on ​​the map

Other players will be able to see the location of the ping, as well as the name of the player who created it. However, this type of map mark is only suitable for quick use, the blue dots quickly disappear and leave no traces. If you want something more durable, then you'll want to use markers.

Pings are also useful in solo play to maintain your course as you head towards a specific location.

How to put a marker on the map

With the world map open, look at the bottom right. You will see a column with five icons. To the left of this column, there is an octagonal button that you can click to indicate if other players can see what you have marked.

Click one of the icons in the column, and then double-click the left mouse button anywhere on the map to place the selected icon. A text box will appear in the middle of the bottom of the world map. Here you can enter whatever you want to give a name to the created tag. This should be a clear description of what you found, or you might get confused about your tags.

How to put a marker on the map

To remove a marker, simply hover over it and right-click. Note that these symbols only appear on the minimap when you get close to them. There are no accompanying turn signs or waypoints to show the route in the game, so you'll have to use a large map to find your marker.
