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Pokémon GO: Guide to "All in One ... No. 151" - That's Shiny Mew


Pokémon GO: Guide to "All in One ... No. 151" - That's Shiny Mew

In Pokémon GO you have the opportunity to do Shiny Mew with the special research "All in one ... No. 151". We will show you all the steps known so far.

This is what it's about: Participants in the Kanto Tour can unlock the special research "All in one ... No. 151" by completing the quest series related to Shiny Ditto .

The new quest series then includes some difficult tasks that guarantee, among other things, an encounter with Shiny Mew. Not all steps are known yet. However, we will show you the tasks that you know.

Special research "All in one ... No. 151" - steps

There are a total of 4 levels in special research. However, the tasks are quite tricky and take a lot of time.

So far, 2 of the 4 levels are known. All other tasks will be a long time coming, as a quest at level 2/4 takes at least 30 days.

All in one ... No. 151 1/4

Get the Kanto medal on platinum51 hyperballs
Send 151 gifts to friendsA Knursp
Get 151 great throws1510 stardust
Level reward:  If you complete all tasks, you will receive 5100 XP, a raid pass and 1510 stardust for completing it.

All in one ... No. 151 2/4

Catch a Pokémon for 30 days in a row51 hyperballs
Catch 151 different types of PokémonA glacier module
Catch 30 Normal-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Fire-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Water-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Plant-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Flight-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Battle-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Poison-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Electric-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Ground-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Rock-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Psychic-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Ice-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Beetle-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Ghost-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Steel-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Dragon-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Dark-Type Pokémon151 EP
Catch 30 Fairy-Type Pokémon151 EP

Level reward:  If you complete all tasks, you will receive 5100 XP, 3 special sweets and 1510 stardust for completing it

What you need to know here: This quest takes at least 30 days. So you have to catch at least one Pokémon for 30 days in a row. If you forget it in one day, you will be reset and have to start over with the quest.

All in one ... No. 151 3/4

Not known so farNot known so far
Not known so farNot known so far
Not known so farNot known so far

Level reward:  Not known yet

You have to know that here: The tasks are not yet known, but Niantic has already mentioned some tasks in advance that will still be waiting for you. So far it is not known whether they are required at level 3 or level 4. This includes:

  • Reach level 40
  • Spin 151 different PokéStops
  • Run 151 kilometers

All in one ... No. 151 4/4

Not known so farNot known so far
Not known so farNot known so far
Not known so farNot known so far

Level reward:  Not known yet

Why always 151? That's because Mew is the 151st Pokémon in the Kanto-Dex, and this region has a total of 151 Pokémon to offer. The number is therefore placed at the center of special research.

Then how is there Shiny Mew? This is not yet entirely clear. It will likely be part of the special research rewards.

The dazzling specimen from Mew is guaranteed, however. So you don't have to worry about not getting hold of the Shiny.

Is there also something for players without a ticket? If you haven't bought a ticket on the Kanto Tour, you won't have access to Shiny Mew's special research.

However, it may well be that the players without a ticket will get their own research with Shiny Mew a little later. However, this has not yet been confirmed.
