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TOP 10: OPEN WORLD GAMES 2021 (It depends on the size!)


TOP 10: OPEN WORLD GAMES 2021 (It depends on the size!)

You know that: Open-world games usually give you so much to do that there is no end in sight. But if it is not only really big, but also really good, one likes to be stuck in a world for months. The following ten titles should be ideal candidates for this. Especially now, of course, the following applies increasingly: Postponements are possible at any time.

10th place: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

The 35th anniversary of the The Legend of Zelda series is just around the corner and Nintendo could hardly celebrate this occasion better than with Breath of the Wild 2. The first part set new standards for open game worlds that quickly were adopted by other genre representatives. But the plot of Breath of the Wild left a lot to be desired. We hope that the sequel picks up on the standards of the predecessor, but focuses on a dark story - at least the one and a half year old trailer promises that. We wouldn't mind a new Zelda that exudes an atmosphere similar to Majora's Mask on the Nintendo 64.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

9th place: Skull & Bones

Ubisoft's pirate spectacle Skull & Bones is another title that has disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle of the video game seas. It was announced in 2017 as part of E3. The following year the title was even playable at the fair. But since then nothing has happened - except for postponements. At the moment it seems at least possible that the year will be put to sea. The gameplay of Skull & Bones is based on the sea battles of Assassin's Creed: Origins, but has been significantly expanded and refined. With your pirate ship you cross the Indian Ocean, attack merchant ships and fight against other privateers. Both tactical skills and full action should play a role.

9th place: Skull & Bones

8th place: Dying Light 2

Will Dying Light 2 come up this year? We hope so, because after the first impressions we really feel like doing acrobatic action in a world full of zombies. Its structure is tailored precisely to the parkour mechanics that protagonist Aiden uses to move. The second major pillar should be the story, which repeatedly requires serious decisions. On the one hand, these influence the relationship to people and groups. On the other hand, the game world should also change - depending on the course, this can have advantages or disadvantages.

8th place: Dying Light 2

7th place: New World 

Hopefully with the sudden end of Crucible, Amazon learned some important lessons in game development. New World is supposed to be big, even huge! And there should be a lot to do on Aeternum Island. The beta was a bit cumbersome, but it was already impressive with its beautiful world. The quests were rather grind-heavy and the combat system needed more dynamism, but the faction battles knew how to impress. We are excited to see what Amazon will tease out of this open world in the last few meters until the release.

7th place: New World

6th place: Cyberpunk 2077 (next-gen & DLCs)

For those for whom Cyberpunk 2077 is going well, the Opus Magnum from the developers of CD Projekt RED has the densest and most atmospheric world of the modern game in store. In terms of design, plasticity and character diversity, there is hardly a modern title that can keep up with Cyberpunk 2077. The neon party that has become a game is complemented by a gripping story that inspires all RPG fans. But the best is still to come: in 2021, not only will all systems be properly patched, but a free DLC will also be served. So one thing is already certain: Cyberpunk 2077 will also pull us in front of the neon tubes in 2021!

6th place: Cyberpunk 2077 (next-gen & DLCs)

5th place: Gotham Knights

Batman is dead - and now other superheroes must follow in his footsteps. Gotham Knights sends Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing and Red Hood to the gloomy metropolis to ensure law and order there. Similar to the Arkham games, the entire area is open to the heroes, which is teeming with small and large villains and missions. This time you don't have to fight alone, you can play the whole game as a couple in co-op mode. The four heroes have special team moves that they can use to take the bad guys apart.

5th place: Gotham Knights

4th place: STALKER 2

14 years after the first part, the time will finally come in 2021: We are allowed to roam the contaminated area around Chernobyl again, loot vigorously and survive deadly radiation anomalies. We waited a long time in vain for signs of life from a sequel to the open-world classic. But the first trailers created exactly the feeling for which fans loved STALKER at the time. If the developers at GSC Game World deliver such a depressing and believable experience again, we'll be happy to spend the whole year near the reactor.

4th place: STALKER 2

3rd place: Biomutant

A lot of time has passed since the Kung Fu open world game was announced. In 2018 we were able to steer our furry martial arts protagonist through the colorful world of Biomutant for the first time. Unfortunately that was the last sign of life of the game for the time being. According to the developers, you want to give yourself enough time to fill the world with interesting content and not just build a large sandpit. With a team of just 20 people, this can take a while. But that will soon be over, because in the meantime publisher THQ Nordic has announced that the open-world RPG will be released on May 25th for PS4, Xbox One and PC. We are very curious to see whether the long wait was worth it.

3rd place: Biomutant

2nd place: Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 continues the well-known and successful formula of the series. This time it goes to the seemingly heavenly Yara. But the impression is deceptive, because President Antón Castillo rules the state with a hard hand. He is embodied by none other than Breaking Bad and Mandalorian star Giancarlo Esposito. In the shape of Dani Rojas, you fight from now on on the side of the revolution against the despot. This typically takes place as an action adventure in an open world that has everything between the jungle and the capital to offer. With animal helpers, all kinds of vehicles and loads of weapons, you take action against Castillo and his troops. That looks once more like a full action cracker!

2nd place: Far Cry 6

1st place: Horizon: Forbidden West 

Around four years after its predecessor, Aloy continues her apocalyptic adventure. Horizon: Forbidden West leads the warrior into the previously unexplored west of her country. There she suspects the cause of a dangerous epidemic that threatens all life in the world. Graphically and playfully, the sequel should also be a real pleasure. The first trailer already gives a foretaste of this: Aloy roams dense jungles and dives into picturesque underwater worlds. Especially on the Playstation 5, the graphics should be incredibly good. Horizon: Forbidden West will also appear on Playstation 4.

1st place: Horizon: Forbidden West
