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Where to find honey and how to build a bee hive in Valheim. How to make bees happy


Where to find honey and how to build a bee hive in Valheim. How to make bees happy

We can say that bee hives in Valheim are one of the most important components in survival, because they save you from the need to constantly leave home and search for honey in the forests, being in danger. The bees in the hives will give you honey, from which you can make potions and various mead options to restore health, stamina, and so on. When you start making potions and mead, you will realize how much they make life easier. It is then that you will think about building your own apiary next to the house. We will tell you how to do this in our guide.

Where to find honey

Honey is produced by bees in wild and domestic hives. Wild Hives can be found in two biomes : the Meadows and the Swamps. In the Meadows biome, you need to look for abandoned houses and remnants of buildings, it is in them that wild hives are located on the walls and under the roof. In the swamp biome, hives are not so common, they are mainly found in trees in the immediate vicinity of the swamp itself. You make your own home bee hives and put a queen bee there, from which honey bees appear.

How to find a queen bee and open a blueprint for a bee hive

All you need is one queen bee. In search of her, you need to go to the Meadows biome and find an abandoned house there. Abandoned houses (though not all) have hives. You need to destroy one of these hives and check if there is a queen bee in it. We advise you to destroy the hives with simple or fiery arrows so that the bees do not attack you. Every time you see an abandoned house, check it for a hive, and a hive for a queen. You can only build another hive in your apiary if you have another queen bee.

How to find a queen bee and open a blueprint for a bee hive

How to build a bee hive

For one bee hive you will need one queen bee, 10 wood and a hammer. There must be a workbench near the hive installation site. It is best to choose a fenced-in area to protect the bee hives from the attacks of hostile creatures. We advise you to build hives at a distance of about one meter from the ground or about two meters from each other, otherwise the bees will not produce honey. If the space for the apiary is limited, then you can build hives closer to each other, but at different heights. Place hives a few meters from the fence that encloses your area, otherwise creatures such as trolls can harm the bees with their attacks. In turn, the bees can get angry and attack a hostile creature, then you will lose some of the insects. One hive at a time can produce up to 4 x 4 units of honey.

How to build a bee hive

How to make bees happy

To get honey, you need to keep the bees happy. That is why we wrote that hives should be built at a certain distance from each other - the mood of the bees depends on this. If the hives are too close, you will see a sign that the bees are unhappy.

How to make bees happy

How to collect honey from bee hives

This is the simplest in the whole honey production process. You just need to go to the hive and press E to collect the honey. One hive can produce up to four units of honey per day. The amount of honey depends on whether the bees were happy. The more honey you want to collect per day, the larger the apiary you need to build. But do not forget about the distance between the hives and the optimal distance from the main fence.
