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Windows 10: Show file extensions - that's how it works

 Windows hides known file extensions by default. We show you how to display file extensions in Windows 10, 8 and 7 here on OkayGotcha.

Windows 10: Show file extensions - that's how it works

What are file extensions?

File extensions indicate which file type it is. Examples are JPG or EXE files. Windows hides the file extension by default, so that you cannot see at a glance which file type is present. We explain how to change that below.

Windows 10: This is how you show the file extensions

  1. Open any folder, for example by pressing the key combination [ Windows ] + [ E ].
  2. Click on " View " in the menu bar .
  3. Click the " Show / Hide " button
  4. Places a check mark in front of " Filename extensions ".

Windows 7 and 8: Show file extension

  1. Open any folder by pressing the key combination [ Windows ] + [ E ].
  2. Click the " Organize "> " Folder and Search Options " button in the upper left corner .
  3. In the new window you select the tab " View " above .
  4. Removes the check mark for " Hide extensions for known file types ".
  5. Confirm below with the " OK " button .
  6. Windows now shows all file extensions.

File extensions are useful to see immediately what type of file it is. Otherwise you have to rely on the file symbol or you can open the file with a double click. The associated program that opens then also shows which file type is present. In the case of attachments from unknown and non-confidential e-mails, it is better to display the file extensions and not run the files blindly.
