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Zandronum is a multiplayer port for the classic Doom and Doom II


Zandronum is a multiplayer port for the classic Doom and Doom II

Immortal hits from id Software are still relevant and even continue to acquire new content.

In Doom and Doom II of played back in those days, when all the usual mice had one button, the keyboard was very mechanical, and the computers themselves are often based on the OS such as BASIC. In accordance with the age, vanilla Doom is becoming obsolete by the second, so only amateur packages with edits and fixes for modern systems can offer a full experience of playing the great classics.

The Zandronum tool provides 64-player online play in competitive modes - Team Deathmatch, Classic Deathmatch , Duel, Asymmetric Terminator, Escort and a few others. A cooperative game is also possible - the "Survival" mode against endless waves of opponents and the "Invasion" mode. By the way, the project supports a large number of new monsters and unique weapons.

How to play Zandronum

  • Download the modification from the official website .
  • Open the file zandronum3.0-win32-installer.exe and unpack it to the folder with the installed game.
  • We start the game, invite friends.

Recall that in the original game there were only two multiplayer modes - "Fight to the death" and cooperative passing levels. Moreover, initially there were no separate levels for multiplayer, and those who studied the storyline and the bugs of the original maps could gain an advantage over other players. An interesting fact - the set with the game included the DWANGO program, which allowed playing over the Internet and used the 666th port!

The Zandronum modification supports modern versions of Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and is distributed free of charge.
