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Diablo 2 Resurrected announces plans for Alpha - you can test twice


Diablo 2 Resurrected announces plans for Alpha - you can test twice

Diablo 2 Resurrected is slated for official release in the course of 2021. Before that, there will be two alphas, as Blizzard explained, and the single-player part can be tested first.

What did Blizzard think of the alphas? Lead producer Chris Lena explained in an interview with PCGamesN that players are allowed to participate in two alpha phases. The first of these revolves around the single player part of the hack and slay Diablo 2 Resurrected. The second is supposed to be a multiplayer stress test.

We'll start with a technical alpha of the single-player part and then we'll have a second technical alpha, which is a multiplayer stress test.

Chris Lena, lead producer of Diablo 2 Resurrected

Blizzard hopes for a lot of feedback on Diablo 2 Resurrected

When do the alphas start? There is currently no date. It just means that they will take place before the action RPG's release, which is scheduled for 2021.

What is the purpose of these test phases? The players should be able to help shape the future of the Diablo 2 Resurrected announced at BlizzCon 2021 . For example, the team is hoping for a lot of feedback on balancing, which can be adjusted according to the opinion of the testers.

It is important to use the feedback to make the game exciting and interesting, especially for modern player communities.

This is how you can register for the Alphas: Even if there is no appointment yet, it is already possible to register for the test phases. You can do this on the official Diablo 2 Resurrected website . There you click on the button “Registration for the technical alpha” and then log in with your account.

With a little luck you will be selected for the tests as soon as they start, Blizzard will then let you know.

In the 6-minute gameplay video of Diablo 2: Resurrected you can already get an impression of what the new old game looks like.

What can you expect with Diablo 2 Resurrected? The Hack'n'Slay is a remaster of the classic from 2000. Basically, Blizzard just wants to modernize the graphics, for which a nice 3D engine is used.

The gameplay of Diablo 2 should be preserved. Basically, you experience the action role-playing game as you know it from before, only with better graphics. The levels are recreated exactly as they appear in the original. How exactly this works, we then find out in the alphas. There will also be a few quality-of-life improvements that can make the gameplay easier for you. Underneath a shared booty chest.
