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Resources in Loop Hero - how to quickly get metal, wood, stone, metamorphosis, ration, book of memory and so on


Resources in Loop Hero - how to quickly get metal, wood, stone, metamorphosis, ration, book of memory and so on

Loop Hero is a rougelike game in which you play as a knight traveling through a fictional world. In the game, you need to restore balance and order, collecting various cards and creating your own new world. With this, you can also find resources to equip your camp. Today we will tell you what resources exist in Loop Hero, as well as give some tips for quickly obtaining useful items.

To begin with, it should be noted that all resources in the game are divided into two types - primary and secondary . To get the main resources, you need to collect a certain amount of secondary resources. The amount of resources currently available can be tracked in the upper right part of the screen. Below we have described all the resources available in the game, as well as the quick way to get them.

Resources in Loop Hero - how to quickly get metal, wood, stone, metamorphosis, ration, book of memory and so on

How to get scrap metal

The main way to get scrap metal is to ignore unnecessary items in your inventory. When your inventory is completely full and you receive new items, the same number of items will be removed from your backpack and turned into scrap metal. Each destroyed item is equal to one resource unit.

How to get stable brushwood

To get stable brushwood, you need to place the following cards next to it:

  • Meadow next to the treasury ;
  • Place a grove on the movement map and walk along it (+1 stable brushwood).

How to get noticeable change

This is a secondary resource that you can collect by placing various cards. To get a "noticeable change", place the following cards next to each other:

  • Meadow next to the treasury ;
  • Meadow next to the lighthouse ;
  • A meadow next to a mountain or rock .

How to get the surviving rubble

  • Build a graveyard to get 1 crushed stone each passing through this cell;
  • You will receive crushed stone every time you use the " rock " or " mountain " cards .

How to get a ration

To obtain one unit of soldering, you will need to place the following cards next to it:

  • Meadow next to a rock or mountain ;
  • Meadow next to the treasury ;
  • Meadow next to the lighthouse ;
  • From time to time, the active grove card can add one unit of resource when the hero passes this cell.

How to get a Fragment of Memories

This resource can only be obtained in one way. You need not to spend the received cards for a certain time in order to completely fill the space for the cards, and they began to disappear. For each card that disappears, you will receive one “fragment of memory”.

How to get permanent metal

  • The resource will be obtained after collecting 13 units of "scrap metal".

How to get stable wood

  • Collect 12 units of "stable brushwood" to obtain this resource.

How to get a surviving stone

  • To get it, you need to collect 10 units of "surviving rubble".

How to get a grocery stock

  • To collect this resource, you need to find 12 units of "rations".

How to get metamorphosis

  • Obtainable by collecting 20 "Noticeable Change" Pieces.

How to get a memory book

  • Collect 10 Scraps of Memory to obtain this resource.

How to get a lot of resources at the same time

When placing cards with resources, you can create effective combinations. To get a one-time bonus, use the two combinations described below.

Treasury . The game has such a card as " Treasury ". This card can be installed in any empty place on the map, if there are no other cards nearby. When filling empty fields around the treasury with various cards (meadows, rocks, mountains), you will receive a one-time bonus, which includes:

  • Two random maps;
  • Two unique items (clothing or weapons);
  • 15 random resources.

After that, the treasury will be considered empty. You can remove this card using the "oblivion" card and install another card convenient for you in its place.

How to get a lot of resources at the same time

Important : To receive bonuses, you cannot place the treasury on the edge of the map! There should be 8 free cells around the treasury to place resource cards. If you ignore this condition, you will not receive a one-time bonus!

Note : An empty treasury generates powerful monsters - gargoyles. These enemies will appear randomly on the map. To avoid their appearance, we recommend using "oblivion" and getting rid of the empty treasury.

Rocks + mountains . If you place a 3 by 3 square of rocks or mountains, these cards will create a “mountain peak”. For this combination, you will receive 10 random resources. This combination also has a negative side, since once every 2 days a mountain peak will create a strong enemy - a harpy .

How to save some of the resources safely

If you want to safely save some of the resources without completing the expedition, then you need to pump the level of your character to at least six. Sometimes at this level three different skills will be available to you, among which there will be the "Stocks" skill. This skill allows you to save 10% of all collected resources each new circle, when the character passes the cell with his camp. This ability is perfect for safe preservation of the obtained resources, since after death, most likely, most of the loot will already be in your camp.
