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War Thunder - Soviet attack aircraft Su-17M2 with variable sweep wing

 Undoubtedly, one of the main innovations of the upcoming update "Javelin Strike", which managed to appear in the teaser of the upcoming patch, is the Soviet Su-17M2 fighter-bomber , which the creators of the online action game War Thunder have finally decided to tell in more detail.

This aircraft is unique in that it will be the first in the game to boast a variable sweep wing, which allows it to reach speeds of almost Mach two, even with an impressive take-off weight. In addition, the vehicle has a high strike potential provided by an extremely diverse outboard armament, including bombs, cannon containers, NAR and guided air-to-surface missiles, including the most powerful Kh-29L.

In addition to the top attack aircraft for the USSR, the developers presented the SARC Mk.VI , another armored car from the South African branch. It is equipped with a 57mm rapid-fire cannon and is ready to offer good mobility.

War Thunder - Soviet attack aircraft Su-17M2 with variable sweep wing
