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WoW: Even Blizzard is afraid of Patch 9.1, says a Twitch streamer


WoW: Even Blizzard is afraid of Patch 9.1, says a Twitch streamer

Blizzard worries that no one will want to play World of Warcraft's 9.1 patch once it is finished. At least that's what a streamer with developer contacts claims.

Who's speaking? Roberto "Towelliee" Garcia has been a Twitch streamer for many years , mainly plays WoW and has built up quite a large audience, which is mainly due to the good atmosphere and his personable character.

In the past, he has been in contact with Blizzard employees who have chatted with him a little.

What was said According to Towelliee, he spoke to someone at Blizzard about Patch 9.1 and the fact that the patch seems so far away. Towelliee said in the stream:

I spoke to someone there. And I said, '9.1, I'm worried' and the person replied, 'I'm worried too.' Lots of people at Blizzard are concerned. If 9.1 takes as long as they suspect, that when 9.1 comes out, people won't want to play it anymore because it just took SO long.

It's the people 'over there' [at Blizzard] who say that. They know they are in trouble. This is really sad. Because they want 9.1 and this expansion to be so good and just have a hard time making it.

This is just a lot of undeveloped territory. And no, Covid is not a cheap excuse, I think that's perfectly acceptable. I don't think it's a good thing that this is taking so long, but I know why it is.

We can only hope that in the next few months everyone will be vaccinated and that they [the developers] can go back to the offices so they can get some real stuff out again, so that we can at least get a real 9.2 patch.

Keep in mind that these statements are not officially from Blizzard, but Towelliee is so far considered reliable and accurate.

Why is this delayed? The main reason for the delay seems to be the corona pandemic and the associated switch to working from home. According to Blizzard's statements, it ran with almost no problems and losses in effectiveness, but this claim crumbles more and more the longer the time between release and patch 9.1 lasts.

Could you live with it if Patch 9.1 had Chains of Dominion until summer? Or will you turn your back on WoW with such a long wait? 
