If you have Telegram, you will know that it is one of the functions that does not interest us and that bothers us the most: the notifications of contacts who join Telegram. They are common, every day there is someone new who installs the messaging app and you receive a notice, a chat is automatically created for you to talk to that person. Luckily, you can disable notifications for contacts who join Telegram if they are annoying to you.
They can be useful if you want to gossip, at specific times. If you want to know who mistrusts WhatsApp or Telegram is installed because of some fad or a political party that asks to use this app. But generally they are annoying and unhelpful notifications.
Notices on Telegram
The "bad" thing about these notices is that it is not simply a notification that appears on your mobile phone to alert you that someone new is in the app, but rather that a new conversation is created for you to talk to that person who, generally, gives you same. We usually have more than 100, 200 or 300 contacts on our mobile phone and receiving a notification on Telegram with a new chat open every time someone arrives can be uncomfortable and unnecessary. Generally, we do not want to talk to most of the people they tell us about or if we want to talk, we will take care of creating a conversation ourselves. But we don't want our chat window to fill up with notifications from people who have joined.
This is especially annoying in some cases: a privacy notice appears on WhatsApp and you receive 10 or 20 notifications from contacts who have joined Telegram, for example. Therefore, luckily, we can deactivate these notifications of contacts that join Telegram. It will only take a few seconds to do it.
Disable new contact notifications
The first thing you will have to do is open Telegram on your mobile phone and touch on the three lines in the upper left corner of the screen that will take us to the settings. In the new drop-down section that has opened on the left, tap on "Settings" to open the application settings and remove these annoying notifications when a contact joins. Once inside settings, look for the "Notifications and sounds" section.
Here we will find the following subsections:
- Private chats
- Groups
- Channels
- Vibration
- Ringtone
- Globe on icon: On / Include muted chats / Count unread messages
- Sounds in the app
- Vibration in the app
- Preview in the app
- Sounds in chat
- Importance
- Events (edit)
- A contact joined Telegram
- Pinned messages
- Etc
Delete the chats and log out
- Tap on the three lines in the upper left corner
- Click on your name or "Settings"
- In the configuration section, touch on the three points on the right
- Tap on "Sign out"
- Log in again with your phone and verification code
Remove notifications
- Open your mobile phone settings
- Look for the "Applications" section
- Tap "Applications" again if there are multiple options or menus
- The full list of apps and games will appear on your mobile phone
- Search Telegram in the list or with the search engine
- Here a series of settings will appear (Notifications, permissions, data usage ...)
- Choose the first one: Notifications
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