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Streamer loses # 1 on Twitch because he's too toxic even for GTA 5


Streamer loses # 1 on Twitch because he's too toxic even for GTA 5

Streamer Félix "xQc" Lengyel is no longer the most watched streamer on Twitch. His viewing hours fell by half at the beginning of April 2021, since he was no longer allowed to play on the role-playing server for GTA 5 , "No Pixel". He was thrown from the server 3 times. The last intoxication was probably too much. Since the ban, xQc has been streaming much less on Twitch.

This is how the numbers of xQc have developed:

  • A week ago, xQc had 9.27 million viewer hours on Twitch in 7 days - that earned him the clear number 1 place. He was over 3 million hours ahead of the runner-up
  • Now it has crashed to 4.22 million hours at the same rate. With that he has lost over half of his viewing hours. But that's still enough for a strong 2nd place.

The new number 1 on Twitch is now the permanent channel Ludwig, whose subathon just doesn't want to stop. In contrast to xQc, Ludwig has even grown in the last week.

xQc is banned from the role-playing server to GTA 5 3 times

Why did xQc lose the number 1 spot? In the extremely busy week before, xQc was almost constantly on the way to GTA 5 on the role-playing game server "No Pixel". He played a criminal who kept clashing with police officers who were embodied by other streamers.

That's where xQc's nice lead goes.

The cat and mouse game and the constant conflicts with the police were extremely well received by the fans of xQc:

  • xQc kept getting upset about the supposedly lousy treatment he was getting from the cops.
  • He accused the cop streamers of wanting to profit from his fame and harassing him by stopping him and forcing him to interact with them longer
  • Once, xQc shot and killed two cops from a prison cell with a gun he had smuggled in. He felt that he was being treated unfairly

But xQc no longer shows GTA 5, because he was banned from the server after xQc had again messed with the cops at Easter.

"I'll be back on the road very soon!"

At the beginning xQc apparently thought that this third permanent ban would also be lifted quickly like the first two:

  • One of the cops told him the whole server hoped he would log out and not come back
  • But xQc was certain that it would soon be back on the road

In the days that followed, it became a running gag. In the stream, the topic was always that xQc would be unbanned practically every second and he would be allowed to play GTA 5 again.

3rd ban of xQc in GTA 5 No Pixel was probably permanent

Fans wanted to see him in GTA 5 again. xQc itself probably longed to continue its adventures on the role-playing server.

But it doesn't look like xQc will be back on the streets of the simulated city anytime soon. As xQc explains in its Discord, the last ban was apparently permanent.

He says he'll stay out of it all to see if he can play GTA 5 again, but initially seems to expect that this time is over.

Without the role-playing server in GTA 5, xQc has obviously lost its interest in streaming. So he was on the air significantly less in the last week. In addition, he apparently has business that he must pursue. This is how he got his own flavor at Gfuel, the “Juice”. xQc often calls its viewers “juicers” and has been talking about “the juice” for years - but what exactly that is he doesn't even seem to know himself.

Does the ban also have a negative effect on GTA 5? Well, about 4 million viewing hours are missing - just like xQc. But the hours have different effects:

  • While xQc has lost 54% viewer hours in the last 7 days
  • GTA 5 loses only 10% of the viewing hours in the same time on Twitch

Apparently, the operators of No Pixel decided to listen to the other streamers: It had demanded many serious consequences for xQc after he had behaved selfishly and toxic on several occasions. In conflict situations, he appears self-centered and ruthless. Apparently, after long stream sessions, the horses always run away with him and he lets his emotions run free. His fans appreciate it when he behaves like that, but other streamers don't appreciate it.

After the last incident, other Twitch streamers urged No Pixel: They did not want to serve as “fodder” for xQc clips on YouTube, as he uses them for his own purposes.

This is how it works for xQc now: xQc still has a lot of viewers when he streams Minecraft, but significantly less than when he was in GTA 5. By the way, he's doing great in Minecraft. Nice to see that he has his temper under control: 
