Maybe at some point you have created a Telegram account but you do not want to use it after a while because it no longer serves you or because you have uninstalled the application and you do not want messages to continue to arrive. In that case, you can activate the self-destruction in Telegram that will allow your account to be automatically deleted after a while without you having to worry about it.
If you do not use Telegram regularly or if you are worried that you will stop using it in the future and messages continue to arrive, you can have it deleted. You do not have to delete it immediately, but you will program the self-destruction so that it is deleted after a while if you stop using the application permanently.
Keep in mind that if you program self-destruction in Telegram and it is completely deleted , you will lose everything: you will lose your contacts, all your messages and your account. If you want to have one again, you will have to re-register in the application with your phone number and with a nickname to start over. But you will have lost the contacts with whom you speak and of which you do not have the phone number.
What is self-destruction?
As we have explained in previous paragraphs, this Telegram function allows the account to be deleted after a while if you are not online at least once during that period. It is automatically deleted if you are not going to use it so you do not worry if you have used Telegram once but do not want to use it again. You may use it once for something but you don't need it anymore. Self-destruct will not remove the applicationfrom your smartphone but your account will be deleted and when you log in again, your data, your chats and your contacts will not be there. The application will still be there and you will have to uninstall it manually. It will also work if you uninstall the app and forget about the account: after a while they will stop being able to write to you because you will not appear as available with a user profile.
How to activate
You can activate and deactivate self-destruction whenever you want or change the corresponding period so it doesn't matter if you regret it. It is not something irreversible and we can deactivate it in just one second. You can schedule self-destruction in Telegram and deactivate it in two months if you have regretted it. Or in a month or in a week, as long as you want. You will not need to go to the settings to restart the self destruct or to cancel it. Although to restart or pause the period, it is enough to be online for a few seconds and the countdown will be canceled to delete your account.
To activate it, the steps are very simple:
- Open your Telegram application on your mobile phone
- Go to the three lines in the upper left corner
- Choose the profile if you have two associated numbers
- Tap on Settings
- Access the Privacy and security section
- Look for the option "Delete my account"
- Touch to open the different options
- A drop-down menu will appear "Account self-destruction"
- One month
- Three months
- Six months
- One year
- Choose the period of time you want
- The pop-up window will close automatically
- It will have been configured
Enabled by default
Delete active sessions
- Open Telegram on your mobile
- Touch the three lines in the upper left corner
- Open Settings in the options menu of the app
- Look for the Active sessions section
- You will see which is the current session open and which others are at that moment
- Application used or web version
- Phone / Computer
- IP adress
- Location
- Date of connection
- Tap on "Close all other sessions"
- Login only where you want and where you are going to use it
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