How to set the resolution and what to register in CS: GO
The latest version of Counter-Strike was released back in 2012. And quite quickly, this simple and understandable network shooter has gained great popularity. Today Global Offensive is played by about a million people every day. And if you also want to join this virtual celebration of life, but your computer does not produce stable 60 FPS even at low graphics settings, then we will share with you a simple but effective way that helps everyone!
How to configure CS: GO launch options
First, configure the properties of the executable file (this can also be done through a shortcut on the desktop).
- Find the csgo.exe file (it can be, for example, here: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Counter-Strike Global Offensive ) and go to its properties ( RMB > Properties ).
- In the "Compatibility" tab, check the "Disable full screen optimization" and "Run this program as administrator" checkboxes .
- Click "Edit Options High DPI" and select "Application" in the paragraph "Overriding zoom, high-resolution" .
- Click OK twice.
Now let's set the parameters for launching CS: GO on Steam for weak computers:
- Start Steam .
- In the list of games in the "Library" section , find Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and go to properties ( RMB > "Properties" ).
- In the General tab , click Set Launch Options .
- Enter the following (without quotes!): "-Novid -nojoy + fps_max 300 + cl_forcepreload 0" .
- -novid - will disable the startup splash screen.
- -nojoy - will disable support for controllers, freeing up some RAM.
- + fps_max 300 - will increase the maximum FPS to 300.
- + cl_forcepreload 0 - Disables texture preloading.
- -threads - activation of all available cores and threads (natively supported for a long time).
- + mat_queue_mode 2 - similar to the previous parameter.
- -high - high priority for the game (may still be relevant for old Windows).
- -d3dex9 - This API is enabled by default in the latest versions of the game.
Setting up CS: GO graphics for weak PCs
Set all settings except anti-aliasing , anisotropic filtering and resolution to minimum. It is better to leave the native resolution (in most cases 1920x1080), disable FXAA anti-aliasing and leave the automatic option for MSSA, and turn the anisotropic filtering to maximum (it practically does not affect performance).
Should I lower the resolution in CS: GO?
It is very often advised to lower the resolution. However, this will not only dramatically degrade the picture, but will also reduce the field of view in most cases.
Optional: disable HPET for CS: GO
HPET stands for High Precision Event Timer. This feature has been deprecated many years ago. In some online games, it even leads to problems, especially on AMD processors.
The easiest way to disable HPET is in Device Manager: find “High-precision event timer” in the “System devices” section and click “Disable” in the right-click menu of the PCM.
That's all! Let me know in the comments if you know other ways to increase performance in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
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