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How to Disable Auto Guidance in Serious Sam: First Encounter


How to Disable Auto Guidance in Serious Sam: First Encounter

If you suddenly want to play timeless classics, for example Serious Sam: The First Encounter , you can face a ton of unexpected technical problems. One of them is the weird auto-aiming that annoys most players. In a short guide, we will tell you if this problem can be solved.

Despite the advanced age of Serious Sam: The First Encounter, you can still find questions from players about the strange aiming system on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is still no solution. The crosshair sticks to close enemies and, on the contrary, floats strangely when hovering over obstacles.

How to Disable Auto Guidance in Serious Sam: First Encounter

The only way to change the situation is to use the command line to fine-tune the game. Press the "~" (tilde) key to activate. The game will freeze, after which you can enter combinations without any problems. There are many options, but we are interested in those that affect aiming:

  • / hud_fCrosshairOpacity = 0-1 - scope transparency;
  • / hud_fCrosshairRatio = 0-1 - disable / enable changing the size of the crosshair relative to the distance;
  • / hud_fCrosshairScale = 0-3 - crosshair size;
  • / hud_bCrosshairColoring = 0-1 - remove / show information in the form of the color of the crosshair relative to the enemy's health;
  • / hud_bCrosshairFixed = 0-1 - makes the crosshair fixed; in the game, he has a strange habit of moving slightly when aiming at an obstacle.

On the forums, players agree that these teams are the only opportunity to somehow influence the scope. It's not clear why the developers ignored such an explicit request from fans around the world. Given the years that have passed, it is unlikely that the problem will be resolved.
