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New World: The best builds for tanks in expeditions


New World: The best builds for tanks in expeditions

The expeditions are the classic dungeons in New World. We reveal strong builds with which you can take on the role of the tank.

What are these builds? We present you here 2 builds with which you can optimally perform the role of the tank. Above all, tanks have to withstand a lot, attract opponents and keep them in the AoE of the other players. It is also good if they can also control enemies, for example with a stun or by throwing them to the ground.

The finished skill trees, which you can see embedded as images, come from the website, which already has a tool for creating builds.

Tank with sword and war hammer

Why is this combo being played? The main task of any tank is to be able to hold the aggro, i.e. the attention of the mobs. The best way to do this is to provoke, a skill with which you are practically forced to attack a certain target.

Provoke can be obtained through various shield abilities, but also the war hammer. For this, however, you need the provocation gem. You have to use it in the sword and ideally also in the hammer so that 3 of your abilities trigger the effect.

Your remaining 3 skills are mainly responsible for CC on the enemy.

How do I distribute the attributes? As a tank, you are fully defensive and therefore distribute 300 points in constitution. This generally brings you more life and provides passive effects such as longer stuns and slows, less damage from critical hits and additional life based on 10% of your physical armor.

Which skills do I use with the sword?

  • Shield storm
  • Shield smashers
  • Defiance

With the right gemstone, shield smashers and defiance become your skills with which you provoke enemies. Defiant stance also reduces incoming damage, which is important for survival. The Shield Storm, on the other hand, is useful for knocking down enemies and then slowing down the Intimidating Storm passives.

In general, you distribute the most skill points in the Defender tree. You can skill in everything except Concussive Smash (the end of Shield Slam) and Restoration (the final effect of Defiance). Particularly important effects are Defense Practice (gives you a buff if you successfully block) and Defense Formation, which reduces damage to allies when you block.

You only want the Liberating Justice effect from the Swordmaster tree. This will remove Debuffs from you Heavy Attack. To get there, you can choose to skill Achilles Heel or Empowering Strike.

The skill points distributed with the sword.

Which skills do I use with the war hammer?

  • Demolition hammer
  • Shock wave
  • Path of fate

The hammer is exactly the opposite of the sword. The Shockwave skill gives you Provoke, while the other two skills are mainly there to keep enemies under control.

In the skill tree Moloch you use the passives Crashing Spawn and Exhausting Attacks to unlock the Demolition Hammer ability. There you take the security measures talent with you, which gives you the reinforcement buff and thus less damage. In no case, however, should you skill free space, otherwise opponents will be thrown away from you, which you actually want to prevent.

In the mass breaker tree you can kill your attacks to the end. A strong passive is outnumbered here, which means you get less damage when you are surrounded by multiple enemies. You will also get some Persistent Spirit self-healing whenever you use a CC ability. Last but not least, you unlock the last bonus aftershocks so that you constantly slow down enemies and they can't run away from you.

The skill points distributed at the hammer.

What does the equipment look like? When it comes to equipment, you should be as defensive as possible. Accordingly, you rely on heavy armor with attributes such as constitution and a bit of strength to improve both of your weapons. Both the hammer and sword have strength as a primary attribute.

What is the rotation of skills like? You usually open the fight with the sword and use your skills to draw shield storm and then shield smashers into battle. Then you try to block some incoming attacks and use stubbornness if you need more provocation and want to prevent incoming damage.

If opponents run away from you or the damage is too great, you can throw the opponent to the ground with a demolition hammer and slow them down. Shockwave is also there to stun enemies and can also be used to build up more aggro.

It is fundamentally important that you ward off strong attacks from enemies and especially from bosses with a shield and blocks. Blocking with the shield also helps against ranged attacks that otherwise cannot be blocked.

Is there an alternative way of playing? Yes, basically you choose the same attributes and use the exact same skills with the sword, but instead of the hammer you use a battle ax. Again, you get an additional ability that triggers Provoke, and other CC skills.

Our second build in the guide offers a more offensive option, also with the sword.

Tank with sword and hatchet

Why is this combo being played? Basically, the build is already based on the sword and warhammer build that we already presented, but with more offensive aspects. So you have more damage abilities and also inflict weakened armor with the ax, which benefits the entire group.

Also useful is the healing you get from the ax's berserk ability, as well as the sickness and weakness that the Infected Throw attack inflicts.

How do I distribute the attributes? As a tank, you are fully defensive and therefore distribute 300 points in constitution. This generally brings you more life and provides passive effects such as longer stuns and slows, less damage from critical hits and additional life based on 10% of your physical armor.

The remaining points are invested in the attribute strength to increase the damage from the sword and hatchet.

Which skills do I use with the sword?

  • Whirling Blade
  • Shield smashers
  • Defiance

With the right gemstone, shield smashers and defiance become your skills with which you provoke enemies. Defiant stance also reduces incoming damage, which is important for survival. The Whirling Blade, on the other hand, is an offensive ability that you can use to hit all enemies in the area.

In general, you distribute the most skill points in the Defender tree. You can skill everything except the line of the Shield Storm ability and the Passive Restoration ability (the last effect of Defiance). Particularly important effects are Defense Practice (gives you a buff if you successfully block) and Defense Formation, which reduces damage to allies when you block.

From the Swordmaster tree you want the whirling blade, the passive abilities Opportunities (to reduce the armor of your opponents), Liberating Justice (to remove debuffs from you) and Counterattack (for additional damage if you successfully block an attack) .

The skill points distributed with the sword.

Which skills do I use with the hatchet?

  • Berserk
  • Rending throw
  • Infected litter

The Berserker ability is one of the strongest in New World. You passively gain running speed, life points, free yourself from a stun and your attacks cannot be blocked. The skills Shredding Throw and Infected Throw are then used to inflict another good deal of damage on the enemies and to cover them with debuffs.

In the skill tree Berserker you go through the entire line of the ability of the same name down to the bottom. The centerpiece is also the passive defying death that is waiting at the bottom. It prevents you from dying every 75 seconds and instead makes you invulnerable. The Reinforcing Beating ability also gives you less damage if you hit the same target multiple times in a row.

In the throwing tree you will skill each of the two abilities, with the ripping throw only going up to the ability Targeted Impact. The passive binge drinking is also useful, through the throws against enemies with debuffs that you inflict yourself with your ability to regenerate your stamina. So you can avoid it more often.

The skill points distributed by the hatchet.

What does the equipment look like? When it comes to equipment, you should be as defensive as possible. Accordingly, you rely on heavy armor with attributes such as constitution and a bit of strength to improve both of your weapons. Both the hatchet and the sword have strength as a primary attribute.

What is the rotation of skills like? You usually open the fight with the sword and use your skills to pull Whirling Blade and then Shield Slayer into battle. Then you try to block some incoming attacks and use stubbornness if you need more provocation and want to prevent incoming damage.

For some damage you switch to the hatchet and activate the Berserker ability first. This heals you and your attacks cannot be blocked. You then inflict the great damage with Rupturing Litter and Infected Litter. Then you switch back to the sword, block incoming damage and wait until the cooldowns from the hatchet are recharged.

It is fundamentally important that you ward off strong attacks from enemies and especially from bosses with a shield and blocks. Blocking with the shield also helps against ranged attacks that otherwise cannot be blocked.

Is there an alternative way of playing? Yes, if you would like to play offensively on the side, you can also play a combo of sword and fire stick. The aggro is mainly held here by the AoE damage. Alternatively, build 1 from this guide can also be played well.

There are also tanks without a sword, but are they useful?

Tank builds without a sword are very rare. The reason for this is that the Defender skill tree gives the most defensive bonuses. In addition, the sword has 2 skills that can have the effect provoke, and also offers the most positive effects if you block incoming attacks.

However, there is a safe support build that is played with a war hammer and life staff and which is supposed to be a good tank survival. However, this sometimes has problems with aggro. A combo of life stick and ice cuffs is also possible, although this is more in the direction of healers.

What do you think about the dungeons so far? Have you already been on the road as a tank or as another role in it? Please write it in the comments.
