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In this guide, we'll show you how to deal with Rush Royale bosses - how to counter them and what tactics to use. There are many new players in the game who ask these questions: "How to stand up to the Tribunal in Rush Royale", "How to defeat Bedlam in Rush Royale" and so on.


If you don't know how to play against certain bosses, then this guide is for you. This article will help you face all the bosses in Rush Royale, so without wasting time let's get down to business.

Rush Royale bosses

  • Tamer
  • Gorgon
  • Bedlam
  • Witch
  • The tribunal
  • Puppeteer

There are currently 6 bosses in Rush Royale and each boss has their own unique abilities. For example, the Tamer and the Gorgon are very easy to counter, but when you are playing against the Warlock, Bedlam, Tribunal or Puppeteer, you must use some of the strategies that we are going to talk about in this guide.

How to counter all bosses in Rush Royale:



The Tamer is one of the easiest bosses in the game. The tamer's ability is very simple: it summons a portal that spawns minions, these minions appear behind the Tamer, you can easily kill him with your 1st level attack pawns in 2-3 seconds. If the Tamer is your first boss to appear during PVP, it is very easy to kill him, but if he comes out third or fourth, then it will be more difficult. In any case, the boss is simple and easy to kill.



The Gorgon is also very easy to kill. Its main ability is that it turns your pawns into stones. This means that when pawns are turned to stone, they cannot deal any damage, and accordingly cannot attack the Gorgon. So make sure you fill your board with as many pawns on the board as possible.

The tribunal

The tribunal

The Tribunal is one of the most hated bosses in Rush Royale. His ability is very different from other bosses. It downgrades half of your pawns by 1 level, so more units on the board means more units will be downgraded or lost.

The tribunal lowers 50% of your pawns by 1 level.

  • The tribunal does not destroy units, it lowers their fusion rank, and if their fusion rank is 1, they die.
  • if their merge rank is 2, the tribunal will demote them to rank 1.
If you have 11 pawns on the board, he will attack 6 pawns instead of 5, so make sure you have an even number of pawns on the board when he uses his ability.

There is also another trick to beat the Tribunal in Rush Royale. When you play against him, you can save your mana, and once the Tribunal uses their abilities, you can spam units with the mana you have accumulated to easily kill him. This trick is used by many players and it works well.




This boss is easy to kill compared to the Tribunal. With his ability, he throws 1 fireball, and this fireball targets and destroys 1 random pawn. There is one trick here: since the fireball animation takes about 1 second, you can have time to remove the pawn from the fire and connect it to another. But for this you need to have other pawns of the same rank on the table, which is not always possible.



Like the Tribunal, Bedlam is also one of the most hated bosses in Rush Royale, and many people don't know how to counter Bedlam and what deck and cards work well against him.

First of all, let's talk about his ability: he exchanges every pawn of yours on your board for alternate random pawns of the same confluence rank. It is very difficult to beat Bedlam in Rush Royale, but it is not impossible. If you're lucky enough, you can kill him before he uses his ability. You just need a Bombardier and some high DPS cards in your deck. Why do we need a Bombardier? Because he has the ability to stun the boss for a few seconds. And when he stuns Bedlam, your high DPS cards can kill him before he uses his ability.



You will be able to meet the Puppeteer in PVP mode and on wave 60 in co-op mode. Unlike other bosses, the Puppeteer has not one, but two nasty abilities that he will use in turn to affect your units.

  • First ability: Decreases the mana gain of all units by 1.
  • Second ability: shifts your field to one side by one cell. Units on the edge in this direction move to the other side.
If this boss drops out first in PVP mode, try to fill the board with your attacking pawns as much as possible, without using mana boost. Alternatively, you can try to kill him before he uses his abilities, as we described in the case of Bedlam.
