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Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough - The Taking of York, The Fall of Bayeux and Other Quests


Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough - The Taking of York, The Fall of Bayeux and Other Quests

In this guide, you will find a complete walkthrough of the Age of Empires IV strategy .

Capture of York, 1069. How to capture Middlethorpe, Fulford, repel Danish attacks and destroy the keep of York Fortress

Follow forward to the settlement of Middlethorpe and destroy several enemy units. Defeat the Middlethorpe rebels and take over the settlement.

Capture of York, 1069

When the settlement is captured, you have to develop your economy. For starters, you need to create enough settlers, build houses , arable land and sawmills . This settlement will not be attacked until the end of the mission, so it should be used for food and timber.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

After completing the task of developing the economy, several more detachments of horsemen and spearmen will join you. Now you cannot build barracks and other military structures, so you will have to go to Fulford with the available units.

In Fulford, you need to fight two large units of spearmen and archers. Go around the settlement on the right and hit the rebels from the side of the gold mine.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Once you capture Fulford, collect enough food and gold, then build a landmark to move into the feudal era. From time to time, the Danes will attack Fulford, so it is necessary to build a fence from a stockade and put towers with archers in order to repulse attacks without loss for your army.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Do not waste gold and send it as a gift to the Danes, as they are allies of York. It is best to gather a large army and destroy the Danish camp. But first, build some shooting ranges and stables to create archers and horsemen. Since in this mission there is a limit on the number of inhabitants in your settlements (200), then, most likely, you will not have enough one army to destroy the keep of York Fortress. When you decide to head to the Danish camp, and then to York Fort, be sure to prepare the line for creating archers and horsemen in your camp. Thus, with each lost fighter in your army, new riders and archers will be created.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

In addition to wood and food in Fulford, you can also mine gold and stone , but now there is no need for this. Deal with the Danish camp, take the gold and go to capture York.

At the gates of York you will have to defeat several squads of riders and archers. Break through the city gates and move deep into the city. Prepare for the fact that the army you have collected will not be enough to capture York.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

When you get to the keep of York Fort, try to destroy it as quickly as possible. The fact is that at this moment enemy units will begin to arrive from all over the city. Ignore the arriving units and attack the keep.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

But if you fail to complete the task, return the king to Fulford and gather a new army. Having attacked York once, attacks from its side will become more frequent.Therefore, destroy the keep as soon as possible.

Fall of Bayeux, 1105. How to take over a forest village, study siege work, build battering rams and destroy Bayeux

Reflect the attacks of the riders with English archers, and then the spearmen will join you. To protect against the riders, use the palisade (select all archers by double-clicking the LMB and press the Q key ).

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Follow the road west. Cross the bridge and capture the forest village with your existing units.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Place archers at the entrance to the forest village and lay siege to them to repel periodic attacks. Develop the settlement at this time.

Construct the following objects:

  • Sawmill;
  • Arable land;
  • Residential buildings;
  • Forge;
  • Barracks;
  • Shooting ranges;
  • Stables.

Build a forge and study the far right improvement that will allow you to create siege towers and wooden rams on the battlefield. The rest of the improvements can be researched in any order.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Before storming Bayeux, accumulate at least 48 spearmen to place them in battering rams. One ram - 16 spearmen.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Just develop your village and fend off attacks until you learn siege and build three battering rams, you can go to the Bayeux gate and destroy it.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Mission victory depends on the size of the army. If you understand that there are not enough fighters, return to the village and gather more units. Destroy Bayeux defenders and city buildings to complete the mission.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Battle of Tenshbra. How to ravage the settlements of Martigny, Fresne and capture Duke Robert

Send your army east and ravage several villages near Duke Robert's castle. To do this, kill all the inhabitants and destroy all the houses in the settlements. Collect gold in destroyed villages to ask for help from other rulers. In the first village you will find 700 gold, and in the second - 400.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

In the upper right corner, click on the single icon and select the units of your choice. When you destroy the first village, an enemy army will appear in the east of the map. You need to intercept it and destroy it. If you do not have time, then Robert's powers will far exceed yours.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Destroy the first village, collect gold and buy a few more units before the final battle with Robert. During the battle, be sure to protect the squad of archers with a palisade (select only archers and press the Q key). Even if all the infantry units are killed, it can help you defeat Robert's army.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Battle of Bremuelle. How to repel a French attack

Select all living units on the map and send them to the only fortified settlement in the south of the map. Now you should develop your economy and gather several large units in a short time to repel the French. Set up arable land , sawmills and quarries to extract gold and stone.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

It is best to build several observation towers in front of the city gates in addition to the existing ones. So you can quickly deal with the arriving enemy units. When you manage to repel the main forces of the French king, from time to time enemies will raid your settlement. Reflect attacks in time and don't let the city walls be destroyed.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

In fact, you are not limited in time, but to quickly complete the mission, build at least three units of the following military structures:

  • Barracks;
  • Shooting range;
  • Stables.

Having collected a strong army, you should queue up to create the maximum available number of units, since one army will not be enough for you for the final battle with the French king.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

Fight off two settlements in the central part of the map, but do not linger in them. Follow the road north to fight the King of France. In this case, you should leave your leader in the settlement. When the main part of the enemy's army is destroyed, gather another army and defeat the remaining enemies.

Age of Empires 4 Campaign Mission Walkthrough

To be continued...
