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While playing Battlefield 2042, you may occasionally encounter the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG error message. We tell you how to fix this bug.

In Battlefield 2042 like many other games, you will occasionally encounter bugs related to your graphics drivers.

This is particularly the case with the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG error which affects Nvidia graphics cards and we explain below the different methods available on the Internet in order to resolve this bug.

How to fix DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG error on Battlefield 2042?

If you encounter this message, the first thing to do is to verify that all of your graphics drivers are up to date . To do this, follow the instructions below:

  • Press the Windows key on your keyboard
  • Then type the word Device Manager in the search box, then open Graphics Cards
  • Select the graphics card you are using and right click on it then choose Update Driver
  • Be sure to choose Automatically check for updated driver software and let Windows install the latest version of the driver.
  • You just have to restart your computer

In case you updated your driver is still not solving your problem, repeat the above actions , but instead of clicking on Update Driver click on Properties and go to the tab Drivers , then tap Restore Driver . If the problem persists, here are other solutions.

Update DirectX

One solution that seems to work is to update DirectX . To do this, go to the DirectX installation page ( source ) and download the application. You just have to install it , then relaunch the game to check if the bug has been resolved.

Disable your sound card and remove your RAM modules

If the previous methods do not work, you can also remove your RAM modules to verify that the problem does not come from one of the modules. So remember to test them one by one by removing them and putting them back as you go . It is also possible that your sound card is the problem. To check if this is the case, go to:

  • Device Manager and left click on Sound, video and game controllers
  • Then right click on your sound card and then tap on Disable device
  • Now check if the problem persists

Change your Nvidia settings

Another reason why you are having this problem might be your Nvidia settings which are incorrectly set . To correctly adjust your settings, go to the Nvidia control panel and do the following actions:

  • Click 3D Settings , then click  Adjust Image Settings with Preview
  • Under Preview , check the box  Use advanced 3D image settings and apply
  • Now go to Manage 3D Settings and under the Program Settings tab click Add and choose Battlefield 2042
  • All you have to do is click on Select preferred graphics processor for gaming and choose the high performance NVIDIA processor .
Finally, if the problem is still present, remember to check that your card is not overclocked . For this, you will have to restart your PC and access the BIOS which is accessible by pressing the key indicating on your screen on restart. If you continue to experience the bug,  submit a service ticket on EA Help ( source ) to have an advisor assist you in resolving your concern.
